Thursday, November 02, 2023

''Mighty Mike'' Johnson Is Out Of Contro!? : Establishment GOP Runs For Cover?

 The establishment Republicans are under a lot of pressure now as Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House of Representatives, is actually doing what he said he would if elected, was to save the country from the disastrous democraaat rage to take as much as they can from the population of working citizens before the total collapse of the county is upon us! 

This is not what the good established Republicans congress know and understand, the country is much better off in a constant crisis and heading to destruction. They believe trying to explain what to do to save the country is too difficult. Their people back home won't understand anyway what's needed. Actually, many legislators have no idea or the balls to do the heavy lifting to fix the problems!!

It's just easier they say we are doing everything we can but actually just ''punting'' the problems to the next generation to solve while they present generation takes the money and hides under their desks away from the cameras.

The time is way over due to take a stand and fight for what we all
know is right to save our country from default!

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