Friday, July 31, 2020

November Is Voting Time! : Chose With No Regret!

The choice is clear. Law and order, freedom and liberty or a life time of tyranny and destruction? Hate and pillaging of civil society.

This November, you can chose your own destiny. Just remember, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose"!

Portland, Oregon The New Normal!? : What's Left For Everyone Else?

Now a picture is worth a thousand words?  Does it matter? They are progressive socialist democraaats who always escaped responsibility and now they loot and destory our cities, still do. Trashing America while they live well on other people's money, sweat and blood.

Who Are The Protester's? : Looting And Burning For Justice?

A short tutorial on identifying peaceful protester that roam at will in our streets finding other peoples property just laying around, just waiting for someone to take it home. These people are just the best. Real Americans

Jho Biden Tells A Story About the Irish : Lest We forget!

Here's a cool statement from Jho Biden that explains a lot!

Progressive Socialists, communists, Demonstrate Equality : They Burn And Loot Everyone!

As the building burn and stores are looted every night and every day around America, the "Orange Man" has to take the responsibility for the destruction. 

After all, the progressive democraaats are admitting they are communists now, that want only equality and inclusion, even if it's only until they have driven the population into submission for control.  They find it necessary to continue the looting and burning of other peoples property to demonstrate their over all sympathy for the dead and injured they leave behind in their over all drive for ultimate power.

Joe Biden Confronts Reality : How To Condition The Voters To Nonsense!

This could happen, not likely given his record of saying things that are beyond reality, but if it did happen this would be the reaction of the general public. They are so use to hearing him say things that boarder on insanity, a statement of clarity would be a revelations.

The "Sniffer In Chief" " Children And Women At Risk?

And hopefully this kid is in a 'red state' where the police still exist!

Joe Biden Lays Out His Cabinet : Trust Me He Says!

Joe Biden's brain is not in question, his brain is just the results of having to remine a captive in a progressive socialist liberal ideology where reality doesn't exist! So if Joe Biden seems to be missing a few steps in his travels to show his abilities to lead, wonder no more why his brain is no longer viable.

Pelosi - A Relic of The Past : A Dinosaur Headed For Querry !

WOW - the internet was down for the last several days but finally now it's back. It's really something to deal with when it happens 'out if the blue' leaving you gasping for reality!? Well it's over but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still it's nice to have the ability to communicate. something that we all take for granted, first amendment stuff that is under fire from those that wish control of all out comes like the dinosaur pictured below.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Linus explains to Lucy The Meaning of Backbone : Corporate Backbone!!

And if the truth be known, a lot of corporate CEO's need a lot of training! By the way, where are the share holders in all of this criminal activity?

Way Is Joe Biden In The Basement? : Who Put Him There?

By the way, who told Joe Biden he had to say in the basement in the first place? His wife? From past meetings with the press, she was always close at hand. And further, now we all know why. His histor over the last year on the national stage during the democraaat debates was enough to show the world who Joe Biden is and what he is capable of.

 I bet if you bring him out into the sunshine in the morning, he will love it. Everyone loves sunshine and fresh air. And to top off coming out and having to walk up those mean old steps, some orange juice and maybe a sweet role will great and fun. 

That you can be assured will being out the Joe Biden famous smile that everyone loves!(Wait, what's that smell? Did he pee before coming out? No? damnit! And here comes the media!!)

Joe Biden Comes Out to Meet And Greet! : Who Are You? Where Am I?

When it's time for the national debates to take place, Joe Biden will have to explain how he plains to lead the nation and the free world. The biggest problem for Joe Biden in a leadership role for the country and the world, he isn't sure of anything other then he has to go to the men's room, he has to pee!

So make sure you vote for Joe Biden as a way to prove you hate this country and yourself more then enjoying a life of freedom and liberty. It's amazing, but millions of citizens and non citizens will willingly do just that!!!

How Does Socialism Work? : How Does Capitalism Work?

The real problem is most progressive socialist liberal democraaats don't think, don't contemplate situations, they react like they are told. And worse, many among us who are not besotted with rage and ignorance, follow the crowd, the mob as it surges into our civil society reeking havoc and destruction. All the while the majority of the population, working in the trenches of life stands aside wondering what's happening because it all makes no sense.

How did the flu season suddenly become a pandemic? Where is the data, the research documents that state the Wuhan thing is a mass killer worse then the flu, the common cold? ? Who decided masks weren't needed and distending wasn't needed either. The Wuhan thing was just another corona virus like the flu? 

Who was it weeks later decided we all are going to die if drastic measures weren't taken? Models from the CDC said 2.5 million will die(all of a sudden?) Who decided to shut down the economy to save the population from the Wuhan killer?

Oh no, say it aint so, a 36 year career federal government bureaucrat? What??? 

The destructors have been raised their entire lives with everything that any human being could desire in a free society, but apparently it wasn't enough as they now want everything you have as well and they are taking it by force! Your freedom, liberty and eventually your life.

Do you think this absurd? Hey, vote democraaat this November and find out the hard way! If you vote for self destruction, you have no clue who you are or what you are!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Most Important Man In My Life : My Father, A 3rd Grade Dropout!(Video)

Here is a ten minute or so video from a guy who succeeded because he had a farther with a 3rd grade education but the wisdom of Job! Watch the whole thing, it is so inspirational and rewarding to understand it really is about the will to succeed and knowing you aren't alone in the struggle.

Why Johnny Carson Stayed Out Of Politics : Comedians Are About Humor Not Self Indulgence!

Johnny Carson explains why he and other comedians should never use their talents for political endeavors as it might help them believe they are someone they aren't! It's dangerous. And if not comedians, what about actors from Hollywood that read from scripts but take center stage and proclaim themselves to have insight that the average person doesn't.

The actor takes on the mantel of a character from a script they played in a movie, but believe they are just as insightful and intelligent as the person, the character from a figment of imagination written on  a piece of paper.

Words Mean life And Living : They Mean What they Say!(Video)

This is dated but still important as we all know from what we are told is happening and what is actually happening. We need words now that we can believe and live by! Stop making life so difficultly with illusions and delusions for taking advantage. 

And the saying goes, ''You can fool some of the people all time but you can't fool all the people all of the time!''

This guy is blind but the women is very sighted!

The Irony of Free Stuff : The Danger Is Dependency!

Just a simple note to explain why free stuff never works to establish a person moral and ethical life in an organized civil society.

Inline image

Native American "Code Talkers" During WWII : The Message Works Today! (Video)

Remember this from the past where native Indians were used to send messages in their native tongue on the battle field so the enemy couldn't intercept the messages? Many articles over the years have detailed the success of the strategy. 

Here is a short video that updates this history for those that haven't read or haven't seen a video of the record of these heroes. But this video brings in some important information near the end from a native American that is very important to our survival.

What Are The Results From The Wuhan Narrative : Divide With Fear / Destroy With Impunity!

Just a few notations to think about and decide maybe this about the Wuhan thing is just a game the progressive socialist liberal democraaats are playing on us to take power and risking the entire country as well to do it. You have to know they don't care.

Results of A False Narrative : Pandemic Fear!

The US Population is 330,000,000 and in 5 months the number of deaths was 130,000. The number of deaths as a percent of the population is 0.03939 %, compared to the number of cancer cases diagnosed in 2019 (1,762,450) and 607,000 deaths.  This doesn’t seem far fetched because it is happening before our eyes.

CDC and NIH :

Influenza 2017-2018 45 million infected, 810,000 hospitalized and 61,000 died. Why no shut down?

Influence 2019-2020 : 29 million infected, 280,000 hospitalized and 16,000 died. No one mentioned the flu!

Foundation for AID/HIV Research : World wide from 2017 - 36.9 million live with AIDS - 1.8 million are newly infected. Since 1981, 77 million have contracted HIV and 35 million have died. Where was the World Health Organization(WHO) or CDC or NIH??? (By the way there is no vaccine after 41` years!)

A very well orchestrated plan, or a unimaginable set of events that just fell into place ... with the United States front and center. You tell me!!

Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine. Demand they fear their neighbors because they don't wear masks and therefore report them to authorities!

Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every News Headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover. About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most all of them have other medical problems. Did you catch that ? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.

Authorities lie about events like NHL - NFL, MLB and NASCAR to name just a few.    

Close businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed.

Remove entertainment and prohibit Recreation; Closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.

No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them and ramping up fear.

Close Temples and Churches, prohibit worship. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness and desperation set in.

Then... ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War.

Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.

Send in Antifa to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law, Riot, Loot and Attack all Law Enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.

Then... Defund Law Enforcement and abolish Police. We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a Nation from within, and in very short order. Will it work, I guess that depends on you and me.

I did not write this ... but it needs to be shared.

Talk Show Host's Montage of Joe Biden Brilliance : A Mental Incompetent Explained! (Video)

''Crazy Town'' - Joe Biden at his best or worst - Realty! Mental incompetence on the national stage day after day, week after week and month after month! But not to worry, democraaats love this guy as he is one of them. 

Siding with Biden is like a welcome party after years of being lost in dark woods with no way out!

Information About Today : What Is Right and What Is Wrong?

Interesting take on what our civil society was and has become. A free society in a fight for it's life.
Whoever compiled this did an excellent job.

What's  Happening In Our Free Society?

This may open up a ton of outraged comments by some. Many who will argue how "wrong" this post is. My suggestion, save your time and effort! You're not changing the reality of what we are living by trying to somehow justify this insanity. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist because we are becoming the Twilight Zone. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!

• If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
• Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.
• And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!
Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus. We are living in an upside down world.

Will 2021 Become The Nightmare of 1984? : Victor Davis Hanson Explains!


This is a little long but it is extremely important given the nightmare of radical progressive socialist liberals, yes actual communists attacking our country to change it into a hell on earth like history has shown it will be!

But Victor Davis Hanson is a master at explaining how life actually works or doesn't work when others seek to take control of a free civil society.

Please make no mistake, this summation is real if the progressives take power. They have shown us all right out in the open who the are and what the intend. And even if they don't take power, President Trump will have the fight of his life to save the country from those that seek only the power for control and they will use any means necessary.

Will 2021 be A 1984?
It’s all about the power, not the equality.
By Victor Davis Hanson • July 19, 2020

Cultural revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak, and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism,” “equality,” and “fairness.”
The ultimate aim of the Jacobin, Bolshevik, or Maoist is raw power—force of the sort sought by Hugo Chavez or the Castro dynasty to get rich, inflict payback on their perceived enemies, reward friends, and pose as saviors.

Cubans and Venezuelans got poor and killed; woke Chavezes and Castros got rich and murderous.
Leftist agendas are harder to thwart than those of right-wing dictators such as Spain’s Francisco Franco because they mask their ruthlessness with talk of sacrifice for the “poor” and concern about the “weak.”
Strong-man Baathists, Iranian Khomeinists, and the German National Socialists claimed they hated capitalism. So beware when the Marxist racialists who run Black Lives Matter, the wannabe Maoists of Antifa, the George Soros-paid activists, “the Squad” and hundreds of state and local officials like them in cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, and Big Tech billionaires take power. These are “caring” people who couldn’t care less about the working classes or the hundreds of African-Americans murdered in America’s inner cities.

Vice President as President

If Joe Biden is elected, the effort to remove him by those now supporting him will begin the day after the election and it will not be as crude as rounding up a Yale psychiatrist to testify to his dementia in Congress or shaming the White House physician to give him the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test in the manner that the Left went after Donald Trump.

It will be far more insidious and successful: leaked stories to the New York Times and Washington Post from empathetic White House insiders will speak of how “heroically” Biden is fighting his inevitable decline—and how gamely he tries to marshal his progressive forces even as his faculties desert him. We would read about why Biden is a national treasure by sacrificing his health to get elected and then nobly bowing out as he realized the cost of his sacrifice on his person and family.

In the past until now, there was zero chance that the hard Left would ever win an American election. No socialist has ever come close. Even Bernie Sanders accepted that the Democratic establishment for six years broke rules, leveraged candidates to drop out, and warped the media to ensure that he would remain a septuagenarian blowhard railing at the wind from one of his three houses. George McGovern was buried by a landslide. Most Democrats, after Kennedy and until Obama, never won the popular vote unless possessed of a Southern-accented hinting at centrism.
Only the Great Depression and World War II ensured four terms of FDR, who still knew enough not to let his house socialists ruin the wartime U.S. economy.

But in perfect storm and black swan fashion, the coronavirus, the lockdown, the riots, anarchy and looting, all combined with Trump Derangement Syndrome to be weaponized by the Left—and the media far more successfully than with their failed pro forma, legalistic efforts with Robert Mueller and impeachment to destroy the Trump presidency—have pushed socialism along.
Yet even that chaos and anarchy by itself would not have been able to bring the radical Left into power. Only a “candidate” like Joe Biden could do that.

“Good ‘ole Joe from Scranton” could offer the trifecta formula for a socialist ascension: a reassuring pseudo-centrism, decades’ old establishment familiarity, and his current cognitive decline. In a rare time of virtual campaigning, virtual conventions, and perhaps even virtual debates, Biden alone could successfully massage the virus/quarantine/rioting and panic to win the election, and then nobly exit.
This is not the analysis of a conspiracy theorist but the operating principle behind the Democrats’ and Biden’s basement strategy. It is for that reason that his vice presidential selection is shaping up like none other in memory. In short, Joe Biden of all people is now the face of a cultural revolution, although even he may not fully realize it.

Fundamentally Transforming Everything

What should we expect then if Biden wins and either steps down or more or less is left as a diminished figurehead controlled by the hard Left?
First, there is one theme that unites “the Squad,” Black Lives Matter, the globalist technocracy, and the international Left: unapologetic anti-Semitism. We will see overt anti-Semitism in a way this country has not seen since the early 20th century, all couched in ideological and politically correct attacks on “Zionists” and “the rich” and “Wall Street”—and why Israel has no business being a “Jewish state.”

It has already begun with an NFL player voicing Hitlerian tropes and praising Louis Farrakhan, and then being seconded by an array of rappers, woke Black Lives Matter activists and “Free Palestine” demonstrations. To smear “the Jews” no longer is grounds for an immediate and expected apology, but more “So what are you going to do about it?” Anti-Semitism is deeply embedded within the DNA of the BLM movement—and professional sports as well, as we saw recently from the warnings of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Charles Barkley.

“Eat the rich” sloganeering and plans for a wealth tax, and jacking up capital gains and income tax rates, all seem like they are aimed at the super-rich. But don’t think weaponizing the tax code, the government bureaucracies, and the culture itself will do much to the immense wealth of Jeff Bezos, the heirs to Steve Jobs, the Google zillionaires, George Soros, the Walmart fortunes, the lesser tech billionaires, the Facebook clan, or Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet. None of them will be touched.
Why would any socialist go after the sympathetic mega-funders of the Washington Post, the Atlantic, Google or Apple News, Twitter, or Vox?

Left-wing billionaires are not so strange as we might think. After all, they can afford to be socialists. They like the idea that fewer may follow in their footsteps. They think social activism offers them penance for their hard-driving acquisitiveness. Most of all, they feel their knack for making money is proof that they have the wisdom, the right, and the need to redirect the lives of less successful others—and for the good of all.

Otherwise, the plutocratic class will spend hundreds of millions—a proverbial drop in the bucket in their fortunes—to consult with lawmakers about how to avoid their own progressive legislation and policies. It will hire phalanxes of tax lawyers, trust evaders, and philanthropy scammers that will make the architects of the Clinton Foundation seem a poor joke.

The real enemy in 2021 would be the upper-middle-class as it always is, the kulaks—and not really the professionals such as the lawyers, media grandees, and professors—although many should expect to become collateral damage.

The special targets will be the self-employed successful business class. The enemies of the people will be mostly those striving to be millionaires who run local insurance agencies, the store owners, salespeople, the successful medical practices, car dealerships, large family farms, the millions who keep the country competitive, innovative, and prosperous.

All of them lack the romance of the poor and the cultural tastes of the rich, but for the most part, they are just too damn informed and stubborn to be tolerated. They need to be marginalized by taxes, regulations, and a second-wave cultural assault that renders the prior “you didn’t build that,” “spread the wealth,” “no time to profit,” and “at some point you’ve made enough money” mere sandbox chatter.

The Coming Segregation

Race? We already see the new contours of the always changing commandments of the anointed posted on the Animal Farmbarnyard wall. A new segregation and apartheid will be sold as needed justice and enlightenment. Admission quotas and hiring on the basis of race will no longer be subtle but overt and triumphant. Separate facilities predicated on race will be common on campuses. What will happen if someone of the wrong race drinks from a fountain in a racially-segregated safe space?

Equality or superiority of result for the favored will be “justice.” Reparations will follow. The sort of creepy anti-white propaganda we saw at the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture will become orthodoxy. Some of the U.S. GDP won’t be devoted to production but rather toward ferreting out “racism” as they reconstruct society in order endlessly to punish “racists.”
Merit will soon become a dirty, counterrevolutionary word.

Discrimination and the one-drop racial rules of the Old Confederacy will be rebranded as woke, hip, and progressive. Expect more Rachel Dolezals and Ward Churchills. In Seattle, the city conducted whites-only, segregated reeducation sessions, teaching the naïve how to undo their “whiteness.” It was overseen by an office of “civil rights” and sought to ensure that white employees give up their “comfort,” and even their supposed “guaranteed physical safety.” They were to curb any “expectations or presumptions of emotional safety,” or “control over other people and over the land,” and probably end “relationships with some other white people.”

All that was missing were the Maoist dunce caps.

In 2020 we call racism and segregation “civil rights.” I doubt very many graduates of Seattle’s reeducation efforts decided to dismantle their home security system, will vote to defund the police, will declare their mortgaged home community property, or plan to shun their suburban neighbors if they appear too white looking. But that’s not the point. Instead, the state is joining the racists by institutionalizing venomous tribalism. An Oregon County tried to demand masks for all its residents except African-Americans—the sort of apartheid policy no one in his right mind four months ago would have imagined could be tried in the United States.

Borders? The wall will stop dead in its tracks, and what has been built likely dismantled. Citizenship and residency will be further blurred, with the rights of citizens insidiously transferred to resident aliens. Perhaps the word “citizen” will disappear as discriminatory. Illegal immigration will be favored over legal immigration, in that the latter is too diverse, too meritocratic, and too politically unpredictable.

Farewell to Institutions, Hello to “Progress”

The military? A progressive’s dream. It will transcend its current race and gender edicts in a way no elected slow-coach legislature could imagine. Virtue signaling and quotas will be the quickest route to flag-officer rank, and with it a nice retirement as a woke lobbyist, a wise-man member on an enlightened defense contractor board, a Wall Street “security analyst,” or a cable TV paid woke pundit. 

How a colonel handled “diversity,” not whether he understands tanks, planes, choppers, or guns will determine his chances at generalship. The Pentagon budget will be rebranded, as “national security” is no longer defined in anachronistic terms like hardware, missiles, ships, and planes, but by diversity and ending implicit bias—a sort of vast ongoing city of Seattle training session.
Finance? The country is broke. Yet the Left wants to borrow trillions for the New Green Deal, reparations, and massive new and expanded old social projects.

It can do that only through one of three ways. It can institutionalize zero or negative interest for a decade or so until the debt crushes the United States. Or it can inflate the economy, eroding accumulated wealth and paying off debt in funny money.

Or it can follow the Chrysler creditor model of the Obama Administration, and begin selectively renouncing debt obligations or reordering the priorities of various creditors. At first, the effort will appear noble and popular by canceling all student debt. But soon the Left will extend such exemptions to minority mortgages and credit card obligations. Debt cancellation and “starting over,” based on race, will be a cornerstone of the “transformation” as it has been since the age of Catiline.

High tech? Like the media, it will formally fuse into the progressive party, as elites go back and forth between jobs in Washington and those at Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Everything from the order of internet searches to censoring ads and videos for their political content will be greenlighted. 

Silicon Valley will be seen as the most important asset of the Left, both for its political utility in blocking conservative expression, and its enormous wealth that fuels leftist campaigns.
Finally, if the Senate and House go progressive along with the presidency, the filibuster will end. And we will see fundamental constitutional changes never quite envisioned. Expect legislation to make the Electoral College inert without the use of a clumsy constitutional amendment process.

The Supreme Court will be enlarged and packed on a majority congressional vote to neuter existing conservatives until reinforcements of progressive new justices arrive.
Some will wish to make senators popularly elected on the basis of demography or the Senate expanded into the hundreds—anything to do away with the paleo-idea of two senators from Montana or Wyoming standing in the way of the bending arc of history.
Such are the wages of a global pandemic, national quarantine, sudden recession, cultural revolution in the streets—and an impaired Joe Biden.
Add it all up, and 2020 may be the first, best, and last chance for “1984”—and the Left knows it.

Monday, July 27, 2020

A Short History of America's Founding : God Bless America!

The founding of our Deliration of Independence and our Constitution was forged by men of knowledge and wisdom beyond mortal human beings. We are so lucky and privileged to be living in The United States of America. 

God bless America!

(Don't know who this person is who wrote this but it carries a message that is very important for everyone who cares about freedom and liberty and how it's not free. We all must share the burden to preserve our legacy!)

To: Americans everywhere
July, 2020

First, please let me be very clear, what I have written here for your consideration is not about the Republican Party, Democrat Party, Independent Party, Libertarian Party, Tea Party or any other Party. It is about an idea conceived over two centuries ago, a country, a people, a document.

A Shirt History of How We Got Here. 
(This should be common knowledge)

Two hundred and thirty three years ago (1787) a group of men whom we now refer to as the "founding fathers," following a long and bloody battle for their independence from a dictatorial Monarchy, assembled themselves together in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and did their best to establish a country governed in a God-fearing way by representatives who were selected by the people who were to be governed.

Nowhere in the history of all mankind were there any examples or even political theory in existence that offered them any hope that a republican form of government based on the new concept of consent of the governed, could succeed on a wilderness continent which was much larger than any European state.

These men met there on the world stage to carry out the first of three acts in this epic political drama, the drafting of the United States Constitution. The final document was the culmination of a fierce political struggle that had been waged for four sweltering summer months in secret behind guarded closed doors. The document sought to reconcile individual personal liberty with the perceived need for a central government with powers to forge a political and economic common market among thirteen separate and sovereign states.

The next two acts to be performed on this world stage were the ratification of the document and the translation from words on parchment paper to institutional form and structure. 

In 1789 the first congress approved and sent to the states for ratification, a bill of rights of individual liberty, and additional rights reserved to the states. Those ten amendments, ratified on December 15, 1791, became an extremely vital part of the Constitution and crucial to greatly limiting the power of the Federal Government over both that of the people and separate states. The Republic of the United States of America, an experiment in people governing themselves was now a reality for the first time in the history of man. Newcomers from other countries, willing to be governed by its Constitution and Bill of Rights, and themselves, came in droves through the established legal immigration process, to this new land of government by the governed.

I here bring to your attention that the United States of America was formed as a Republic and not a Democracy. All our lives you and I have been conditioned to believe we are a Democracy in America. How long has it been since you have heard of America referred to as a Republic? You see, there was purpose behind the words in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag referring to our country as, "the Republic for which it stands." Ladies and gentlemen, rest assured there is a very good reason the term "democracy" does not exist either in our Constitution or the Declaration of our Independence. A true Democracy is mob rule. Any government set up as a Democracy is the same government we would have if we were set up as a Socialist, Communist, or Marxist government. In these forms the government is a mob ruling over the people with absolutely no rights for individuals or minorities.

It has been written, "The Founders were extremely knowledgeable about the issue of democracy and feared democracy as much as a monarchy. They understood that the only entity that can take away the people's freedom is their own government, either by being too weak to protect them from external threats or by becoming too powerful and taking over every aspect of life." Democracy and/or Socialism is mob rule by government. The founders of America were all too familiar with democracies/socialism, and deliberately did everything in their power to prevent a Democracy. It has been written, "In a Republic, the sovereignty resides with the people themselves. In a Republic, one may act on his own or through his representatives when he chooses to solve a problem." The people have no obligation to the government; the government is a servant of the people, and obliged to them, for they are its owner. Not only have many politicians, Republican and Democrat, lost sight of this fact, but a great many of the American people.

A Constitutional Republic has a Constitution that limits the powers of the government. The goal of our founding fathers in forming a Constitutional Republic was to avoid the disastrous extremes of either tyranny (absolute ruler) or "mobocracy." (government mob). I borrowed the following from Darrell Huckaby: "I am tired of hearing about our democracy and the popular vote. We are not a democracy, and a whole lot of people should be really glad about that, too, because in a democracy, mob rule applies. The majority is the boss of everybody, and if we had been a democracy in 1865 slavery would have never been abolished. If we had been a democracy in 1920, the women would have never gotten the vote. If we had been a democracy in 1964 and 1965, those historic pieces of civil rights legislation would never have been approved. In fact, if we had been a democracy in 1776, the Declaration of Independence would never have been adopted because the majority of the colonists were afraid to pursue independence, just like a majority of Americans opposed women’s suffrage and abolition and sweeping civil rights reform."

For the record, Abraham Lincoln did not get a majority of the popular vote in 1860, and Bill Clinton did not get a majority of the popular vote in 1992 or 1996. “Oh, yes he did!” screamed one of my Facebook friends this week. “I know Lincoln got the most votes and so did Clinton.” Most means plurality, y’all. A majority is 50 percent plus one. And while we are on the subject, we are not a democratic republic, either, no matter what the revisionist history books might claim. That’s just a term Andrew Jackson coined for political purposes in the 1820s and it stuck with some people. We are a republic, period. We have a federalist form of government where the power is to be divided between the states and the central government and neither is subservient to the other. Both are to receive their powers directly from the people."

Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government"...If we the American people don't stop this and start a reversal of the present trend, the free Republic of America will be lost for generations to come to a Socialist, tyrannical government mob. It begs the question, "Do we really care enough?" There seems to be a great awakening of all freedom loving Americans to the fact, that a people can become slaves to the government, as well as to a plantation owner. Do you really care enough? I believe we said yes to that question on November 8th, 2016 by electing Donald Trump to start a reversal of the present trend toward government rule, and returning this country to people rule. Do we still care enough to keep him there for four more years? November 3, 2020 will will have the opportunity to do that or we can trade him for Joe Biden and a people run by government instead of a government run by a people. It is up to us!!
I urge you to forward this to your entire email list. WE CAN NOT SIT THIS OUT!!! November 3 is our chance to keep our Constitutional Republic, or lose it to Mob Rule.

John Porter

The New Reality of Submission And Reward : Just Be Greatful They Let You LIve!

Where else could a disease like progressive socialism take root so easily other then a place where freedom is the rule of the land. We know how this works as Hong Kong was fighting for it's freedom against the Chinese and have apparently lost the battle but maybe not the war.

Sadly many among us have no clue what is at stake here with progressive socialsit communists burning and looting our free civil society. Of course by the time the population wakes up to this reality, their pants will have holes at the knees and their knees will have large scabs from submission.

It's always been this way all through history. Millions willingly submit! Why is this so hard to understand by so many??? You can't run and you can't hide!

Corporations In Submission : Willingly Taking A Knee To Socialism!!

The success in these cases is not something we all should reward. In fact these changes are just more tools being used to condition us to accept more false, perverse, sinister and immoral demands from the progressive socialist liberal democraaats.

The progressive socialists democraaats like the use of masks and social distancing for the population to submit, to capitulate, to willing allow others to dictate how we live now and how we must obey the rules or be punished.

This is not a game but when we see so many corporations fall to their collective knees in submission to actual admitted communists, BLM leadership, then it becomes very apparent we are in an actual war for the very soul of our country and we must fight it from the trenches where we live!

They are coming for us!

Native American ''Code Talkers'' : A Present Day Message Update!(Video)

This video on "code talkers'' has been around for a long time where the language of native America Indians was used to send messages that the Japanese couldn't understand during world war 2 while fighting in the South Pacific. 

But this video adds a new twist where our native brother has a message for the present day ''mental pandemic'' of fear and destruction and how we must come together to save our country.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Who Actually Is Doing Damage to Our Civil Society? : The Mob - Domestic Terrorists?(Video)

Here is an interesting video concerning the mob and infections. Churches and bars and eating establishments must limit the number of people that can come together to socialize, but if you are a looting and burning mob, no problem with thousands coming together to destory our country.

And who is allowing this to happen in there states? Progressive socialist liberal democraaat governors and mayors, members of the new communist party that wants only your freedom and your money. To hell with civil society!

Hey, what's not to like? Vote democraaat! Watch what happens then!!! Once you get use to being on your knees all the time, it won't hurt that bad, right?

The NBA Sells Out! : The Chinese Are Communists and So Is BLM! Partners In Hate!

The Chinese know a good thing when they see it and the NBA is just one more institution that they own. The others are the universities and the progressive socialist liberal democraaat collective, formerly the democraaat party.

What bigots! But they don't care!! It's all about the money. The Chinese never thought it would be this easy to buy so many people.

NBA Stars Sell Their souls : The Chinese Are Will to Buy!!

And what is the message from the NBA Stars? They are more then willing to sell their souls for a few pieces of silver! A behavior beyond Benedict Arnold!

The Manager Takes Fauci Out of The Game! : His Control Is An Abomination!(His Career As Well)

I just wish it would be that easy to get rid to the problem! But as long as he serves a purpose he will remain fornt and center for the porgressive socialist liberal democraaats that are intent on destroying the national economy in hopes they can link it to President Trump.

That they are knowingly do irreparable damage to the country's well being, forcing millions out of work and into property, and they couldn't care less!! It's about getting back power and by any means necessary. 

There are literally no limit to what they will do. The rest of us down here in the trench should be vigilant to what they are planning and be ready to take steps to stop it. And the best way is to vote for Donald Trump and Republicans across the board! Local, state and federal positions. Send them all to the showers!!

Allow socialist(communist) democraaats to continue to have positions of power is to assure self destruction.

The General Public Suffers The Fool! : Fauci Knows The Truth!

Just like his models for deaths from the Wuhan thing, he lied about the deaths and his still lying about the masks. The curve here is like the curve that he said had to flattened before we can come back to normal.

But as the curve is not just flattened, the curve is gone and he knows it!!! But being a good social warrior democraaat, he knows his duty to party leadership to never allow a crisis go to waste! 

He took the call to make it happen and he did a fine job of it.(He's no fool! His 36 year career has always depended on being a good democraaat! Do as he is told by his betters.)

Fauci Pitches Into The Dirt : Just Like The Shut-Down!!!

Ron Reagan Knew What To Say and When! : A Real Sport!

Just when you thought Ronny was gone, here come Donald Trump just at the right time and the right place to do the most good for our country just like Reagan!

Golf Explained(Kinda)

If you haven't tried golf when you are in your twenties, you have a lot of common sense. Still it is infectious if you have a sense seeking perfection. This of course could spell disaster! heh

Golf Described

Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle, followed by a good stiff drink.

Golf you hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and the ball goes right. The lowest score wins, on top of that, the winner buys the drinks.

Golf if you find you do not mind playing in the rain, snow, even during a hurricane, here's a valuable tip.. your life is in trouble!

Golfers who try to make everything perfect before taking the shot rarely make a perfect shot.

A' gimme ' can best be defined as an agreement between two golfers... neither of whom can putt very well.

Golf's an interesting thing.. No matter how badly you play, it's always possible to get worse.

Golf's a hard game to figure. One day you'll go out and slice it and shank it, hit into all the traps and miss every green. The next day you go out and for no reason at all your game really stinks!

If your best shots are the practice swing and the 'gimme putt', you might wish to reconsider this game.

Golf is the only sport where the most feared opponent is you.

Golf is like marriage, If you take yourself too seriously it won't work, and both are expensive.

The best wood in most amateurs' bags is the pencil.


David Letterman's Top Ten Reasons Why Golf Is Better than Sex...
#10 ... A below par performance is considered damn good.
#09 ... You can stop in the middle and have a cheeseburger and a couple of beers.
#08 ... It's much easier to find the sweet spot.
#07 ... Foursomes are encouraged.
#06 ... You can still make money doing it as a senior.
#05 ... Three times a day is possible.
#04 ... Your partner doesn't hire a lawyer if you play with someone else.
#03 ... If you live in Florida , you can do it almost every day.
#02 ... You don't have to cuddle with your partner when you're finished.

And the NUMBER ONE reason why golf is better than sex...

#01 ... When your equipment gets old you can replace it!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

She Married Him For His Tools : But Most Were Just Toys! hehe

Why not some lighter fair then the heavy fog of the impossible. That there are condoms XXXXL is something to think about.

Flatten The Curve - 15 Days : Fauci Say Maybe Not? Who Knew?

Hey, the curve will never be flattened or modified until the election in November is over! And even then if Trumps wins,  the destruction will continue as long as it takes to destory the country as founded. democraaats will do what ever is necessary to get back the power for control is rightfully theirs by birth.

The Wuhan thing is a complete political fraud perpetuated by a 36 year federal government bureaucrat. Why would anyone believe anything such a person would say have anything at all to do with the truth? 

Ask this question, how in the hell did this bureaucrat is still the leader of this organization, the NIH, for 36 years and not lie to every administration change that came along?? It sure as hell wasn't because he was a Republican!! What career federal bureaucrat in our government could remain in power and not be a good warrior for the cause? Yeah, that's right, he is a protected democraaat!

The ''good doctor'' Fauci is all about self preservation and doing what ever it takes to maintain his status as the ''go to guy'' on viruses! 

When Will The Wuhan Thing End? : "Dammit Jim, I'm A Doctor, Not A Politician"!

The crew of the Enterprise is always a step ahead of the mob! How is it they know stuff  before anyone else? Do they have a "Way Back Machine" like on the Bullwinkle moose and Rocky the flying squirrel show? 

The good professor Peabody and Sherman used it all the time? It sure seems likely the crew would have access.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Fate Is Uncertain : Hillary Is Making Plains!

And now for the other shoe to drop on the head of Jeff's friend and confident Ghislaine Maxwell. Some say Hillary has already made the call to take care of this potentially bad situation for the Clintons at large.

U.S. Corporations Giving Money to BLM Communists : Escape Is Impossible!

In the age of enlightenment who would have thought we would have to worry about our countrymen believing communism is a good idea? Why would so many CEO's of large corporation believe they can gain a better position in the market if they give money to communists that profess they will destory everything of worth that has been accomplished over the last 244 years of our founding?

Under communism there will be no market!! There will be no freedom to chose! There will be no liberty to decide who you are!

Who are these people and how did they come to the conclusion they will escape the purge by siding with  the terrorist? Haven't they read any history about the tyranny of communist agendas and ideology? Why would a corporation like Walgreens think they will escape the destruction?

After The Shutdown : Reality Is So Important to Understand!

Okay, okay I know it's probably shopped a little but why let some technically come between a good laugh so early in the morning!  hehehe

Friday, July 24, 2020

Politics In 2016 and Now!? : What's Changed? democrats = communists! Power Is Control!

What has happened to our civil society? Oh wait I know, the progressive socialist liberal democraaat demand their power be returned even it means the entire country must be destroyed to get the job done.

This isn't like just 4 years ago, everything has changed, the progressive socialists now admit they aren't just Socialists but avoid communist, trained Marxists, and are moving across the country with the intend of taking back the power they believe is theirs by birthright and by force. Looting and burning cities as the march across the land.

What good reasons to vote democraaat in November, ensuring your own demise!

NY Daily News Writer Gersh Kuntzman Fires AR 15 : Frightening! Loud! Traumatizing!

And then what happened when you got back to the big city after this ordeal in Queens? Yeah I know, you went to see de Blasio and told him to go his buddy Gov. Como to demand the entire state must disarm? Did he really do that?

 Guns are nasty and loud. I'm offended and frightened they might harm me some how.

Good Idea! Start a march in the big apple demanding all guns must be collected even by force and destroyed. And what's even better, you lock arms up front leading the march!!!

BLM and ANTIFA Are Coming For Our Guns! : The Mob Has Demands!

Good move girl! Now show the strength of your agenda and ideology by standing in front! Lead from the front, not from behind like Barrrack Ogbjmma and the progressive socialist liberal democraaats did! 

You know who these people are, they are your friends standing behind you,  the communist like when others lead and then they take up positions in rear reaping the rewards!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

"Blazing Saddles" Movie Deemed Racist! : Censored to 7 Minutes In Length!

This movie is a classic! It will live on for ever,(probably in someone's collection of their favorites) In real life though it will be banned as racist and anyone that watches it in a public setting like your home and a neighbor sees you doing it, rats you out to the social workers,  you will be arrested and jailed for two weeks forcing you to watch Al Gore's movie all night and reading Hillary's book all day long!

Most people that are forced to do this don't survive! What a horrible death! Brain hemorrhage!

They Took The 40 Day Cruise Anyway! : The Party Social Calendar Said Don't Go! It Rained!

This is just a natural progression of uncontrollable events that shape our lives. In this situation, when later when the truth of what transpired becomes readily apparent, the vacationers will consider themselves lucky they actually opted to go even though others said it was wasn't on anyone's the social calendar.

democraaats Hiding Their History : Who Started The KKK?

But does it really matter? The media knows full well that this is the history of the democraaats and for that matter still is. Maybe not the lynching and murder of blacks like in the old days, but their actions today in burned out communities that are predominantly black stores proves they couldn't care less about the plight of black people!

George Floyd At 16 Years in Judge Judies Court : Stealing a Car is Okay!? (Video)

Goodness - This almost seems like a altered video?(It just might be fake.) He was so matter-of-fact and unconcerned about stealing a car. So what, "I wanted a car to get home!''. Unreal. Can someone be so devoid of ethics and ordinary morality to explain on television his total lack of personal responsibility for the law and other peoples property?

(Fact finders are not sure this is real but probably they are democraaats)  heh

George Floyd - who is he and why?

Impossible to believe!!! I feel very sorry for his Parents!!! This is the young stage of the person Pelosi Galore considers a martyr! Martyrs are people who have died after doing GOOD for their fellow citizens, or for doing something that certain people believe was the right thing to do even though it is criminal but his followers like what he did. 

That Floyd was murdered is no excuse for rioting and looting! Demanding the law be fulfilled is! But it wasn't about the law or George Floyd, it was an excuse to take power away for others!

Floyd was spent his life doing time in jail for 9 convictions including armed robbery assault, etc.
But a martyr? Looting and burning down the country by admitted BLM Marxists, communist is to help fellow black people? How does this work when many of the businesses that were destroyed were black businesses!

George Floyd when he was 16!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Large Animal with A Sense for Having A Good Time : Baby's Play Time!(Video)

This will leave you with some good things to finish the day.

Paul Kersey Attacking Civil Society! : de Blasio Says, Who?

The monsters that lurk in our largest city is on the main stage and prominently featured as mayor by the media every day for all to see, but don't or can't understand what they are looking at. 

Too many years of accepting the rule of law as decided by what success happened in the past, but now ignoring the present as being too devastating to comprehend and react! 

This short sentence explains all; 

"When confronted by insurgences, people wait too long to recognize the danger, and then are to often paralyzed by it."

The democraaats(Communists) Believe! : The Dog Says They are Nuts!

The dog is right but what the dog doesn't know is millions do believe, and are motivated to commit suicide to make their point, they will vote democraaat! And if that isn't enough to scare the hell out of the rest of us, then all is lost!

The Cancel Culture Thrives! : How Come No Push Back? Fear?

Were does this end? Do the citizens of this great nation understand the ideology and agenda that's driving this abomination? Do enough citizens know that those demanding obedience from the majority are a very small minority but have a huge platform to make their demands in the main stream media?

And how many citizens watch and listen to this ludicrous misinformation and out right lies on a daily basis? Worse it seems millions that don't watch and listen to this contemptuous atrocity against out country and civil society, capitulate!

How come?

The Looting America's Soul! : democraaat Fund Raising From BLM Donations?

Little wonder the progressive socialist liberal democraaats are working hand in hand with BLM besides their ideologies are the same, destory the country as founded on individual freedom, then with what's left rule with an iron fist. 

History is littered with the bones of 100's of millions that suffered with this ideology as a result.

But for now, it's just all about the money to take the power for control from the people by electing more democraaats to any and all positions where they can enforce their demands of obedience.

Think CDC and NIH with mandatory mask wearing and distancing that Joe Biden says he will demand nation wide as the new norm!? This is just the beginning to drive us apart with fear, making us all strangers. And if we elect democraaats, this madness will not go away, ever!

Why would anyone that enjoys the freedom to chose want to vote democraaat? The ''new'' democraaats are in the streets burring and looting our country. They are the enemy of us all!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The NHL is Not The NFL - Thank God! : IF You Can't Stand, Then Get Out!(Video)

Here is the very foundation of who we are and what is important in this nation of free individuals to chose their own destiny! If you don't believe this, "get the fuck out!" Thank God for the NHL!

BLM Communists Lie To The Mob : "We Love You" (But Will Destroy You Later)

The problem of course is the communists are in control. The rest of them mob are just ignorant dups from universities and other institutions of no repute!! The problem of course is the rest of us and all those that have been lied to will have to suffer the consequences. 

The easily led and ignorant will be destroyed along with everyone else. They won't and can't believe the BLM communist will destory them just because they were traitors to their own people. The BLM communist's know at some point they, the ignorant duped mob will turn on the communist as well when things begin to fall apart which they always do for power hungry tyrants and domestic terrorist.

Warrior Press Sectetary : Kayleigh McEnaney

Oh my goodness - this is so cool!! She took this piece of dog crap by the scruff of his scrawny neck and destroyed him on national television. Go Girl!!

President Trump Commutes Roger Stones Sentience : Courage In The Face Of The Enemy!!

Even in the face a barrage of nearly all media attacking President Trump for doing the right thing for Roger Stone.  He understood by commuting the sentience of Roger Stone he would have to suffer the stupid and ignorant in the media to attack him, along with the democraaat domestic terrorists in congress but still he has the courage in the face of enemy to do what is right, lawful and proper.

Women Can't Do What Men do?! : Oh Yeah, Again, Here, Hold My beer!(Video)

Here is a short black and white video of a woman doing things that most men wouldn't or couldn't. This is amazing to say the least but mostly insane. Still, fantastic show of physical agility and coordination of effort.  Yikes!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Very Cool Time Lapses of A Comet(Video)

Comet time lapses at Dan Englund is at Spread Eagle Chain of Lakes
Wow! See Comet NEOWISE from space in a dazzling time-lapse video. The icy comet’s name comes from its first being spotted on March 27 by scientists using the Near-Earth Object Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) space telescope. #neowise #neowisecomet #ab7cny

Candace Owns Testifies before Adler's Committee : A Blast of Truth Telling!!(Video)

Goodness, this short video has been around for a while, edited some but still makes a lot of sense to review it's significance in light of so much hype coming from the socialist democraaat media and government officials that seek an advantage they don't deserve.

Candace Owns is controversial? I wonder who says that? The progressive media? She is hated by the media because she speaks truth that explains who she is and what she intends to do for the black community, get them off their knees.

Commutations by 4 Past Presidents : Republicans 22 - democraaats 1,776!

The reason the Republicans have so few as they don't have that many friends that are criminals. And as  being democraaats, they can't be anything other then criminals. It's in the DNA!

They Say Ol' Joe Is Plagiarizing! : Plagiarizing, Lying - Who Cares? He's A democraaat!

Remember Harry Reid lying about Romney's taxes? Who cared? "It worked didn't It!" I don't now why there is so much gnashing of teeth over Ol' Joe for being mentally incompetent stealing other people stuff? Joe Biden has a history of more then 45 years of doing very thing.

 After one realizes the progressive socialist liberal democraaats don't give a dam about Ol' Joe being unable to perform simple tasks like telling time or cross he street, the socialist democraaats know the voters have no idea what will happen to them when they vote willing to live in a cardboard box. They vote out of ignorance and habit. 

The democraaats know they can control Joe as he doesn't even know what day it is or why even got of bed, the socialists are after the White House and control of everything and everyone. They won't be happy, and maybe not even then, when they force the nation to her knees!

What better way to secure generations of political victories and then to secure the keys to the national treasury making themselves and their friends rich stealing the taxpayers blind of  their hard earned money and worse, their freedom and liberty to chose.

Just more good reason to vote for self destruction, vote democraaat in November. Millions are waiting to do just that. Good loyal citizens, generations of citizens living in an alternate universe.