Saturday, July 25, 2020

Flatten The Curve - 15 Days : Fauci Say Maybe Not? Who Knew?

Hey, the curve will never be flattened or modified until the election in November is over! And even then if Trumps wins,  the destruction will continue as long as it takes to destory the country as founded. democraaats will do what ever is necessary to get back the power for control is rightfully theirs by birth.

The Wuhan thing is a complete political fraud perpetuated by a 36 year federal government bureaucrat. Why would anyone believe anything such a person would say have anything at all to do with the truth? 

Ask this question, how in the hell did this bureaucrat is still the leader of this organization, the NIH, for 36 years and not lie to every administration change that came along?? It sure as hell wasn't because he was a Republican!! What career federal bureaucrat in our government could remain in power and not be a good warrior for the cause? Yeah, that's right, he is a protected democraaat!

The ''good doctor'' Fauci is all about self preservation and doing what ever it takes to maintain his status as the ''go to guy'' on viruses! 

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