Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Hey, It's Hump Day - Take A Break : God Is Watching Over Us! Enjoy The Video!!

True, they are just dogs, but God intended for them to be our campions in this complex and stressful life. So allow them to be close and personal to take some of the burden off our everyday problems! 

''Who Knew'' Headlines Department : Logic AND Common Sense Are Hidden?!

 And then we are supposed to believe the mainstream press? Come on man, we're crazy but not completely stupid! Right?

democraaats Believe In MORE Police? : Sure, At Mar A Lago!!

One thing that is always a sure thing these days is when democraaats speak we know they are lying. They make no attempt to discise their intentions like they have in past decades. They will do whatever it takes to get and keep the ultimate power for control and by any means necessary. There is no limit to what they will do.

The timing is perfect with an illegitimate mentally ill old man in the White House and out right criminals directing him to do their bidding. (Along with his son making $millions for the family and Joe taking bribes from the Chinese government!!)

How in the world did this happen in our great country? hmmm Just look what Mark Zuckerberg said about the FBI! The FBI that fixed the election in 2020 by hold back ''the laptop from hell'' from being released to the public.

The IRS Will Rule The World by 2024 : A Missouri Tick Can't Compete!

When mutant DNA behavior surfaces in real time and in public, most average citizens do not know what to make of it so do nothing but stare in belief at what they are witnessing. And this is what the Marxist democraaat want to happen as it feeds more of the same at an ever-increasing pace to accomplish their ''fundamental change'' in American culture and civil society!!

The new agents of the IRS will be embedded in every aspect of our lives and there will no escaping their reach!

The narrative and ideology, Marxist socialism, communism, must be driven into the culture to a point where there can't be any way of stopping the demise of the American dream. 

A complete and total change is necessary, especially before this November and November 2024!!

Be careful about what you wish for! For whom does the bell
toll? It tolls for you!!!

If you were so willing to turn on your own country and it's 
Constitution, the Marxist will know you will turn on t hem
as well!! History repeats itself!

He Did The Job He Was Trained To Do!! : Lessons For Us!

 He's just a dog but when training over comes existence, there is hope for all creatures in a complex world.

And God created all living creatures. The dog to be
at his side as a companion for life to be endured.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

When Hiding In Plan Sight Is Not Difficult : Just Blend In!!

 Talent like this one in a thousand! This guy understands how to work the system!!

Hey, I sense something is not right about that guy over
there, just sayin'!

Ronney Reagan Explains Who We Are : Sounds Like Trump? (Video)

The similarity is good to know as just about everyone with a brain liked Ronny Reagan. He was one of us and he told us we are a good and honest people every time he spoke, and we believed him! We knew this but we needed reminding a so many other people keep telling us we are not.

He loved this country and its founding in freedom and liberty just like the ''Make America Great Again'' movement is doing the same thing, sweeping the nation. 


The IRS and Bank Robbers Find Fidelity!

 The IRS has been stealing our money for generation and getting away with it. STOP!! Never believe it will end if you vote democraaat ever again!!! They are not nice people!!

In reality it's just the entire government that is robbing us of our wealth and our freedom.
              You can run but you can't hide from the long arms of government that has intentions to make life                as difficult as possible while stealing you blind of everything you have.

              "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness'' is so last week.

It's The Ideology, Stupid : Relax, democraaats Are here To Help!!!

 One thing for sure is you never, ever ask questions about what your government is doing because it's just too stressful and destructive to your health. They make no sense and there is no logical basses for what they want from you except everything you have or will ever have!! What's wrong with that?

So just shut up and obey! See how easy it is to survive in a place where you use to live? (These people are so stupid!!)

A land where everything is scripted and illogical.
But never mind any of that, you're well being
depends on not wanting answers, all you need
is to accept our conclusions we make for you!

All Roads for Corruption Turn left! : This Is Not Fake News!!

Reality is is strange bed fellow in Delaware! The question remains, how Joe kept getting reelected? Do all roads Delaware lead to Joes house? Is ever day in Delaware Halloween?

Truly, a national nightmare come true!

The Woke Community : democraaat Ideology For Control!

 Hungry yet? Looking for some way to feed your family? ''Not to worry, the population is to fat anyway, so suck it up people. Come on man, just two more elections, if you vote for me, the stress of having to decide who to vote for in the future will be over! Believe, 'We're the government and we're here to help.'

''Trust me! Would I lie to you?''

One government by Joe means one vote and
one conclusion. What's wrong with that?

''I will do whatever it takes to bring happiness
to your life even it means you will not be able
to eat. But be happy, losing weight is
a good thing for you!''

Monday, August 29, 2022

Barrrack's Third Term In Progress! : Joe Jumpin' to Barrrack's toon!! (Video)

Wonder no longer why Old Joe is so off track and in the weeds of incomprehensible stupid on everything. 

His buddy Barrrack understood Ol' Joe to be what he appears to be, a mentally 3 year old child and that he was the perfect subject to lead his third term. 

He is under the control of his buddy of 8 years of being vice president for Barrrack where he was responsible for nothing, just like when he was a Senator for 37 years. A total waste of anything of substance.

A perfect textbook example of what a puppet is!

When Do The Good Times End ? : When The Bill Comes Due!

One good thing that's happening with this insanity of $500 billion dollar give away to buy votes from people, students, that are already voting Marxist like their education demands, is that they might be liable to pay taxes on something they think is free makes for conflict in the ideology of hate for capitalism.

In their diseased mind, the foundation for acceptance of Marxist, communist ideology, is a diseased mind which they will never admit there is no cure! 

The DNA has been changed, mutated leaving the individual helplessly in darkness of a stumbling ignorance of reality.

Who Has All The Money In Education? : Big University Endowments!

 With Harvard's endowment at more the 40 $billion, most other ivy league schools much the same as well as many mainstream state schools, it seems only fair that they would find in their black hearts to help out the system with loan forgiveness. Good idea!? 

Ever since the government, under Barrrack taking over the loan business from banks and other lending institutions, the college and universities have raised $billion from the taxpayers by increasing tuition and living facilities costs. Easy money.

Sure, but don't hold your breath. Exactly what is the endowment for if not to assist students to gain the knowledge for societies improvement, and what a great way to show off their large self by helping others to become successful.

Students of The World : Study The Words and Live The Life!?

As we are mostly aware of the overreaching agendas of many elite educational institutions have made the all-important decision to bring fantasy into the mainstream of academic achievement. 

But why? It makes no sense. There isn't anything relance. No code of conduct. Just obedience and compliance to a scrip written for the newly awakened and ready to take control.

They make no sense for those down in the trench that
live in reality but are at the mercy of those educated elites
who are at the levers of power!

Gender Studies Degrees Need Support! : Where Do We Go From Here?

Is there anything wrong with this picture? Well, is it the ideology of the Marxist democraaats to feed the masses with free stuff until they believe they can't live without the handouts from ''big brother''? 

And then how does one change their habit of demanding others perform their duty to support the flock with their sweat and wages as the DNA mutants are never going to be able to support themselves. Too much, too soon and too little ambition.

Who wins in the end and who loses everything?

The prevailing attitude of the newly liberated democraaats is live for the moment as tomorrow is of no concern, so that the money and run!!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

What Would the Devil Do To Destroy America? : Easy, Just Be A democraaat!!

This on point to describe the Newly Liberated Marxist democraaats that now are in control of our great country and driving her into the sewers of hell. They must be stopped in November by voting them ALL out, every last one!!!

If you really care about America as founded, you will vote them out!!

What Would the Devil Have to Do Today to Destroy America?

By Stasia Decker-Ahmed

In 1965, columnist and commentator Paul Harvey wrote an interesting piece titled, "If I were the Devil." This was basically a commentary on what Harvey would do if he were Satan and wanted to destroy America.

Nearly 60 years later, most of what Harvey predicted has come to pass. While America has not been completely destroyed, our nation is clearly in decline. In 2022, here's what I would do if I wanted to finish the job.

I'd Devalue the Currency

The United States is approximately 30 trillion dollars in debt. But I wouldn't stop there. I know the dollar isn't going to be the world's dominant reserve currency much longer, so I'd continue to sedate the drooling, self-pleasuring masses with cradle-to-grave entitlements and stimulus checks for as long as possible. In order to implement the Great Reset and usher in the new globalist system, it will be necessary to print the dollar into oblivion and replace it with a digital currency.

I'd Develop Hyper-Inflation

The obvious result of extensive money-printing and endless free government programs is inflation. Everything from food and fuel to housing and cars will quickly become unattainable for the average family. But this isn't enough. I'd continue devaluing the currency until hyperinflation set in. Along with more empty shelves, it won't be long until we start seeing food rationing, social unrest, and possibly even food riots in the hardest hit areas.

I'd Diminish Energy Independence

After food security, energy is what's necessary to keep a society running efficiently. To destroy America's energy independence, I'd cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, impose extreme environmental rules on gas emissions, and pause natural gas and oil leases on all federal land. I'd insist that everyone get his energy from windmills, solar panels, and electric cars that only the wealthy can afford. I'd make sure rolling brownouts and blackouts increasingly occur until America becomes a third-world nation.

I'd Defund the Police

I would attack, demoralize, and ultimately drain money and resources from police departments across the country. During this time, I would make sure the elites of society from politicians to celebrities were well protected with police escorts and armed bodyguards. I would then sit back and watch the carnage unfold. That's when I'd implement my real agenda: a nationalized police force similar to what's found in Communist China and Cuba.

I'd Disarm the Citizens

I'd make sure the citizens are at the mercy of the government and the nationalized police force by passing extensive legislation to limit Second Amendment rights. But I don't want to take away just assault rifles or semi-automatics. I want to take away everything. If I wanted to destroy the country, I would agree with the article published in the Nation on August 17, 2019, in which the writer stated:

That leads to only one logical conclusion. Repeal the Second Amendment and start over from presumption that you do not need a gun unless you are going off to war or going off to train for war.

I'd Demolish the Voting System

If I were trying to destroy America, I would insist it were racist and bigoted to require any type of identification to vote. Never mind that photo identification is required for everything from drinking a beer to driving a car. I would argue that voting ID discriminates against minorities and poor individuals. Of course, extensive identification is required to apply for Medicaid and almost any type of government assistance. But I wouldn't let pesky facts like that dissuade me. Without required identification, the voting process would eventually become chaotic and untrustworthy, and ultimately undermine our entire democratic process.

I'd Destroy the Education System

I would give teachers' unions unprecedented power. I would allow basic academics to be superseded by woke theology and social justice mandates. I would also eliminate school choice and make it as difficult as possible for parents to educate their children outside the government-run school system. This would produce a nation of surly Bolsheviks who are unable to do simple math, write a coherent paragraph, or read at grade level. But they will be able to protest and burn down entire swaths of once great cities.

I'd Destabilize the Mind

Finally, I would promote what was abnormal as normal and insist that unscientific delusions are fact. I would normalize and legalize drugs, even though we have a record number of individuals dying from drug overdoses. Once enough people are addicted to drugs and enough minds are destabilized, the masses will more easily believe what is illogical. I would then convince people of ludicrous ideas, such as math is racist and the patriarchy is responsible for every social ill. I'd tell three-year-old children they have the capacity to choose their own gender while twenty-five-year-old adults should enjoy an extended adolescence living in Grandma's basement smoking weed and indulging in endless sexual experimentation.

Why Would Anyone Want to Destroy America?

Why destroy this once great nation? In a word, globalism. Many of those in power, from politicians to organizations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, are pushing us toward a globalist system. The globalists aren't even trying to hide their agenda any longer. Klaus Schwab writes about the Great Reset at the World Economic Forum, while Joe Biden talks about how we're going through an incredible transition in the push to radically change how we support our energy needs.

Unfortunately, by the time the globalist system is fully in place, many Americans will welcome it with open arms. They will gladly trade all their privacy and freedom for social justice and a monthly pittance in the form of guaranteed income from the government. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, property rights, and gun rights will be greatly diminished or gone.

If I were the devil, this is what I would do to destroy America and usher in the Great Globalist Reset. Of course, I don't have to do any of these things. Our current leaders are more than adequately getting the job done.

Money Is Everywhere To Be had! : Old Joe Says, ''Come On Man! It's Easy!!

 Old man Joe thinks he is still in the Senate where he never took any responsibility for anything. Life was just taking smart all day then laugh on the train going home about the good life. 

Life is good Joe says! Just take what you want them enjoy life!

''I remember on the train going home one night telling some 
folks how easy it is to get whatever you want, just reach out
and take it, no one will stop you. It works to perfection
 for me'' 

So, what's the problem here? You taxpayer just shut up pay
the bill! The democraaats need the votes! (But what happens
to the ''golden goose''?)

The Biiyden Way or The Highway! : Other People's Money!!

 Goodness, it's just another pivot from what is destroying our country, crime, the southern border, inflation, (little wonder) and active wars and pending wars to mention just a few of the real problems that threaten our personal and national security

''It's only 300 $billion dollars, come on man, lighten up. Were
really not talking real money yet, I have good ones coming
over the next two years you'll love!!''

Don't complain now, remember a lot of people who voted to
ride themselves of mean tweets are the same ones complaining
about the gas prices and being shot at while walking
the dam dog in their neighborhood!

Everything in America is free until it isn't!!

Using An ATM In Chicago : A ''How to'' Seminar!

 Little wonder people have been successful in extracting money from these machines without a problem after watching the seminar. People want results and are quick to respond to common sense!

There are several different solutions to making sure
their withdraws are successful!

Deterrence is important for success!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Can It Get Any Worse? : Of Course, They Are democraaats!!

 This November we can begin the repair of our country if everyone votes for their personal security, that is preventing from being sent to a concentration camp, reeducation camp, for having independent thoughts!

But it has and will get even worse than now after
two more years of democraaat control.

Our entire government is now
the enemy of the people!?

The Moon Landing Has A Problem! : Which Moon Is It? (Video)

Here's your smile for the day. Dam this is good!!!

It's a 43 second commercial and the sponsor isn't identified until the final few seconds.

Just Another Pivot? : The Drug Business Booming!!??

 It was like the sun coming up in the morning, the CDC says another really infectious virus variant is here so you must get another shot and booster to make sure you are protected. That the first 5 shots didn't make much difference as most everyone still got the sickness anyway, again and again . .  ( but went to work anyway not knowing they were sick . . )

But pay no attention to any of that, just do what you are told and trust us, after all we are the CDC, we know what's best!!!!

How much is 100 billion dollars and how much more is
needed to fix the problem?

''Who Knew'' Headlines Dept. : Over The Edge!!

 Here the statement ''you can't make this up'' fits the situation - they did!

Friday, August 26, 2022

The Real Wonders of Mother Nature On Display!! : Fantastic!! (Video)

Sometimes it seems that we are the luckiest people in the world to be able to witness these special happenings provided for us by God's hand in nature.  Enjoy! 

Kirk Makes His Signature move! : Bang and Split The Scene!

 The good captain understands what a good time looks like and the outcome of problems that result is solved!

Hey, not my fault!!

''Captain Kirk, where fore art thou?''

Get The ''JAB'' Or Else! : But It Doesn't Work, Right???

 More insanity to twist people guts trying to understand why some many among our good citizens have become brainless. Vaxing 6-month-old children all the way up to 12-year old's is causing real people to stressfully wonder how our country has fallen this far into an abyss of morass darkness and cruelty.

There is no evidence whatsoever that children of this age are in dangers of contracting covid. Children of most any age, all the way up to 19 and beyond are at no risk if they are healthy young adults. None!! 

And yet many demand reality is false! The damage is catastrophic to our next generations and the democraaats do not care!!!!

Reality is of no importance, only the narrative and the

Trans Women Have A Problem! : The Test Is Negative!

 When asked about the test when it shows a blank screen, they seem to have a faraway look, searching the outer most reaches of the universe for answers that will make them seem real enough to exist in a real world of real people!

Sadly though, there is no answer anywhere in the universe that will make unreality real!

How to explain what it means to be a real
person in a civilized society!

democraaats In Congress Explain Insanity : More EV Tax Credits!!

 Congratulation! The Marxist newly liberated democraaats have again shown us all they are completely incompetent to lead our great nation. Why all the smiling faces? They have to know this is all a fraud, a complete scam and yet all of the democraaats have signed on to try and make it happen. 

Washington state has voted to eliminate all gas-powered vehicles by 2035 just like California. This is so beyond just insanity; this is from the very depths of hell itself!!

Know this, every last one of the democraaats voted to make this happen! Every last one!! Vote out every last one of these nut jobs!!! They are not like anyone else who understands reality.

Who in the hell is running our country! What ever happened
to common sense and logic?

What Is The Answer Explaining Insanity? : Our Country Imperil!

Why so are many things in our country today are beyond parity?  The average citizens who work hard and obeys the law cannot comprehend the total disingenuous and illegitimate use of power by the democraaats and yet million find it necessary to vote for them over and over again even though they know they are voting for their own destruction.

There really can't be any good answer that will explain this insanity! Our government today is completely out of control and getting worse by the day!!

How is that so many of those that at the levers of power
are completely incompetent or even dangerous to the 
survival of America as a free nation!!

And you are also the worst person to hold this position
in the history of this great nation! Thanks democraaats!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Republicans Are Evil Says James Carville : Manifestations of Past democraaat Brilliance!

 No matter what the truth is, it's the narrative that counts and deliver it with as much hate and vitriol as you can. Believe, there few better people historically to do this other than Carville. Actually, he is truly the very face of what the democraaats believe and stand for.

Unethical demands, moral less actions to gain power and seditious rules that they themselves have no intentions of following. 

They are always wrong but never in doubt!

Death and destruction to everything the democraaats hate the
most, freedom, liberty and a successful life.

Jerry Nadler Is Going To Win Another Term? : How Come!? He's Mentally Ill!!

 Just because he's on the cover of TIME doesn't mean he has done anything to merit another term in congress. His history in congress is not what one would say was stellar, but one that was something akin to a disgusting display of stupidity and incompetence.

But not to worry, Jerry is a good liberated democraaat and so is accepted as a legitimate congressman ready and willing to obey his betters no matter the task! All good reasons to get him reelected

Jerry knows a good thing when he sees it
as he is totally emersed in the criminal
activity associated with all things democraaat!

Nadler when he first started thinking about
a career in politics. He knew he couldn't 
make in the real world so the next best thing
was to run for congress as a democraaat!

Can One Man Fix What's Wrong In America? : Ask Any democraaat!

 It surely doesn't take rocket science to understand who is the most likely to set the country back on an even keel as all those that want the country to remain in chaos are attacking him with such vicious abandonment the likes we haven't seen in our 250-year history is now on display.

The question now will there be enough people that will be willing to stand with this guy while dodges the slings and arrows coming from the hate filled tormentors who do anything and everything to make sure he fails.

The Marxist democraaats defining statue is the power for control. Without it they are nothing.

democraaats No Longer Believe in The Rule of Law! : Our Way or The Highway!

Nancy Pelosi, ''No One Is Above The LAW''!! Isn't it interesting to note that one huge and sinister organization, funded by $billions of dollars believes that the rule of law has no impact on them as the proceed to get and keep more power before the November elections.

What is the definition of justice in America today? The deep state is in control? The ''shadow government'' of unelected bureaucrats, Deese, Rice and Klain telling the people who is really in charge while Joe Biiyden is sleep walking to the ice cream shop!!?

But then the democraaats have never had any intention
of obeying the laws set down by our Constitution. Justice
in America is a total farce. They know it but know as well
 it works to ''fundamentally change'' how we live or die!