Thursday, February 29, 2024

Tom Cruise's Flying Fun And Ability On Display! : What A Great Fun Video!!!

 If you enjoy airplanes, you will love this fun adventure into can be done with money and ability to do whatever you want. This is something I never knew about Cruiise and give him 5 stares for doing this with and for a friend.

I just love the P-51 and he makes it look like a toy! Fantastic flying all around!! (I'm green with envy!)

Of course, it won't harm his Hollywood status either!!  Enjoy!

The Never Ending Story! : The Hunt Must Go On!!!

 Once bitten, twice lied to her about your intentions makes for some of the best hunting stories around!

Her disappointment might cause some strain in 
the relationship!

This mighty be the best!!!

When The Web of Ignorance Dominance Life!


And not only you had too many ''last calls'', but this is what happens
when you find out the hard way you are actually on the wrong side of
 reality. You actually can't do anything you want just because
someone says it's okay! Here, hold my beer!!

As well. this is what happens when lose your focus on what is
important in your life and then becomes tangled up with what
you want to happen!

Chaos ensues leaving only tragic results for everyone! And worse,
no one is left to fix the problem!!! Congratulations, democraaats

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What's Happening to America!? What's Changed? : Marxist Communism? (Video)

Interesting video from Trucker Carlson where a woman who survived Mao's Chinese Cultural Revaluation in the 1960's and then fled to the United States, explains what she sees now in America as the same thing she witnessed firsthand in China!

Mao murdered more than 100 million of his own people just for total control of everything!

This isn't a ''might happen'' here berceuse she read about it in a book, she lived it firsthand. This is real life and destruction of our culture and our country through the eyes of a survivor!!

If you ever wondered why the Marxist liberated democraaat communist collective hate Doneld Trump so much, wonder on longer. As he said on many occasions, they hate the people that live in freedom and the Marxist's hate for him because he stands in their way.

 for their Marxist cultural revolution that's being organized and installed to make it happen all across the country in every institution whether it's local, state and or the federal government.

Take a stand for our country by voting out the people who are activity bringing the revolution to our door!

Never forget the most important thing we have in America, ''Freedom means having nothing else to loose''!!!

Media Headlines Are For Control : The Article Is What?

 I wonder just how many people actually read past the headlines?

When Push Comes to Shove! : Your History Makes The decision!

Not everyone can make decisions that will solve problems. Some are destined to remain in the dark as this is what makes them comfortable.

When a situation comes along, and it happens all the time to all of us, one has to use a particular set of rules from their past history dealing with immediate demands for action. 

If, of course, you don't have any history to show you the way, then only disaster will result. 

Enter Joe Biiyden! (And Jill!?)

Exactly what has Joe done that help[ed him make the most
important decisions in his life? Taking Corn Pop out behind
the belchers and beat him with a chain doesn't qualify!

How Important ARE Women In Civil Society? : Machiavelli Reports!

 This is not rocket science! They run the show and for the most part they know it. They are fully aware of their power to get what they want and some men are powerless to stop them!

For powerful people who will do anything for more and more power, they ate easily be compromised by the women in their bed.

Sometimes things work out as they should! A
portrait of strong women doing the job men

Can They Escape Their Fate? : Time Will Tell All!!

 It seems the Cowboys are mired in a morass of bad choices. If history is any indication of future accomplishments, then the team will one day become known as the ''comeback kids''. (Oh my, hope does spring eternal!)

Hey, that weas just phone service, Right?

Why is it that there unseen forces a foot to make sure bad
things happen to the Cowboys!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Her Generation Will Decide The Future? : Yikes!!

 WOW! The Gen Zers understand what their duty is and it has nothing to do with making Ameria great ever again! What good is an agenda of smash and grab!?

Probably not! The greatest generation already did that!
Now the next generation after the Gen Z's won't have to worry
about the future, there won't be anything left worth saving!!

What kind of future will there be living in a dumpster!!

Making A Home or Making A Career! : Which Is It? Who Decides?

Exactly what has changed over the years that was so profound to make family life so terrible that women had to change their entire lives to make it seem they are actually part of civil society and human?

Here again, it's a choice that has to be made by each individual who wants a career outside the home or do double duty of having a family and a career. 

The demand for change came from those who can't make that decision one way or the other. They are conflicted as to what is important to them and therefore find it necessary to convince others they can't have a full realization of their potential if their lives are mostly spent caring for children and home making! 

Is it a progressive agenda for controlling the outcomes of others?

The satisfaction for the progressives is wrecking other lives by convincing others they aren't real people by staying home, getting married and having children.  Conflict loves company!

The progressives are happy knowing they are not along their agenda in a self-important career but are okay at the same time as they successfully wreck other people's lives as they have their own!

It's a decision!

Climate Change Is Here Again! : Spring Is Coming!

More stupidity among the elites is rampant again as spring is right around the corner causing changes to the weather, and therefore it's time to claim we all are going to die again if we don't pony up with huge sums of money for more research to save the planet!

Just like last fall with the rain and snow pounding the country, the haranguer doomsdayers were out in for bloom with predictions of catastrophic results for the planet if we don't give the more money to real scientists to fix the weather before it does us all in.

You can't run as there is no place to hide from the weather! 

Hey, no one wants to freeze to death or roast to death or drown in some flood as the ice caps melt, right?Al Gore would lie to us, right? (Again!)

Really, even after 40 years of having the most brilliant among us claim to have the inside scoop on how the weather is the worst it has ever been and yet we are all still here year in and yerar out, right?

More money will fix everything. Be patient. It might
take a few generations more but we are making good

Again, the perfect definition of insanity!!!

Who would have ever thought we could be convinced to stop 
using fossil energy to save the planet and then start eating bugs
as out most basic food stuffs!

What Exactly Is Going On In Ukraine?

What is the game plan for Russia, Ukraine and Western Europe? How does the United State fit into the plan when we are thousands of miles away, but the Western European NATO countries are right next door?

Why does all this seem like just another scam by the globalists who want America bogged down in yet another war that will eventfully bring us to ruin as well?

At some point America has to wake up to reality. We cannot continue to be the world policeman while everyone else in the world dos business as usual. We're Broke!!!

Oh wait, who wants to make America great again? Again! America First! Who has been saying this for years??? 

Vote in November like you care what happens to our country!!

The game plan is for America to make everyone rich?

We haven't learned anything over the years with international
problems and the players that seek to take advantage of us?

What's The democraaat's Game Plan? : Are There Any Limits?

 Understanding the plan is paramount! Little is left though ot see how it works to perfection every  year there is an election, only this time the consequences for failure to deliver the planned results is much more lethal for democraaats.

Losing this time around will result in a life without power and having a spotlight on their demands for power that can and will end poorly for the collective. This election will change the political landscape for decades.

Donald Trump has to pay half a billion $dollars to have
access to the rule of law! What does this mean for the rest
of us?

And thee crime is? There is no crime other then democraaats
are in power. This means there is no law or order in the
country, only what the democraaats what to get and
keep the total power for control.

The end justifies the means!

But how does one stop the unelected deep state
from gutting the country of its freedoms?

Monday, February 26, 2024

Calvin's ''Show and Tell'' Goes Wrong! : Innovation Denied!!

When someone has innovative ideas but contradicts the norm, greater forces come into play that rule the day sending the new and bold ideas into the trash! 

Still, sometimes the new and bold need some forethought to temper the consequences for the lack thereof. 

Vote democraaat! : Getting More of Less!!

 What we are witnessing now it seems an unprecedented run of losers and it also seems the criminal combatants are not afraid to show themselves for who they are. National security risks!

This isn't because they are clever, it's about they know our justice system is corrupt and no matter what they do, it's justified!

But showing off their intentions in such brazen and unscrupulous way is a good thing. tehy can be readily identified, but the fear for normal people that understand the danger know there are a lot of citizens that are sleep walking thru life and therefore wind up doing stupid things that in the end doing harm to themselves and others. Especially me and mine!!!!

Goodness! What a scary time in America's history!!

But we have always known it has always been it about
 the power to get more money! By any means necessary!

Vote like you don't care about your bank account
or your country!!

Always VOTE DEMOCRAAAT!!!! : What Could Go Wrong!!!!

 But don't worry about anything like national security or self-preservation because the democraaats don't care about you or anything that has to do with the country. it's only about the power and how much money they can steal from the people and the national treasury.

Worse, most everyone knows the democraaats are self-servicing and totally corrupt, and yet the good soldiers vote in lock step like the collective can depend on them doing year after year!!

It doesn't matter that everything they do fails to deliver on promises causing pain and suffering for everyone, even for the good, the bad and the ugly! 

It's just who they are! But vote for them anyway! Being buried in a shallow grave is a good thing!

What's Good For The Goose - - - ''You Know The Thing!''

 We are living in strange times where the rule of law is not only blind but mentally ill as well. One peson can be charged for a crime that doesn't exist and another person can commit a crime against the state but not charged. 

Even worse or better than this, the people who are bringing the charges against the person for not committing any crimes, have to know it's a false indictment, unconstitutional on it face, the 8th amendment, and yet they precede as though they are within their right to do so

And then, all the while, boldly going forward proudly for all to see their handy work. 

Where's the outrage from our Department of Justice? From the population of good citixzens?

What's next, another raid on Mara largo?

What's next, another speech on why Trumps is a criminal?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

I Had To Walk three Miles to School! : AND Then Three Miles Back!

We've all heard the stories about the trials and tribulations of our elders concering their exploits on how they got to school each day. There weren't buses as our parents had just horses to work the fields or dad used them to get to his job.

The only car they had was only used for going to church on Sunday!  

I wonder why this has been kept secret for so long? dah!!

The moment of Truth! : And None Too Soon!!

 How does the saying go, ''If the shoe fits, wear it!''  And Trump's shoes are the perfect fit!

They are seven league shoes! They are made for walking and
running in all conditions.

Joe seeks to find Trump's secrets for success. But Joe will
never find it by trying to steal it, it's all is about the feet
that make the shoes go places where
 Joe can't or won't go!!

The Word Came To Us And They Knelt : Lead Us To The Light They shouted!!

 And then in a flash of brilliance and light with great speeches for transformation, the word became manifest.

The many acolytes in attendance nodded their heads in unison with understanding, acknowledging the word is truth and therefore salvation for the masses! All must prostrate yourselves at this time in reverence!

All rise to your feet to recognize the way and the truth is now here
with shouts of praise. Now the revelation!
And it is good to have such leadership in times of stress and conflict!

(Believe, all will be revealed in due time!)

And then truth was revealed! All hailed the truth was as 
promised.  Now you are free! Go and obey!

Whatz This About Stealing Democracy? : Mental Illness Is Real!

 Go away, there is nothing wrong with ol' Joe, it just seems that he has problems understanding the difference between night and day, left and right s or when its time to take a shit, he just does it! 

''Hey, come on, man! No joke here.! Doesn't everyone do that?'' On many occasions he looks and acts like he died but forget to fall down!

But ask any democraaat in congress, especially other people that look and act like him, Sen. Schumer or Nancy Pelosi and they say he is doing great! Sharpe and coherent! 

He's ready to lead the world back to for prosperity and good democraaat socialism. ''Trust us, we know how we can make this work!''

Joe has no idea what day it is or why he's not in bed!
He just knows he wants more of everything!

He finds it necessary to touch everything that looks and feels
like it might be something he wants to have.

But hey, democraaat voters have no idea what it's like to 
live a dream, they just want to have someone like Joe to
explain to them what it means to have the good life living
in a dumpster!

And they are more then ready to join him!