Sunday, April 30, 2023

How Old Is Old Enough?? : She Asks, What Is My Gender?

 Nothing to see here, just always vote to make sure the little people can have a say in deciding their future even if they are just 5 years old! democraaats say it makes good sense! 

Remember, always vote for chaos and self-destruction. Always vote democraaat!! What the hell can go wrong?????

The people who say this is a good thing are from the depths
of hell itself! They are not human!!

The Death of Fox News!? : WOKE IS Broke!! The Communists Win!? (AGAIN!)?

 Is the jury still out? We will have to wait and see what FOX is doing to repair the damage to the network standing and credibility.

But the hot question that is being asked, is FOX being obedient to the demands of the Marxist democraaats to eliminate any voices that are in opposition to their drive for the destruction of Ameria as founded on individual freedom and the liberty to choose one's own destiny?

What a sad day for our country and for common sense. But the question that remains is why so many among us have lost their collective minds that wholeheartedly believe the socialist state is a better fit the citizens of America. 

Free speech is okay but there has to be limits to what is acceptable to the Marxist tolerance for challenging the acceptable standards of right and wrong! Too much disinformation conerning the advances of the new agenda and ideology is a problem that causes confusion and conflicting thoughts about who is actually in charge of the country.

We love free speech as long as it doesn't interfere with
those agenda items acceptable to those in charge of 
knowing what the truth really is! Tucker Carlson has
other ideas on what is true and what is a lie!

Tucker's Replacement Has Been Chosen : Good Job, Paul!!

 It's good for the agenda and for those that believe our country needs a new direction for the betterment of all concerned! The mob says we all have to have the same agenda and ideology to ''fundamentally change'' the country to represent the new globe power structure more efficiently!

When Barrrack Ogbjmma speaks, Paul Ryan listens!!

Not only is Tucker gone but so much of our
freedom of speech!

This is sure to be a hit with the new power 
brokers at Fox!

FOX News Stumbled Losing Millions In Viewers! : Again, Why??

 It sems like no matter where we go today, we run into more stupidity and outright insanity. And as FOX heads into a time of refection and reorganization, we see how a once strong and focused news network becomes just and ''also ran'' third rate hand median to the WOKE mob of communists!!

And then it was Tucker Carlson's turn in the Stocks!! Was it Paul Ryan and Rupert Merdoch and his family crying wolf and running scared? Afraid to fight those criminals in our justice system even if it meant losing the entire company?

Who will take a stand against the criminals that are running wide across our country destroying our heritage!? Donald Trump!!??

Mudoch and Ryan showed the world how easy it
really is to bend the knee to mob!!

What a sad day for our country!!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Debate Between Mozart, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky! : Who Wins?

 I guess it just another opinion as to who would win this debate, but Ol'd Tchaikovsky certainly has something to say about history the noise it created!

The 1812 Overture is impressive in its greatness and coverage of
history! All of these composers have stood the test of time!

Chuck Norris Is Not Chris Rock! : Will Smith Understands!!??

 The ''slap'' heard around the world and is still seen as weak and stupid! But on the other hand, if others say things that degrade someone, they had better pay close attention to the context and who is make derogatory statements before they jump up to do something that will go badly for them!!

The results of what will happen to the person who decides they
have been offended when they attack Chuck will be good to
see on Comedy Central!!

Tocqueville? Our Students, ''What's That?'' : A Frenchman Tells The History of Freedom In America!

The author of a great book, Democracy In America by this Frenchman analyses the development of democracy, was extremely enlightening relating his traversals around America to see and understand what our Constitution was really all about! 

He found it a written miracle in its profound perception for the average citizen. No where else was such a document that brought so much freedom to the average citizen.

Alexis de Tocqueville quotes

"In politics... shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships."
"In a revolution, as in a novel. the most difficult part to invent is the end."
"Those that despise people will never get the best out of others and themselves."
"History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies."

''In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberties of opinion. Within these barrries an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him that goes beyond them''

A discussion of Tocqueville on CNN must have been an
interesting topic given our cancerous communist society 
brought to us by Marxist liberated democraaats!

Tocqueville would have been impressed by John Wayne as the 
poster child for ''toxic'' freedom and the dreaded in your face
 be strong, be true to yourself masculinity!!!

The Worst Fraud In American Histoy : Thank ''The Fau Ci'' AND democraaats!! IT WORKED!!

 The disastrous fraud that was and still is the Corona virus that has caused so much economic damage to our country and the mental anxious depression, will affect how we live and work for decades if not generations into the future.

And now The Fau Ci say he had nothing to do with the shutdowns, masking or distancing from each other. He now claims he only suggested it as a possibility method of prevention for further spreading of the virus. He never demanded we comply with his suggestions.

Thousands of people lost their lives in America because of his agenda for control. 100's of thousand worldwide! (And this was not by accident or from ignorance. This was deliberate!!)

If you ever wondered why he was the highest paid government employee serving for more the 40 years, then now wonder no longer! 

He has no shame or moral standing. The perfect democraaat!! And what about our current president with more the 50 years of government service and is a pathetic mental degenerate! (Does government service do this to people in the confines of our capital? Harry Reid? Pelosi? They are all criminals!)

The lives of 100's of millions of people were effected by
The Fau Ci and many gave up the lives as a result!!
People couldn't understand why this was all happening
because they didn't see the need but were being
 forced into compliance!

Friday, April 28, 2023

Calvin Discusses Riots and Insurrection: Liberal Dad Takes Sides!

Just the news please and nothing more! Calvin brings the truth to bear but those holding radical fantasies are having none of it! 

The scales cannot the taken off the eyes and unplug the ears when it comes to solidly held ideological views on anything that might interfere with the accepted narrative of democraaats hate for individual freedom and the liberty to choose.

More Headline Insanity From Our Finest News Organizations!!

 And then you thought it couldn't get worse!

democraaats Want Voters! : killers Are Okay Says Alvin Bragg!

 New York City attorney Alvin Bragg is no exception to the rule as to how to bring results to any situation that requires aggressive action no matter how illegal. 

democraaats know they are above the law, so they act accordingly just as most New York City judges!

Nothing new here! It's always about whatever works and by
any means necessary. There are no limits to whatever
depravity you can use to get what you want done!

Debates On Politics : Be Careful, People are Watching!

Interesting thought concerning life among questionable people with their views on politics. If you have a heated political discussion with a democraaat, observers will not know which one is the idiot! Stay cool!

The EU Stumbles Badly on Climate Change? : Is This Just A Pivot?

 Well even Germany found out that the WOKE mentality of a lesser national ''Carbon foot print'' is still a nonstarter for increased fossil energy or nuclear production after the pipeline from Russian was destroyed. 

Still, many in the government believe that the country can endure life better with less energy for the population to survive on as saving the planet is far more important than some creature comforts like gasoline for mobility and having to suffer a little cold in the winter with less heat!

Just suck it up and live like you care about the planet! Don't
look now but the shinney object over there is more important
then having to worry about freezing. (The economy is going
in the wrong direction!)

The insane are loose and have taken control of everything! But
is this for real or just a pivot from other pressing items that
are stressful for leadership!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

NPR Is Identified As Government Funded? : Oh No! Who Knew??

Just a thought. Does $487 million tax dollar to NPR to be unbiased in all things makes a difference in the big picture when they are on the air?  Of course not, when the money is free, you line up at the trough to get more and whomever is in control of the money will demand obedience to their agenda and ideology.

So, wonder no longer why NPR is Marxist liberated democraaat dominated!

More Tow Truck Grads Find Failure! : Better Schooling Needed!!(Video)

 Well, this could happen to anyone, right? But most of us are not paid to understand the fine points of how to connect a car or a truck to a cable and bring it home. There is a lot of different things that come into play that a good school for tow truck drivers will highlight to ensure that they will be successful in this endeavor. 

But sadly, some should have stayed home with mother.

Walmart Leaves Chicago? Why?: Oh Wait, The Store Is Empty!

The most basic thing here is the obvious. Why have a store with items for sale but people come in and steal everything you have. But people are angry as well because they find it unreasonable for stores that want to leave the area!

Why have a store at all with items for sale that people want to make their lives better, but then just having everything taken for nothing? Why is so difficult to understand?

Why is the obvious so difficult to understand?

Who voted for self-destruction?

Ol' Joe Says Funny Stuff! : Not To Worry, ''It's Just Ol' Brain Dead Joe''!!!

 Ol' Joe's a party animal that requires every now and then a little speech on just how out of touch one has to be a Marxist liberated democraaat. Ol' Joe is just the best at being out of touch with reality.

And his speech is the perfect example what happens when the collective is all you have to offer other than having other people's money to collect making himself and family rich.

Hey, what's wrong with that? (Aways vote democraaat even if it's dangerous to your health!)

The scary part is millions of good citizens are ready to 
vote for more of Joe Biiyden!

His message, if one can decipher the meaning, is everyone is
bad except Ol' Joe who is just a good guy having a fun
time saying stupid stuff while his friends are gutting the
country of everything.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

This is Just How Things Are! : Dogs Need ''Show and Tell''!

 As a dog owner you understand that this is just the normal protocol when eating a meal. The dog knows what's going on and so believes it their opportunity to participate in the festivities! 

Understand, the dog gets treats by hand every now and then, so getting something from the table by hand is just routine. But when you really like what you're eating, generally he or she leaves nothing for the dog. A real problem!

 So, the dog has to be shown that the food is gone, or he won't leave his favored position at the table with his head in your lap or sitting close by with rapped attention. 

To solve the problem of having nothing left to feed the dog at the table, you show the dog your open hands, no treats today from the table. They surmise from this action the begging fun is over and go find a good place to lie down and wait until eating time again! 

The dog has a job to do that's eating anything and everything! Life is short so shamelessly get what you like the most, food!!

Isn't It Time For Joe's ''Care Giver'' to Show? : Oh, Here She Is!! Where IS Jill!?

 Ol' Joe was just tooling around in his Ford pickup when whe decided to have a snake. Yeah the war in Ukrance was going badly and several cities were on fir, killings, murders and robberies were out of control, but hey, all work and no play make O' Joe sad.

''How sweet it is! Oh, and a Carmel Nut
double scoop cone to go!!''

It's just a matter of have the frame of mind to enjoy life to it's
final stages by having the best of everything and it's free!

Where The Hell Did Biiyden Actually Come From? : Nature Has No Answer!


This didn't happen overnight but a lifelong effort to find a job where he could do whatever he wanted without any responsibilities. He was smart enough to see his best option was government employment.

Joe Biiyden is the end product of 50 years of doing the ''Washington Two Step'', or if that is not understandable to those on the margins of society, it can be understood better with ''Take the money and run!''

Ol' Joe is a composite of lost souls who lurk in basements
around the world and have an unnatural telepathic
connection with a hell bond power to summons the
darkest areas of one's innermost fears then
 make them visible.

Barrrack's ''Fundamental Change'' Jihad Is Here!! : Barrrack's Third Term!

 And now for the final push as Joe announces his run for a second term. He and Barrrack want to make America a global servant to the powers who want to rule the world from Davos, Switzerland! 

Barrrack is all about being in the center fold of power brokers as he is positioning himself to be president of the United Nations Gerneral Assembly and therefore an important player in the ruling of the world.

He knew Joe was the perfect puppet to jump
and dance to his toon!

Barrrack's plan to destroy the very fabric
of civil society making the country a more
willing participant in his push for ultimate
power. No options. just obedience!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Biiyden Decides To Run Again! : The Destruction Isn't Total!!

 This is what we are looking at now and for the next two years, but the real nightmare is that Joe is running again and could very well win as the democraaats are the best at cheating!!

Joe's poster for his election is one that a majority of his supporters believe he is ready to fulfill once and for all!

The reality is Joe really doesn't care what
happens to the country, he just wants to
accumulate as much money as he can and
then sit back and watch the country burn!

This Joe on a good day! What could go wrong
with 4 more years at the levers of power?

Bill O'Reilly Has Some Views On Biiyden! (Video)

Bill O'Reilly has some thoughts on the democraaats prize leader of the free world. But pay no attention to any of this, always vote democraaat even it means the death of the country and that of your family. Voting for more democraaats is way more important than the death of freedom.

Hey, what's not to like here, the democraaat's leaders will always survive to steal wart ever is left after the country is totally destroyed, a smoking ruin.

As the saying goes, ''Why did the democraaats want to kill the Golden Goose, they all just want to feed on the dead carcass!''

Push Back On Budweiser Must Never End! : Many Other Corporations Are Complicit! COKE?

The real puzzle here is why is this the first real push back that we have seen on the insanity of government and corporate's agenda for societial change? 

But still it doesn't provide a reason why so many good people just automatically took up the rage?

Hopefully this just the beginning of a push-back that will continue
to all of the WOKE insanity that has infected all aspects of our
civil society!

The Pretending is Over : The Marists Are Out of The shadows!!

All of us who are not asleep at the wheel know and understand who and what we are dealing with, the democraaat Marxist liberated communists believe it is their time in the sun to make Barrrack's ''fundamental change '' he promised back in 2008 a reality.

The Marxist believe our Constitution is flawed and needs to be updated. It must reflect the modern-day agenda and ideology of a liberated people who want good government and sound decisions that will bring prosperity to everyone no matter their personal status in the civil society. 

We are all one!

All that is required by the few is obedience to the rule of law that is instituted to rule the many.

As one great leader from the past said, ''To each according to one's need, and From each according to one's ability!''

Believe, this is who they are and always have been. To deny this is to ensure your personal destruction!

The new liberated democraaat collective!

democraaat's Poster Child! : Just Pictures But Many Truths!!

Always vote for what you know is true and reject all others as false! When democraaats speak, you know they're lying!!

''See what appends when democraaats are in charge!
Trump is out of control!
