Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Death of Fox News!? : WOKE IS Broke!! The Communists Win!? (AGAIN!)?

 Is the jury still out? We will have to wait and see what FOX is doing to repair the damage to the network standing and credibility.

But the hot question that is being asked, is FOX being obedient to the demands of the Marxist democraaats to eliminate any voices that are in opposition to their drive for the destruction of Ameria as founded on individual freedom and the liberty to choose one's own destiny?

What a sad day for our country and for common sense. But the question that remains is why so many among us have lost their collective minds that wholeheartedly believe the socialist state is a better fit the citizens of America. 

Free speech is okay but there has to be limits to what is acceptable to the Marxist tolerance for challenging the acceptable standards of right and wrong! Too much disinformation conerning the advances of the new agenda and ideology is a problem that causes confusion and conflicting thoughts about who is actually in charge of the country.

We love free speech as long as it doesn't interfere with
those agenda items acceptable to those in charge of 
knowing what the truth really is! Tucker Carlson has
other ideas on what is true and what is a lie!

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