Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Worst Fraud In American Histoy : Thank ''The Fau Ci'' AND democraaats!! IT WORKED!!

 The disastrous fraud that was and still is the Corona virus that has caused so much economic damage to our country and the mental anxious depression, will affect how we live and work for decades if not generations into the future.

And now The Fau Ci say he had nothing to do with the shutdowns, masking or distancing from each other. He now claims he only suggested it as a possibility method of prevention for further spreading of the virus. He never demanded we comply with his suggestions.

Thousands of people lost their lives in America because of his agenda for control. 100's of thousand worldwide! (And this was not by accident or from ignorance. This was deliberate!!)

If you ever wondered why he was the highest paid government employee serving for more the 40 years, then now wonder no longer! 

He has no shame or moral standing. The perfect democraaat!! And what about our current president with more the 50 years of government service and is a pathetic mental degenerate! (Does government service do this to people in the confines of our capital? Harry Reid? Pelosi? They are all criminals!)

The lives of 100's of millions of people were effected by
The Fau Ci and many gave up the lives as a result!!
People couldn't understand why this was all happening
because they didn't see the need but were being
 forced into compliance!

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