Saturday, April 22, 2023

Trump Is Gone But Now Disaster IS Everywhere! : How Come?

 Why are they still insufferable, mindless lunatics with the Orange Man gone? Maybe it's that the Orange Man is coming back. 

Maybe even they are just miserable sewer dwellers who are finding they really are without any substance, meaning or relevance no matter where they find themselves in the civil society.

The Walking dead are searching for someone to vent their hate but the crop of candidates is very thin except for the Marxist liberated democraaats running for the top job. 

There are a lot of wasted people there!

Hate is a terrible thing to have as ones only prospect
for future employment! But most democraaats
are good with this outlook on life!

And when Capitalism is gone and the shelves
are empty, the survives will scream, ''who's
responsible for this? It's those dam
Republicans, that's who!! It can't be me, I
always vote democraaat!!

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