Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Veterans Need Celebration Every Day!!

Some reflections that we all need to understand and celebrate no matter the day of the year.

It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is
the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the
salutes the Flag,

Inflation is A Problem For Biiyden!: ''That Dam Putin!''

 Ol' Joe struggles with even the most mundane problems in America. But it's easy to understand. All of our problems were created by him and still he can't figure out what's happening and who to blame?  


But you can't blame Ol' Joe for being confused! The 
view from his basement compound is very limited!

I don't believe this! The YEARS vote has to be way over 

It's always a problem when even the most intellectuals 
among us can't figure out why bad things happen when
democraaats are in control

Pray From The Heart That God Will Answer : Not That He Can, But Will!

Knowing and believing God will answer is proof He can and will answer your prayer! All that's required is for you to allow Him to speak and you to listen. Really, it's just that easy!

Beto Transfers Into New Vocation : It's Circus Time!

 ''Clowns to the right and clowns to the left and here I am caught in the middle with BETO!''

Please don't litter!! Get rid of all rotting waste!

WHO Demands Obedience World Wide! : Biiyden Likes It!!

 Joe Biiyden moves in mysterious ways to make sure America is no longer a country where individuals are free to choose who they are and what they can become just on their own initiative and hard work.

Joe Biiyden is soulless and mentally unable to understand right from wrong as a result of too many years of government service!

No price too high to pay to remine in power and access to gain
 more personal wealth.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Celebrating Our Heros that Gave Everything So The Rest of Us Can Enjoy Everything! : Our National Anthem!

On this special occasion we thank all those that gave their last full measure to secure our freedom for the next generation and beyond. We also celebrate those that stood against the evil doers and came back to live again lives that will forever be changed.

Here is the national anthem sung by a Kentucy school choir inside a 18 story hotel. It is just what we need today to make it all worth the effort! This is just the best. Very moving and right!


Delegates At Davos Talk About How to Get More Money: All Agree, Climate Change Will Work This Time!

 It was a fun time as they didn't have to worry about any common sense entering the discussion with Doanld Trump gone but was replaced, from the United States, with a mentally ill 50-year government employee that fell asleep in his chair at the conference! (It's also rumored he pissed his paints while sleep in the chair.)

As expected, the conference was a total success. They unanimously voted for the United States to pay the largest share the cost to bring everyone into compliance with the new regulations on carbon emissions. (Biiyden voted in favor as he thought they were voting on when to go to lunch. But no matter, he was already out to lunch but didn't know it!)

Many stated it was good and the right thing to do that the United States agreed to pay for everything as everyone one else at the conference has other obligations to their friends and family back home.

It was projected that the ''carbon footprint' of the delegate attendees flying home was more than many of entire country's that used their allotted carbon emissions over the past two years! 

Who knew? Who cares? 

Ogbjmma Said He Might Want A Third Term! : But He Needed Was A Front Man! A Puppet!

 Barrrack Ogbjmma commented to a interviewer he might want to have a third term but he said he would want someone to lead the way to explain what he wanted to and then do it. He wanted a puppet leader.

This is when the ''front man '' concept became a reality when Ol' Joe Biiyden said he wanted to run for president. Actually the team told him to run as they knew he was not intellectually capable and that he was mentally on the decline if not a basket case in need for a place to sleep and shit. (Sorry, I just had to say that!)

Our leader! A mentally ill child of the 50 years of 
government employment!

Stand Up for Palestine! : Chickens For More KFC?

 What exactly is this all about? When the simple minded begin to realize they are truly lacking any kind of intelligent activity that might have some semblance or connection to reality. they began to make statements that were questionable; at best if not laughably stupid!

The comparison here is mostly correct and not
completely correct! Power to the people!

Time Changes Everything : Jesse Jackson's History On Abortion!

Interesting how everyone seems to be able to change their thinking on a subject when the ideology winds begin to blow in a different direction. 

What made sense yesterday, when the subject first became a nationwide debate, is now unacceptable. The new thinking brought out a new set of facts-based statements from ''experts'', then sides changed to accommodate the new agenda and ideologies to better allow the new thinking and facts to better highlight the narrative of those that wish to take control.

Jesse was no fool! He was always on the cusp of going with the flow. He was front and center on race so why not abortion? And where was his buddy, Al Sharpton on the subject?

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Marxist Newly Liberated democraaats! : 401K Prosperity Is Here?

 If you haven't been awake and or aware of how much your 401K or for that matter your 403B is worth after Ol' Joe and his friends are done steal us blind as the stock market has crashed to new lows leaving smoldering hole that was once the nations safety valve for retirement.

No one wants to take about what will happen to Social Security when the country goes broke!

But hey, pay no attention to this, it your duty as taxpayers to pay the bill for the Marxist democraaats who want only the best for everyone no matter the cost you have to pay!

Scared yet? Not to worry, always vote for more good Marxist democrats to bring more of the good times to everyone!! (Dumpster diving isn't so bad once you get used to it!)

I wander what the ''butchers bill'' will be when the money
is totally gone. 

Are The Next Generation Ready To Lead? : Where Did They Learn To Lead?

Little wonder today's college educated leadership is not what one would say is ready for prime time unless they can be understood to being ready to take power from the people by any means necessary. America is a horrible place and must be ''fundamentally'' changed.  The consequences be dammed!

Joe Biiyden's Marxist newly liberated democraaats on their final rampage for control of everything!

Are you ready to take a knee? 

The question that remains is how many actually believed
all of the hate and destruction for the country that was and
is being force fed in classrooms at all levels of eductrion
across the country?

Biiyden's Stimulus' Nightmare : Where Did That Come From?

 Ogbjmma's third term! Remember he said he would like a third term but with one thing changed, he wanted a front man (puppet) to make everything he wanted done, someone else to havve to answer to the public for failure!

Enter Joe Biiyden! The perfect fall-guy! A mindless child with nothing to lose!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Bomb Dog Moves to Narcotics! : Drug Detection Is Important!

 It's all hands on deck! Everyone has to step up and do their part!

White Supremacist Race Theory? : Why Not! Nothing Else Has Worked for democraaats!

There are no limits to what the Marxist newly liberated democraaats won't do to regain the high ground they have lost over the last 6 years of hateful and destructive agenda they have pursued in this endeavor for absolute power.

The scariest part is what will they do next? Using the
murdering of 19 children as props to attack their opposition
in a political struggle for power? Who knew?

Democratic Socialism Defined by History! : What's The Difference?

 And then one asked, ''how in the hell did this happen so quickly?'' But someone else said, ''where have you been, this has been going on for decades. It's only now that their sickness has become so pronounced the democraaats have completely lost all grip on reality forcing them to come out of the shadows and be who they really are!''

''Yikes'' says the first guy! ''What do we do now?'' dah! ''Never vote for another democraaat socialist, not that I did in the first place. I'm just saying, it makes sense for the future, based on what we see and hear occur on a daily basis in real time to make decisions that will affect our very survival as a nation.'' 

Good one!! That does make good sense!

Sadly, of course, millions haven't the slightest clue why 
they do the things they do! It's just easier and more secure
to rely on what has gone before even if it means your
very survival is at risk.

TV Tray That Actually Works! : Innovate! Innovate!

 Being locked up for months by the good Ol' Fau Ci makes a person look for convivence of the operation and in this case, it's eating while watching TV!  

Hey, it might be unsightly, but it works great!

Friday, May 27, 2022

The Fau Ci Says Many More Viruses Are Coming : The Monkey Pox is So Last Week!!

 The Marxist democraaats tried this on public to see if there were enough morons still wearing masks that will go back into hiding with the threat of Money pox now on front and center. This could be bad?

The only way to stop the carnage is to vote democraaat, says The Fau Ci! They have more injections and many more buster to bring online for the next two months and then after this one is dead and gone, next pandemic will be in full swing. 

The Fau Ci say he has another vaccine and dozens of busters all ready and waiting to cure the next 5 viruses that are on the way, so not the worry, The Fau Ci is on the job!!

The Jokers says it easy to fool the people, look at the total
destruction I did for no reason at all!

Elon Moves To The Right! : Oh No!! Jeff is To? Explain Please!

 I guess it's clears now that when Elon said he will no longer vote for democraaats as they have moved so far to the left even Moskow finds them too radical, little is left to wonder why the Marxist liberated democraaats have decided to attack Musk and try to destroy him and his company!

Do they, the communists, want to destroy Musk now because he said he will now vote Republican? (Oh, and will he therefore now give a ton of money to the Republicans instead of Marxist democraaats?)

But what's strange is Bezos, owner of Washington Post and founder of Amazon, is taking a similar stand which has the Marxist completely befuddled and worried that maybe their plan to take power is not working like they want. Two of the riches people on the planet are moving away from the communist.

So, what's next to bring hate, chaos and conflict to our country? I'm sure the newly liberated democraaats will rise to the occasion! Hate and destruction is in their DNA!

Elon and Bezos understand communism is not logical
or workable ideology for them to keep their money
flowing into their own pockets instead of into other 
people's pockets!!

Republican Strategy For Victory : The democraaat's Narrative On Display! Kamala Speaks!

 Kaamla is what democraaats are made of! The poster child of insanity and destruction!! ''No there there or anywhere over there or here or there, maybe elsewhere but never here or there!''

When Kamala speaks, heads explode trying to understand what her message is! But the problem is there isn't a message, only words that fall from her mouth are that are raddling around without purpose or meaning from the empty space above her shoulders.

To save the country always vote for more democraaats to bring clarity of thought to save us from ruin!

All that's required is to have the democraaats tell us all just
how they will take our freedoms away on a daily basis! (But
you probably will have to pay close attention when she is
speaking as she is just a democraaat and not are real person!)

There is no there there! Only there and some place other then 
there as there really wasn't any there there! hahahahah!!!

What Is Truth? Who Decides? : Biiyden? Marxist democraaat Ideology?

 This November will be a turning point in our existence as a country.  If we as a concerned population of citizens believe our Constitution is the law of the land, it is imperative we vote out every last member of the Marxist democraaats running for office.

Failing this will bring chaos and conflict like we have never seen before in a once free nation! The democraaats, all of them, as a group are committed to taking away the America dream which they believe is standing in the way of their push for total power over all aspects of life.

You have to understand the democraaats always vote like they are told, as a block, they have no choice but to obey. It's in their nature to submit to the demands of others and they do so willingly.

Freedom of speech is a road block to taking power from the
people as is fossil energy that gives freedom of movement!

Yeah is gone but the damand for the population to shut up
is still here and will arise again!

The poster child of Marxist socialism, communism is gone
but her ideology is not! The communist never ever give up
or give in!!

Ol' Joe Knows All About Creeping Up?! : ''The Sniffer 'en Chief'' Makes His Move!!

 Yesterday Ol' Joe thought the gas price wasn't high enough to make the population understand how he wants us to change our habit of going places of our choice rather than where he wants us to go! 

Of course, Joe doesn't go anywhere other than his basement in Delaware so why should we want to drive across the country to visit family and friends.

It's high time for us to understand fossil energy is bad as it allows the population to be independent and therefore harder to control. 

Just like Joe's push for more gun control! It's not a good idea for people to able to protect themselves and their family with a firearm when all they have to do to stay alive is submit to those that want to control us.

Really, it's just that easy to survive in the new world of Marxist socialism.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Orange Man Bad, Gas Prices Good : Drooling Man Good, Gas Prices Bad!

 Doesn't it seem strange that so many among us find Trump a bad person because he responds to people on twitter who call him a Nazi and a Putin Russian agent? The people love their lives now that everything is going great with trump as president, but those ''mean tweets'' are just too much to take, so he had to go!!

Hey, how's that working out for you today!!!!!!!!

We have to get rid of the mean tweets!!

Believe their people in good Conservative families that
didn't vote for Trump because of the mean tweets!

Ol' Joe has Problems : Biiyden Turns To Batman For Advice!

 He should know better but being ''Just Ol' Joe'' he didn't understand Batman is a crime fighter! The consequences of being totally unaware of reality from too much government service had a profound effect on him, and therefore he suffered the consequence of a crime fighters' agenda.

Who knew?

''Hey, Batman, I need some advice on how to fix some problems
that got out of control. What should I do?''

The Puppeteers That Control Ol" Joe That Make Him Jump To Their Toon!!! : Marxist democraaats!

The Marxist newly liberated democraaat puppeteers are having a blast make Ol' Joe do the bidding of every group of sinister individuals both domestic and foreign who want to control all of our lives for nothing more than to get more power and therefore money.

He has to know what's happening, but this isn't knew to Joe. With his 47 years on government service he has gotten rich and didn't have do anything to make it happen. All that was needed was for him to show up and take the money.

And where the money came from was of no importance, his long term government service taught him to just ''take the money and run'' was okay, everyone else was doing it to. It became routine, even from people in this country that hate us and from those who want to destroy us from over seas.

Ol' Joe was an ''equal opportunity'' taker of the good life!!!

And then the guys pulling the strings of the 
puppet to make him do stupid and dangerous
things know what they are doing.

So why are the people flocking to Donald Trump? What is it
about leadership that means so much to all the people!

Rome Fell After 400 Years! : America Fell Into Chaos After Just 15 Months!?

 The population is puzzled, confused and fearful about what is happening to our country. The ordinary citizen who has always just wants to live their lives in peace, to work hard and provide for the families.

But they have no history of dealing with an actual insurgency that is engulfed our American dream with chaos and conflict on a national scale, where Citizens are prisoners to the demands of actual terrorists that are in control of our government and the mainstream media but lie about their actual intentions.

Again, I must use the statement from others that have seen the disaster of Marxist ideology firsthand. ''When confronted by insurgences, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are often paralyzed by it!'' 

Mass Shootings! Who Are They! : Black? White? Whatz The Difference?

 These shooting of innocents, especially children, are horrific beyond the pale, but maybe even worse are the people that use the dead as props to advance their political agenda and ideology even when they are still warm and bleeding!!!

Please take a minute to digest this if that's even possible to comprehend. There are people that will do anything to get what they want and by any means necessary to do that. There are no limits! They are soulless!

As far as I can tell, they are not human. They are something entirely different! They have crawled out of the sewers of hell itself to bring terror and damnation to all humanity!

The slaughter of children in Texas was used to 
advance the narrative of a certain group of people
who are not guilty of anything other than their
skin color and they want your vote!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

He Isn't A Mechanic : She Isn't A Baker! (Video)

This will give you some fun in this day of sadness and corruption. So smile again if only for a few moments and then move toward the light.

The ''Who Knew'' Headlines Department!

 Just a few of the many!

What Really Happened In Benghazi? : Don't Ask Barrrack or Hillary!

What is the real story? Everyone witnessed Hillary's congressional testimony that found her lying to Senator Johnson over the death of the ambassador and three other Americans, but she never suffered any consequences. 

Why? Was Justice compromised? Easy, she was and is a good warrior for the cause, a well-placed Marxist democraaat!

''WHAT DIFFERNCE DOES IT MAKE AT THIS POINT IN TIME!'' Hillary screamed! Indeed! Why beat a dead horse!

 The REAL Story On Benghazi?
(We may never know for sure as there were too many powerful people involved! All Democrats!))

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. 

On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile. The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not. (The lie was useful as the media carried it to the end and still does!)

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn, another idiot warrior for the cause, used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.(Obama didn't know about it until he read about it in the paper!?)

So, we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, also compromised and totally corrupt, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. (Ever wonder why she was never charged with a crime again the state for lying under oath?)

Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles, that if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Politicians Questioin The Banks About Failues : How Did That Turn Out??

 This is from the dim passed where the banks were doing things that didn't work out well and then the taxpayer had to bail them out! 

Those in power always seem to land on their collective feet no matter the circumstances, especially the politicians that control the money flow.

Crooks are still crooks no matter where they sit!

democraaats Can't Riot This Summer? : Gasoline Is Too Expensive!? (BLM and ANTIFA)

 Not to worry, the democraaats always have another plan to steal and kill the American dream!! They will do whatever it takes to destroy America and leave only the ruins for the population to fight over!

And don't forget to vote for more good stuff to happen, vote democraaat! Some cites haven't yet been graced by democraaats since 2020!! There's a lot of stuff still left to burn, loot and steal from the fools who just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. 

What a hoot is that!

What's Happening to The Economy? : Those Dam Oil Companies and Republicans etc.!?

There is one fool proof solution to finding out what has happened to the economy in our great country, remove every democraaat from office this November if we really believe our country is in danger of collapse.

Or, if people believe we are doing just fine, arrive early at the local dumpster to get a good spot when the garbage is dumped from the table of those that are now in power!

Chose with no regret!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

When It's Time to Not Be Stupid In A Foreign Country! : Police Explain! (Video)

 In America, people can be as obnoxious as they please in the face of authorly, especially a minority. But in other countries that find the rule of law is important and enforce the law, bad behavior can have consequences for not understanding this can be harsh!

Enjoy the rules being enforced!

Rep. Johnson (La) Explains Treason To Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security Sec.) VIDEO!!

If your wanted to understand why our open border is working to destroy our country, wonder no longer. And if that isn't scary enough, the good secretary is doing this by design. 

It's the reason he was nominated by the Marxist democraaats in the first place as he was perceived to be able to lie and deceive better than anyone else they had on their list of active nominees and that is saying a lot to explain his abilities. 

A monster by any other name is still the same. If he were a Republican, he would have run out of town long ago on a rail by the Republicans and even the democraaats.(The democraaats would hire him at a later date to do their dirty work that Mayorkas is doing now!)

Musk Says It's All About Who Controls The Teleprompter : Truth! Vote democraaat!

 Justs when you thought it was safe to breathe again, you start to choke on your next breath! But not to worry about stuff like that, the democraaats have a plan to solve everyone's problems, more bad news until there isn't any need for news!!!