Friday, May 27, 2022

What Is Truth? Who Decides? : Biiyden? Marxist democraaat Ideology?

 This November will be a turning point in our existence as a country.  If we as a concerned population of citizens believe our Constitution is the law of the land, it is imperative we vote out every last member of the Marxist democraaats running for office.

Failing this will bring chaos and conflict like we have never seen before in a once free nation! The democraaats, all of them, as a group are committed to taking away the America dream which they believe is standing in the way of their push for total power over all aspects of life.

You have to understand the democraaats always vote like they are told, as a block, they have no choice but to obey. It's in their nature to submit to the demands of others and they do so willingly.

Freedom of speech is a road block to taking power from the
people as is fossil energy that gives freedom of movement!

Yeah is gone but the damand for the population to shut up
is still here and will arise again!

The poster child of Marxist socialism, communism is gone
but her ideology is not! The communist never ever give up
or give in!!

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