Friday, May 27, 2022

Republican Strategy For Victory : The democraaat's Narrative On Display! Kamala Speaks!

 Kaamla is what democraaats are made of! The poster child of insanity and destruction!! ''No there there or anywhere over there or here or there, maybe elsewhere but never here or there!''

When Kamala speaks, heads explode trying to understand what her message is! But the problem is there isn't a message, only words that fall from her mouth are that are raddling around without purpose or meaning from the empty space above her shoulders.

To save the country always vote for more democraaats to bring clarity of thought to save us from ruin!

All that's required is to have the democraaats tell us all just
how they will take our freedoms away on a daily basis! (But
you probably will have to pay close attention when she is
speaking as she is just a democraaat and not are real person!)

There is no there there! Only there and some place other then 
there as there really wasn't any there there! hahahahah!!!

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