Monday, May 16, 2022

Joe (Brandon) Biiyden identified : Drooling Man By The Numbers!

 Ol' Joe is on top of his game as he has been for more than 45 years as a government employee, both in Delaware and Washington. Just because has been active in the endeavor of taking money for services rendered his entire public life, and has never been charged in committing a crime against the state doesn't mean he isn't guilty, it just means every one that has the responsibility to call out his crimes have come from the same stem of corruption and therefore guilty by association as well! 

The media and all of the other government employees who know and have turned a blind eye to the theft are a national security risk!!

Joe and the Marxist democraaats have taken charge of
the destruction of the American dream.
''Ha! I'm getting rich and you're not!''

Joe is in charge of taking Chinese bribes, his son Hunter is
taking bribes and the rest of the family is taking 
bribes from Hunter! The family is tight! This family is
very religious!
The family that takes together stays together!
(Even when they all go to jail!)

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