Monday, May 23, 2022

Ol' Joe Is So Proud! : The People Are Hurting! ''I Did This AND I Love It''!

''I hate America as it is headed in the wrong direction, and I will fix it'' screamed Joe! But the question that still hangs in the air like a fart is, why do this? 

This is not by accident, this is on purpose!! But still, how come? What purpose could be gained by driving the entire country into chaos and conflict, causing so many to have pain and fear in our great country?

Can anyone show any policy that Biiyden has produced that has a positive outcome for the country? Have they brought more freedom and prosperity?

Why do you think Joe and the ''newly liberated Marxist democraaats'' hate this country, especially the way it was founded on ''life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'' as described in our Declaration of Independence?

Joe is having the time of his life killing off the American dream. Never
in our history has one person and their party done so much damage to
the country in such a short period of time!

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