Friday, May 27, 2022

Elon Moves To The Right! : Oh No!! Jeff is To? Explain Please!

 I guess it's clears now that when Elon said he will no longer vote for democraaats as they have moved so far to the left even Moskow finds them too radical, little is left to wonder why the Marxist liberated democraaats have decided to attack Musk and try to destroy him and his company!

Do they, the communists, want to destroy Musk now because he said he will now vote Republican? (Oh, and will he therefore now give a ton of money to the Republicans instead of Marxist democraaats?)

But what's strange is Bezos, owner of Washington Post and founder of Amazon, is taking a similar stand which has the Marxist completely befuddled and worried that maybe their plan to take power is not working like they want. Two of the riches people on the planet are moving away from the communist.

So, what's next to bring hate, chaos and conflict to our country? I'm sure the newly liberated democraaats will rise to the occasion! Hate and destruction is in their DNA!

Elon and Bezos understand communism is not logical
or workable ideology for them to keep their money
flowing into their own pockets instead of into other 
people's pockets!!

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