Friday, April 26, 2024

How Cats win Everytime! : The Fight Results Never In Question! (Video)

This is great! And if you have ever delt with a cat in a contested situation, you know you will probably lose the battle! 

The Genius of Gary Larson : He Knows Everything There Is to Know!

 This is so good it takes my breath away! There are others of course that reach this level of genius but this is one at or near the top!!


And A Child Will Lead Them!

 Maybe it might be better than what we have now!?

The Perfect Picture of Republicans In Congress : No Guts and No Glory!

 As Marxist liberated democraaats always vote as a solid block, never any find a reason to object to how they are told to vote issues, but the Republicans can be relied on the fold the tents and go home when the hard task of making sure the country is well served by their election to congress.

They campaigned with those words ''I'll fight for you'' in the halls of congress to make your lives better. Again, what really happens is they fold their collective hands, sit back and worry about what the media will say if they actually take a stand for what is right and what they said they would do if elected. 

If the truth be known, one has to wonder just how many people running for government jobs as Republicans but in reality, are actually democraaats? Just asking?

Having the democraaats eat the Republican's lunch every
day is okay. It's just who they are!

A Man For All Seasons! - Joe Biiyden : What Could Go Wrong!?

 Goodness, the best question is what couldn't go wrong! And even more to the point, what hasn't gone wrong in our country with Joe and his Marxist liberated democraaat friends pulling on the strings to make Joe dance.

Sadly, he dances like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel! The man is death walking. He belongs in a rest home with constant care, not at the ultimate levers of power.

So, who is pulling on the strings and what is their purpose? And why isn't this more obvious to so many voters that still are lining up to vote for him and the other democraaats on the ballot? Once elected, they all vote in a block to the man and woman. There are no independent democraaat members in congress!

Joe's motto has always been to ride the train of good times
and fast living. Takes whatever he wants from anyone that
 happens to cross his path. He understands our capitalist
 system and makes the best use of it to enrich himself no
matter how unlawful.

Everything is about himself and how to benefit from
his 50-year life in government employment. Nothing!!
The country be dammed!!

Has he ever been fact checked on and in the mainstream
media, ever? Was he fact checked by a ''panel of experts''
during the state of the Union speeches like they did for
President Trump?

dah! Of course not, he's a democraaat and what ever
he says is okay as he and they have nothing else to offer
the people other than a fantasy of what they have
accomplished when they are in power. There is no
connection to real life.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Reagan's STAR WARS, ABM Program Worked ! Joe, ''ABM? What's That?''

 And speaking of dim bulbs! Once the brain has become petrified, there isn't much that can be done to save the rest of the body. All that's left is a walking cadaver like thing that's of little use to anyone.

Joe - ''ABM? Anti-Ballistic Missile? Is that a new ice cream?''

But never mind any of that, this is an election season so no matter how insane the democraaats look and act, vote anyway like you always do even if it means you risk self-destruction! 

The mentally ill do not have a mind of their own!

The country again is heading into a place where we might not
escape if the voters are lost and blinded in the forest to
actually see the trees. It's important to find
their way to safety!

One Thing We Know, democraaats Aren't Racists : Just Republicans!!

 Who are the democraaats? What are they saying on TV now when the talk about people wearing white robes and marching for Donald Trump? But it's called projection. Saying what others are doing but it's actually what they are doing instead. Deflecting their own criminal activities on to others.

What is the truth if you're interested. This is what the democraaats are all about and always have been!!!

The democraaats are running scared. Their only
alternative now for not having ethics and any
moral standing is to lie about everything
but do it louder and more profane than 
ever before!

Dressed to kill America just like their predecessors did!

And now you know the rest of the story! democraaats voting f
or what they believe is best for everyone! (Well, not everyone!!)

Are Republicans a voice crying in the wilderness?

Vote for democraaats! : The Population Deserves Less!

Just imagine how much fun it will be when you go to the grocery store and leave with your basket looking like this when the kids see you coming back to their wagon? (You don't have a car as there isn't any gas and no electricity either this week to charge the car! It's only turned on every other week!)

Do you like to eat? If you do, don't vote democraaat, ever!!

When you wake up in the gutter shortly after voting democraaat,
just remember that face your friend gave you when you
went to him asking how come I'm starving, living
on the street and you aren't?

You don't have to be stupid just because you think there
isn't an alternative!

Why Not Vote For Joe? : How Bad Can It Get!?

 As he staggers into the Oval Office of The White House, drooling, stumbling and mumbling about he didn't want to get up this morning and go to work even though it was only 10am, he says he's still tired.

''Come on man, this isn't what I signed up for. My whole life has been a cake walk up to this point in time, doing anything I wanted to do no matter what and nobody said a word about it to me, no matter much trouble I cause doing and saying stupid and dangerous stuff. 

''Come on ,ya gotta vote for me cause I want to die in office. How cool would that be, people coming from all over the world saying what a great man I was! I did so much for everyone. Everyone will say they loved me! They'll say it's really too bad he's gone!''

But the alternative for Joe if he losses the election is living the rest of his life close to the ice cream machine at the Sunny Rest Hotel in Scranton! Not bad for 81 years of doing nothing of consequence.

(And if he wins and then resigns because it's has beocme too difficult to get out of bed, then enter country will find out as Kaamla Harris takes her place at the levers of power what's it like living in a dumpster behind Walmart!)

Reports say Joe sent an open invitation to come to dinner at the
White House to the tribe of people that he believed had is
uncle for dinner. That's only fair, right?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What's The Perceptive For Marxist democraaats?? : It's All About the Agenda! WOKE!!

The ''squad'' members are not in congress to help the people of this country obtain a better life, but they are all there to steal our freedom and liberty and install a new communist manifesto for controlling all outcomes for their own personal benefit!

All, everyone ofl them, Marxist liberated democraaats in congress today, are willing to take a stand for the destruction of our Constitution as it stands in the way for their cause for their ultimate control.

They must have this behavior for their very sense of existence.

 Insane politicians are that way because they don't have
any alternative options to change their destructive
and criminal life style!