Friday, April 05, 2024

Do democraaats Hate Everything and Everyone? (Video)

 Yeah, I know this kind of discussion takes place a lot these days as a lot of people now who are trying to comprehend what democraaats aurally stand for, which they haven't done before, and what are their primary issues for succeeding in life.

dah! The country is on the edge of disaster like we have never seen in our lifetimes, so even some democraaats are see the dark clouds churning in the sky. Why? The democraaats have no life so they have no issues for success! Angry and resentful? Well, yeah, it just stands to reason why they hate people that are happy and successful.

Now you know why they hate so much of everything and everybody. It's because they see the majority of people around the country working hard and therefore being successful, but they have to see themselves as losers? Ah, no! They are DNA diseased leaving them empty of body and soul!

They look in the mirror fearfully every morning and wonder, who the hell is that? That can't be me, that's what a loser looks like!

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