Sunday, April 21, 2024

the Passing of The Agenda And Ideology for Leadership!

 It's clear that the squad is posed to that the leadership role of driving the agenda and Marxist ideology for the ''fundamental change'' Barrrack saw was needed in America if true Marxist socialism becomes  the ruling authority, communism, could be accomplished.

And with the Jew haters and America haters getting ready to riot in the street's, burning and looting cites across the country when Donnald Trump takes office, the generations long dream of liberated democraaats taking control of Amecia has finally becoming a reality.

With rioting now at most universities and communist blocking traffic to airports and brides, as well now as we now know, destroying bridges, the new liberated democraaats see their future for total control nearly complete even if Biiyden doesn't win in November, the armies of Marist socialist democraaats are on the move everywhere even as good citizens stand by and watch, have no idea what's happening to their lives in the very near future.

Most will actually vote to make it happen sooner rather later! Ignorance will always find a way to bring misery and conflict!

It seems many among us actually want to be
enslaved to others. Making decisions for themselves
and for their families is just to difficult.

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