Sunday, April 14, 2024

Understanding Reality Is Difficult - Wake Up! We Are Under Attack! : William O Douglas!

When a justice of the Supreme Court says something like this, we all must pay attention and realize that it's true today!

Maybe the saying concerning 'a deer in the headlights' is easier to understand. We are so lucky to have been born and lived all of our lives in The United States with Capitalism and our Constitution as our partners for freedom and prosperity, that we have lost any fear of anything that might come between our present free life and a new reality of a Marxist totalitarian attack, a nightmare of a socialist's hell beyond anything we ever even dreamed possible in America.

But take a few minutes out of your busy schedule top fully comprehend our current government's understanding of what they believe is the new reality. A place where the people no longer are relevant to law and order. Our Constitution is no longer relevant!

Failing in this just means we all will become prisoners of our own ignorance.

Nothing worse the having to admit when the darkness doesn't go away in the morning that it's your fault for not doing what you knew was right but instead took hte easy way out of taking the responsibility for future generations to enjoy what the generation before us fought for, you voted out of helpless ignorance and complicity.

Saying your sorry now won't help!

Is it so hard to see what is taking place right
before our very eyes and yet deny it just because
it's too stressful and incomprehensible?

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