Monday, April 29, 2024

Out From the Shadows and Into the light of Day!!

They are not hiding any longer. They are here and believe their time is now as there isn't anything to stop them. The Biiyden government is in agreement with their agenda and Marxist ideology whether they know it or not to destroy the country as founded. 

Most actually believe they are right in their assumptions America will be better off as a socialist, communist state. They don't know why, they just do! It's in their DNA! They are not like the rest of us who love the country that has given us everything!

Joe Biiyden and his closest associates, they aren't friends as they have no friends, they hate each other as much as they hate themselves!

 And know this, all democraaat members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are sitting the same pew of the church of Marxist socialism as well! 

Our schools are now radicalized to accept the concept of a single
ruling force for all people and situations. The ideology of 
centralized power to rule!

Ever wonder why they hate him so much? Sadly, the entire
progressive collective is now being transformed by Donald Trump's
success to make America a safe and livable place which they never
believed he could as they lied and cheated to stop him.

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