Friday, June 30, 2023

Why Is There ''Homeless'' In America?

 The next question is why are so many large cities in decline riddled with crime and pestilence? Can it be a problem of leadership?

Of the top 10 major cities that are a disaster of crime and destruction of life and property, 9 are controlled by liberated democraaats and have been for decades!! Believe some of them like Milwaukee have not had a Republican mayor for more than 100 years!!

How did this happen?

Fire and destruction is a daily consequence of democraaat

Making sure to finish the job of total destruction of America!
The democraaats don't care at all what actually happens to the
average citizen. They hate the little people and must
be controlled!
Never vote democraaat again to avoid a shallow grave!

History Quiz : Who Are They And What Happened Next!!

 I pray to God the outcome of such ignorance and corrupted diplomacy will not be the same.

He said ''Peace in our time!'' He had the signed agreement
to prove it!

He said ''We must remain connected'' but couldn't 
explain to media why as he physically shrank in stature.

And Now The Fraud of Covid Brings New Fears : Watch Where You Step! Be Alert!

The universe is huge and complex. Never allow your mind to wonder where the next anvil might land because it will be your demise! Stay alert!

To Much Fiction -Not Enough Reality : Fear Drives The Narrative!

 The importance of understanding reality is having the power to fix a bad situation before it becomes disasters. And what we see today is many if not most people see the realty but instinctively avoid confronting it.

This is where the truism, ''When confronted with insurrection, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it'' from our past history were tyrants brought death and destruction. 

Today, we (Unconsciously?) set in motion escaping into fantasies where good over powers evil. The reality is so disturbing the average person cannot comprehend certain people could actually believe our county is so bad they have to destory it to make it better!

The struggle is huge and debilitating causing depression and mental conflict. Watching fantasy programs or creating new ones their own minds to relive the pain is rampant in our once civil society.

The problem of course is in two of these, the danger is minimal,
but the third, death and destruction is assured! Never vote 
for democraaats.

Nature Is Fantastic! : Understand The Enormity of Our World!

 A baby owl! My goodness sakes! Some how your lives are better knowing we are just part of God's larger plan for humanity.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Graduates Demonstrate During Ceremonies! : Youth Ignorance Is Systemic!?

 One has to wonder if our educational system is failing our children and the country's future. It seems at first this is a joke but given the information on what goes on in classrooms across the country and universities, this is no joke.

(Can a student be this stupid and totally without the basic skill of understanding how things work?)

And rest assured, the population is becoming aware of the problem and they are not laughing!

Little wonder then how easy it is to convince
ignorant people to do things that hurt themselves
and others.

United States Destroyers : Military and Otherwise!

Media is all about ''visuals'' to explain what's taking place around the country so we all can have a better idea of how current events directly affect us. This example is right on the mark. 

Leadership from the top down is the problem and the problem we face today is one that is ''destroying'' our way of life, not only for us today but for generations to come.

Ol' Joe and his friends and family have made life
in America unpleasant if not unworkable. It's
way past time to unload the problem and vote
to make sure a democraaat never ever again
gets close to the levers of real power.

Media Headlines Explain The Fall From Grace!

 Our way of life has decided to leave the hard surface for the soft and uneven ground of insanity!

''OceanGate'' Found and Raised : The Problem Is Obvious!!

 The problem after close inspection was a design flaw in the Craft's hull. The chief engineer used expertise she learned at the university were she studied for four years but apparently leaned nothing according to investigators called into to identify what caused the craft to implode.

The chief engineer admits she had no idea what she was doing most of her time at the university because she really didn't want to be an engineer but was convinced to study engineering as a candidate in DEI promotional program.

The university guaranteed her an engineering degree whether or not she completed her studies to meet the standards of the program. She apologized for not recognizing the fact that she should have dropped out of the program as soon as she saw she didn't have the necessary skills for engineering and signed for what she really wanted was Women's Studies.

The tragic failure was discovered as a systematic
program failure on the part of management to
have a large enough and diverse engineering

Management didn't see this coming. They firmly believed
a social engineer would be enough to make their company
 publicly diverse and inclusive and therefore successful.

Garland Still Eligible For SCOTUS From Jail? : Sure! But The Strings Will Always Be Attached!

 The Marxist liberated democraaats will never allow such a good soldier to be cast into the outer darkness just because he was using the Department of Justice to destory a political opponent like he was told to do. He will always be used to carry the flag for justice and what better place then the Supreme Court where Barrrack originally wanted to put him.

"I was just following orders from others! I can't be impeached for that. We have always worked hard to secure justice around here, pointing out all of the false and misinformation coming from those that want my job'' I'm not a bad guy! I'm not a crook''!


No matter where he lands, it will soft and the strings will
always be attached because it just who and what he is,
a good democraaat!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Did Joe Just Say Something? Nah! : He Just Pissed Himself!

The meeting of two titans of intellect. Both confused and conflicted by each others brilliance making themselves understood. Neither one knew what to say making the silence deafening and defining!

It was an historic meeting of like minds. The leader of the free world and our newest senator meet for the first time. The exchange was something beyond what the average person could possible comprehend. Even many medical experts were baffled!

 Not much was said as the communications skills of each participant are compromised by their respective severely limited brain functions.

Some said it was a modern miracle how these two communicated without saying anything at all!!!

Hollywood demonstrated that even a 
''manufactured'' person can have a reasonable
chance of making something of themselves. But
when the misfunctioning brain is a natural
phenomenal thing,
there isn't much that anyone can do to change
the enviable disastrous outcome!

Bonding time for the political elites! No telling the
enormity of the outcome here concerning the combining
the brain power of these two titans of intellect.

A Wi-Fi Spell Check Problem Can Be A Disaster : Be Careful!


Trash Talk On Secret Documents Be Damned! : Hey, Make America Great Again Donald!

 I don't give a dam what the leak is from what the DOJ that CNN has! What I want is to stop the Marxist liberated democraaats from destroying our country any further and Donald Trump is the only one that has a proven track record of fixed bad police disasters from democraaats by example like in 2016!

He can do that again! This entire crap concerning an edited audio clip is complete bullshit!! Remember the clip in 2015 where Trump was ''trash talking'' about women? Garbage!

And to believe an audio discussion concerning some piece of paper of unknown origin and content can stop this man from bringing justice to the Marxist democraaats who hate this country, doing everything in their power to destory America as founded 250 years ago and her people, is totally unacceptable criminal behavior! And they are criminals!

They want to do us all harm!

If anything, my faith in Trump is even stronger given the fearful hate that the democraaats have for Trump who was totally successful in actually ''making America great again''!!! Little wonder they are doing everything can to stop him from showing the world, again, just how deceitfully corrupted the Marxist democraaats really are.

The choice is clear, ''Been there done that''!!

Going WOKE Is Insane! : But Corporate CEO's Rush Head Long!!

 And the beat goes on! The question that remains is, again, why are corporations so easily convinced that going WOKE is the path to new profits when all history points toward failure?

Even in the face of what has happened to Bud Light for going ''trans'', losing $billions in revenue, other companies are continuing to take up the slack and go the same route to disaster. Has the mentality of corporate CEO's become so diseased with some kind of mass hypnosis which demands lunatic behavior in defiance of common sense and good logic?

Remember what happened to the Lemmings when they ran in mass toward the abyss?

And what is the true definition of insanity? Doing something over and over again but expecting different results.

Not reality? Explain what is real when we see what
is happening in schools with CRT with kids as young as 5?

Again and again, why is this okay?

Who Decides Your Fate? : What Is Right AND What Is Wrong?

 It's the new age of living in the present as given to us by mentally challenged lunatics and discard the consequences of what the future will be as a result and then accepting it without comment or any opposition. 

You have no right to question the judgment of those who want to take control even when they have no authority or merit in their demands to do so. Is the new age mentality to get along you must to go along?

Exactly, what is the definition of common sense? Who must
live with the results of what you know is not right and 
proper in the maturation of a child?

What in the hell has happened to our
civil society? Has the apocalypse already taken

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

International Climate Expert Updates Coming Disaster : 5 More Years To Live! (Or Else!)

 As with most experts, especially with concerns with the planets weather conditions, even when they were just 16 years old and mentally compromised, have a special way of commanding the world to listen to their findings on just when we all are going to die if we all don't heed their warnings.

Remember how she kept the United Nations spell bound? ''How dare you cheat me of my youth!''

Now as Greta's forecast has taken a few hits of late, she has announced again that mother earth is headed for still another end point for our demise if we don't end our foolishness on fossil energy.

The sad part is no matter how many times the predictions
are false, millions still huddle in fear of coming predicted

Elon Offers To Buy The FBI? : Is This A Good Idea?

 ''Come on man, you can't buy something owned by taxpayers! Besides, they're my friends and they work for me for free!''  (Big smile!!) The power to control begets the need for more power and results in more corruption!

What Are The Choices? : Chose With No Regret!

 And knowing what matters in life is so very important and central in our civil society. Then making decisions based on that knowledge will affect your future must be based on the moral ability to recognizes right from wrong or all is lost.

We are now confronted with the task of knowing what is right and what is wrong and voting accordingly.

The Entertainment Is Becoming Clearly Popular : It's On The Hit Parade!

 Whoa! The lyrics are something that will live in infamy. Is it possible to accept the fact that our leadership can be so completely compromised by greed and drugs that they don't have the ability to do the job of making our country great again after causing the destruction we are suffering under now?

Clearly, the siren song of compromise is catchy and revealing!

In our history has there ever been a president that is so
compromised by the total lack of moral standards that he
has to have the media explain to the general public that he
isn't part of the TV show Walking Dead?

They Are Demented And Dangerous : democraaats Are Cockroaches In The Daylight!

They run about in a frantic craziness looking for that morsel of intelligence that will relieve the pain of insecurity that comes from knowing their is someone coming that is close to the switch that brings the killing light of happiness and prosperity to many without the light of reality.

A lot of people are beginning to recognize that the Marxist liberated democraaats are actually so mentally corrupted it's to a point where nothing in life matters other then stopping someone that believes there more important things to life than just hate for people that don't believe like they do and have the potential power to change how they live by turning on the lights of reality!

And the more the lights that are turned on to expose the corruption the brighter the room becomes showing that there actually is a positive out come after stopping the vermin that live in darkness.

What good is a life lived only in darkness?

Monday, June 26, 2023

I Just Have to do This!! : Eric Clapton Guitar Festival! CROSSROADS 2010 (Video)

I just love this stuff - Enjoy!!

Some Great Music For The Soul : Mustang Sally! Dam This Is Good!

Take a break and move to the back of the room and let it go even if it makes you look foolish, it's from your inner soul!

Start The Week With A Smile!! : It Makes All Things Brighter! (Kinda)

     An Engineer dies and goes to Hell. 

Dissatisfied with the level of comfort, he starts designing and making improvements. 
After a while, Hell has air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators. 
The engineer is a pretty popular guy. 
One day God calls and asks Satan: "So, how's it going down there?" 
Satan says: "Hey things are going great. 
We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next." 
God is horrified. 
"What? You've got an engineer?  That's a mistake - he should never have gone down there!  You know all engineers go to Heaven. Send him up here! " 
Satan says:  "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff.  I'm keeping him." 
God says:  "Send him back up here or I'll sue." 
"Yeah, right," Satan laughs, "and where are you going to get a lawyer?"

What Does It Take To Propagate The species? : The Answer is Easy!

 And this the question that can't not be asked or discussed as the WOKE community mob will come for you seeking your demise. How is it that .03% of the population make the rules for everyone else?

The turth must be eradicated to make way for the lie.

How can this be? Who are these people? Haven't they been
told what to think?

Lies, all lies!!

Ronald Reagan : America Will Die From The Inside Out!

 What's the problem with our government? The problem it seems we don't have a government, just a bunch of demented criminals seeking to take advantage of their time at the levers of power to steal as much of our money and freedom as they can before they are turned out of office.

You have to know there are millions of voters who have no idea what is happening in our country. And many are relatives.

The really bad part is they are doing so much damage to the country that it might be impossible to turn the ship of state around in time to save her from total destruction.

Please, never vote democraaat ever again! Ever!

The rot is total in our society and especially
in our government. Our leadership is completely
without a moral guide. The are all Marxists!

Advice to the new graduate from one who is in the know.
''WOKE is the new norm and to object to this will be a huge
mistake on your part as a business man or even just as a
human being. The mob will come for you and your family''

The Fix Was In Long Ago! : The Godfather Decides Everything!

 Again, the saddest thing of all is millions of good citizens have no idea what is happening right before their lying eyes. America is being sold down the drain for just a few pieces of silver. 

Even worse of course, the line waiting to be blessed is huge!

And just what is a country worth when sold? What is one's
soul worth after the sale?

Bribery, RECO racketeering, money laundering, 
human sex trafficking, drug dealing and illegal
gun position from lying on gun app. is no big deal!
After all he is a democraaat! Like father like son!

Ol' Joe IS Just Ol' Joe : Nothing New, Only Just Ol' Demented Joe!!

Sadly it's more complicate than that but still it's what we have and from all indication he isn't going anywhere. Another 15 months of driving America into the ground is still with us and many in congress, nearly all democraaats, and elsewhere in the media and academia are good with that.

Those pulling the strings on Joe to make him jump to their toon make him even more of a danger to national security as his 50 years of government service can attest, he has always been a danger to national security as we find out he has been wheeling and dealing with foreign adversaries for ''pay for play'' to enrich himself during his time in the Senate, as vice president and now as president.

And our enemies love this!! The Chinese are now getting what they paid for!!!

Nothing to see here says Ol' Joe, the balloon across America, the Afghanistan defeat, the open border, crime in the streets, education failing the children, all making our government the enemy of the people!! 

It seems the4 pile of cash grows by the day as the congressional
members find more and more assets in bank accounts belonging
to the Biiyden family. Estimates now range from $10's of millions 
to as high as over $100 million dollars stashed in
banks and elsewhere!

One thing we all can be assured of is 10's of millions of voters
will willingly do their duty and vote the democraaats back
into power and the rest of us into early graves!