Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Did Joe Just Say Something? Nah! : He Just Pissed Himself!

The meeting of two titans of intellect. Both confused and conflicted by each others brilliance making themselves understood. Neither one knew what to say making the silence deafening and defining!

It was an historic meeting of like minds. The leader of the free world and our newest senator meet for the first time. The exchange was something beyond what the average person could possible comprehend. Even many medical experts were baffled!

 Not much was said as the communications skills of each participant are compromised by their respective severely limited brain functions.

Some said it was a modern miracle how these two communicated without saying anything at all!!!

Hollywood demonstrated that even a 
''manufactured'' person can have a reasonable
chance of making something of themselves. But
when the misfunctioning brain is a natural
phenomenal thing,
there isn't much that anyone can do to change
the enviable disastrous outcome!

Bonding time for the political elites! No telling the
enormity of the outcome here concerning the combining
the brain power of these two titans of intellect.

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