Monday, June 26, 2023

Ol' Joe IS Just Ol' Joe : Nothing New, Only Just Ol' Demented Joe!!

Sadly it's more complicate than that but still it's what we have and from all indication he isn't going anywhere. Another 15 months of driving America into the ground is still with us and many in congress, nearly all democraaats, and elsewhere in the media and academia are good with that.

Those pulling the strings on Joe to make him jump to their toon make him even more of a danger to national security as his 50 years of government service can attest, he has always been a danger to national security as we find out he has been wheeling and dealing with foreign adversaries for ''pay for play'' to enrich himself during his time in the Senate, as vice president and now as president.

And our enemies love this!! The Chinese are now getting what they paid for!!!

Nothing to see here says Ol' Joe, the balloon across America, the Afghanistan defeat, the open border, crime in the streets, education failing the children, all making our government the enemy of the people!! 

It seems the4 pile of cash grows by the day as the congressional
members find more and more assets in bank accounts belonging
to the Biiyden family. Estimates now range from $10's of millions 
to as high as over $100 million dollars stashed in
banks and elsewhere!

One thing we all can be assured of is 10's of millions of voters
will willingly do their duty and vote the democraaats back
into power and the rest of us into early graves!

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