Thursday, June 22, 2023

Trump's Documents Are A Breach of National Security!? : Biiyden's Docs. Are Just Party Favors!

 The ''Get Trump'' syndrome is on course to run wild until November of next year to cripple Trump or destroy any chance he might have if he is the nominee of becoming president again.

The fear of Trump back at the levers of power scare the Marxist liberated democraaats beyond anything else in the world. His ''Make America Great Again'' slogan the Marxist democraaats like Kryptonite to Superman. 

Having America become a viable nation again where the people are in charge is unacceptable and a direct threat to the agenda of Marxist democraaat's push for unlimited power for the total control of all outcomes.

What we see today with the FBI, CIA and the DOJ is only the tip of the iceberg of corruption if the democraaats win next November and will force the population running for cover but nowhere to hide!

Communist totalitarian power will be the new norm in America much like today but only totally without restraint!!

One has to wonder just how many good citizens
understand how corrupt the DOJ really is!

Joe gave out invitations for everyone that wanted to see secret
documents, and many as we know took him up on that invitation.
Still, Ol' Joe should have had some limitations on just
who was eligible?

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