Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Still More ''Get Trump''!! : Why Does He Terrify democraaats So Much?

 And this is the question so many of us down here in the trenches that enjoyed Trump so much as he gave us new opportunities for success, so why do so many people in Washington hate Donald Trump?

Why? Can it just be that we see him as one of us!? You know, the little people that want a voice in what goes on in our country? 

How terrifying that must be to those in power right now who seek to once and for all keep the ultimate power for absolute control of the population in perpetuity. 

They have to know Trump won't allow it!

The elites know if Trump comes back a second time to grip
the levers of power, Marxist socialist liberated 
democraaats are doomed!

Will impeaching Trump for a third time really stop him from
making America Great Again? The democraaat believe so!

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