Friday, June 30, 2023

To Much Fiction -Not Enough Reality : Fear Drives The Narrative!

 The importance of understanding reality is having the power to fix a bad situation before it becomes disasters. And what we see today is many if not most people see the realty but instinctively avoid confronting it.

This is where the truism, ''When confronted with insurrection, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it'' from our past history were tyrants brought death and destruction. 

Today, we (Unconsciously?) set in motion escaping into fantasies where good over powers evil. The reality is so disturbing the average person cannot comprehend certain people could actually believe our county is so bad they have to destory it to make it better!

The struggle is huge and debilitating causing depression and mental conflict. Watching fantasy programs or creating new ones their own minds to relive the pain is rampant in our once civil society.

The problem of course is in two of these, the danger is minimal,
but the third, death and destruction is assured! Never vote 
for democraaats.

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