Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Going WOKE Is Insane! : But Corporate CEO's Rush Head Long!!

 And the beat goes on! The question that remains is, again, why are corporations so easily convinced that going WOKE is the path to new profits when all history points toward failure?

Even in the face of what has happened to Bud Light for going ''trans'', losing $billions in revenue, other companies are continuing to take up the slack and go the same route to disaster. Has the mentality of corporate CEO's become so diseased with some kind of mass hypnosis which demands lunatic behavior in defiance of common sense and good logic?

Remember what happened to the Lemmings when they ran in mass toward the abyss?

And what is the true definition of insanity? Doing something over and over again but expecting different results.

Not reality? Explain what is real when we see what
is happening in schools with CRT with kids as young as 5?

Again and again, why is this okay?

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