Thursday, April 30, 2020

Voting for Ol' Joe Biden : Lost In the Mental Weeds! Let The Good Times Roll!

Ask any progressive socialist democraaat to explain why they will vote for Ol' Joe Biden and how he will make their lives better, you will find a person that is not in control of reality. Hey but then again, Hillary just came out and endorsed him. How bad can he be?

If a serial criminal can find him acceptable, why not vote for him. How bad can it be with Comey, Brannen, Clapper, Strzok and Page back in control? Just think how much fun that will be. There can't be down side to have us elect people who want to steal us blind, right?


Wuhan Virus Is Dangerous ? : How About Citizens Who Vote democraaat?

Just think about this for a split second, millions of citizens are ready and willing to vote for Ol' Joe Biden! And you think the Wuhan virus is a dangerous situation?

How many have forgotten the total corruption that was in full progress before and after Donald Trump was elected as President of The United States? Remember the democraaats trying to over-throw a duly elected government of this great country with the official from FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department? Do we want to return to this?

The sad part voting for Joe Biden shows the same willingness to take a knee to the power brokers in the media and some career bureaucrats in our health agencies that demand they have the answers to everything that causes us harm and therefore we all must obey or die.

In truth, they had no idea what was going on but saw an opportunity to enhance their own self-serving careers. They lied! Judas lied just for money, but he hung himself because of his actions. But our career bureaucrat health care offices have no intention of leaving the swill when the taking is good!

Voting for Ol' Joe will complete the cycle of obedience that the porgressive socialist liberal democraaats have in store for all of us!! It's the tyranny of few and the willing obedience of the many.

But when it all fails and as it always does and has, few will look in the mirror to see why!

Amazing Dog And His Yoga : A Family Member Joins In!

More good stuff about our best friend and loyal family members doing what they can to become one of us. But in reality, that would be a terrible mistake. They have to remain above all of the nonsense that inflicts humans with corrupted intellegence.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What Is Actually Happening In Our Country? : Some Thoughts And Conclusions!

As the saying goes, "You can run but you can't hide". Fear dictated by others is reprehensible! Don't know the author for this but still brings some clarity to a disgusting situation brought on by corrupt politicians and self serving career bureaucrats in our government health departments! 

What and Why for The Shut-Down!

I’ve read a lot of posts for and against reopening the country. Many attacking those who protest or want to open businesses back up as selfish and reckless. It got me to thinking.

There are those wanting to reopen, yet they’re being classified as selfish or worse. There are also those that rely on all kinds of people to supply them while they cower in fear at home. Isn’t that also being selfish?

You expect your garbage to be picked up.

You expect the grocery store to be open so you can get food to feed your family.

You expect truck drivers to supply the stores.

You expect farmers, meatpackers, fruit and vegetable pickers all to keep food in that grocery store.

You expect Amazon to still ship all the things you’re ordering while you sit at home shopping.

You expect the delivery driver to leave it on your doorstep.

You expect your phone to work, your power to stay on, and your mail to show up rain, sleet, or shine.

And most important, you expect the doctors and nurses to be there if you need them although many of them across the country have been furloughed because their units and services have been shut down while the entire system focuses only on COVID19.

The whole premise of shelter in place is based on the arrogant idea that others must risk their health so you can protect yours. There is nothing virtuous about ignoring the largely invisible army required to allow people to shelter in place.

I know there are some of you that are screaming mad about what I just said but stop and really think about what is allowing you to stay "safe" in your home.  I truly believe that with some common sense on my part, I could easily go back to life as it was. I want to go to restaurants, I want to go fishing without being arrested .

And yes, I could catch COVID-19. I could also catch the flu or a cold. I could get run over by a bus. I could get struck by lightning. We take risks everyday. If you choose to stay home, that is absolutely your choice. And please don’t start screaming at me about how I’ll just spread it. Why are you worried? You won’t get it because you’re staying in your home. Are you going to shelter in place every time a new strand of the flu happens?

Our economy can’t withstand much more of this. If our economy collapses, so will every other economy worldwide.

If that happens, you will see the rise of tyrants.

I absolutely don’t want people to die...from COVID or anything else. I want people to live.

But sheltering in place is not living.

Rush Hour Around The World : Survival Is A Common Event!(Video)

Goodness! Rush hour around the world. This amazing video shows how people seem to do what ever is necessary to survive in complex societies!

Leader of the Pack : Beagle Pack At Supper! (Video)

Even if you aren't a dog owner but love them as family members, it is so cool and rewarding to see how a pack of dogs will obey their leader. The leader of the pack!  Enjoy

Painting Depicting Social Corruption? : Or People In Flux(Humor Video)

Now we have the perfect start to the day. This is a "wee bit" off color maybe to some, but please look past the innocent images to find the humor!  Enjoy the day!! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Giving Baths To special Family members : They're Not Just Dogs!

Giving baths to animals is always are special events not seen at any other time in our relationship with these family members. This short video is real fun!

The Air Forces' E-4B Aircraft Survive Nuclear Attack! : Even More Then Air Force One(Video)

Did you know about this series of 4 aircraft, called E-4B, tasked to survive a nuclear attack! Even more technical then Air Force One!

Chicken Playing A Piano on America Has Talent. : Really!(Video)

On a national talent show we have here a chicken playing a piano - the ultimate pecking demonstation!

Wasting Away In CoronaVille : Music That Tells A Sad Story!

What a fun song to express how we all feel about living in coronaville!

Ol' Joe Swears It's All Lies! : "Would I Lie To You?"

It's all about the right wing conspiracy to get Ol' Joe! 
This is not a cartoon depiction, this is really Ol' Joe talking to the
press about how he feels concerning how life is a toad in the 
larger swamp!

Ol' Joe swears, 'I didn't do any of that stuff she claims I did. It's all lies! I was just having some fun after a long day on he campaign trail! As a Senator we have a lot of pressure to do the peoples business and sometimes things happen to release that pressure but never would touch anyone inappropriately!'

Monday, April 27, 2020

Dog Dancer Extraordinar : This Is A Good One!(Video)

Here is the best dog dancing video ever made! Ya gotta love this one! Enjoy!

Supper is Burn't, But Never Fear, The Beer is Okay!

She was so worried that she failed in her duty to serve her husband a good
meal when comes home from work!

Even in the worst of conditions, always look for that silver lining that makes a bad situation better or at least much improved!

Music, "All My Heroes Have Been Cowboys" : Stars Pictred From TV and Movies!!

Here is a fun short video of all of the western stars from television and the sliver screen, as well as with one of the best western songs, "All my heroes have been cowboys".

See how many you can identify.

Questions For The Good Dr. Fauci! : People Have A Right to Know!(Maybe It's Too Late)

Here are a few questions to ask the Good Dr. Fauci. The people want to know. (What is the most important task of a career bureaucrat? Self preservation?)

''When and if he, the Good Dr. Fauci was ever vetted since his installation as head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1984. What mile stone has he laid down as head of this august institution concerning all virus that plague our country and the world?

''Good Dr. Fauci, why are you an considered an Expert? What have you accomplished since 1984 at the NIH?

''What and where is the data to support "social distancing" of 6' feet?

''What is the difference between a surgeons mask and those worn by citizens?

''How does a corona virus compare to bacteria in size?

''What is the comparison in size between paint accelerants, gas particles and a virus particle?

''Is a 'dust' mask better or worse then a folded handkerchief to stop a virus?

''Who are the modelers and what and where did they get their data? I want to know!!

''Why did the Good Dr. Fauci rely on these models as they proved wrong and yet continued
to use them?

''Why after decades of work  at the NIH does the flu still kill more the 60,000 every year?

''Why haven't you, the Good Dr. Fauci vet the modelers before using them to base your demands?

''What data did you, the Good Dr. Fauci use to state the Wuhan convid virus was 3 times more infectious then the other corona viruses current running wild in our country?

''Is there a vaccine for other corona viruses like the Sars, Mers, Swine and H1N1?

''Why did you, the Good Dr. Fauci say we had to shut down the economy, the entire country for Wuhan but not all of the other virus that had come along?

''Do you believe this being an election year have anything to do with the shut down?

''Why should we believe the figures that hospitals release as fact in the infections and death rates from the Wuhan virus?

''Does the death rate in New York City under normal conditions, more then 400 per day tend to make the actual death rate from Wuhan tainted since the Good Dr. Brix said doctors should under all circumstances use the death certificates to indicate the death was of the Wuhan virus?(During the daily press briefing)

''Why have more then 13 hospitals been shut down in New York City since 2003?

''Why do you, the Good Dr. Fauci find the State of Georgia opening is bad but the state of Colorado not bad? Why does President Trump say Georgia is not ready but Colorado is?

The Wuhan Crisis Works For democraaats? : Death And Poverty Are Good Tools/!

The agenda : 'It's all about winning even if we have to destory the entire country and force millions into abject poverty, that's what we'll do. The Mueller report failed, the Ukrainian phone call failed and even the impeachment failed. But now we have the population on the ropes and we can make Trump the reason.

Pelosi will be the center point for historians to understand how 
the United State was seen as corrupt in 2020!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Close Calls of The Extreme! (Video)

Here's a short video of people that came extremely close to disaster but by Devine help escaped!

The Good Dr. Fauci's Time In The Lime Light : A Career Bueaucrat From 1984!

Isn't it interesting that The Good Dr. Fauci became head of the National Institutes of Health(NIH) in 1984? A true life long bureaucrat, having his time in the sun shine of fame. And the only way that he can remain in the light is to keep the fear at it's highest level.

Because once the light of fame is extinguished, The Good Dr. Fauci will go back to living in the shadows from whence he came at the NIH.

When The Alarm Goes Off - GET UP or Bad Things Happen(Video)

Okay, here is a wake up buzzer that brings new meaning to clock signal 'get up now or suffer the consequences!

The Vivaldi Four : Fun Music To Start The day! (Video)

Here 's a cool short video that brings great Vivaldi music and fun animation for a Sunday morning. Enjoy!

Who Really Is The Good Dr. Fauci? : Just A Career Bureaucrat Or Activtist?

It's a shame that we have to have this virus in the same year of a national election. Otherwise none of this shut down carp would be going on and destroying lives and our country just to help a corrupt national party to win an election.

By the way, why hasn't the Good Dr. Fauci been vetted? Who really is this guy?

The progressive socialist liberal democraaats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are using this ''pandemic'' to advance their agenda and ideology to promote a total centralized authority to control all outcomes in the country even if it destroys the entire country, which it is. A winning strategy for democraaats!

The question that seems to be gaining some ground though is who actually is the Good Dr. Fauci? We know he is a career bureaucrat since before 1984 when he as named head of the National Institutes of Health(NIH) and has been in the shadows of national health programs until now.

Now he's a hero, an unquestionable "EXPERT" on viral diseases. How come? What did he do to stem the influenza  problem that kills more then 60,000 every year, even with the national availability of a ''flu shot". How come? Where was the Good Dr. Fauci?

This year alone 29 million have been infected and more then 280,000 hospitalized with more then 16,000 that have died with influenza with much more to come! Where is the Good Dr. Fauci program to stop this catastrophe? Or maybe it's not important enough at this place in time and as it wasn't for past generation. But this year so much different!

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer : A democraaat Champion for Justice!

''Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!'' Once you get the taste of real power it dominates everything you do, and even worse, if you think you will have a chance to get even more power, believing if you do enough hatefully outrageous and criminal things, you will be recognized by a national party as a real player to advance their agenda and ideology.

The new face of the progressive socialist democraaats. She's a real a winner for the collective!

A hateful corruption so great and complete even the most disgusting members of
 her party, the socialist democraaats,  find her unacceptable.(In private discussions
they love her!)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

New Ad For Trump's Reelection : Very Good AND Sad At The Same Time!(Video)

This new add for Trump's reelection is very graphic and correct, but at the same time it points out just how morally deranged and shamefully corrupt the progressive socialist liberal democraaats are.

Truly allowing this man to be on the national stage in his failing condition is nothing less then criminal!

And as we all know, the democraaats will vote by the 10's of millions for Joe Biden. And if he wins the general election, he will not be able to execute he riggers of the office of the President of The United States, and as the leader of the free world, he will resign allowing his party's hand picked vice present to take the reins of power.

This is exactly what the democraaat strategy is for taking and keeping power. Joe Biden is an expendable tool to used and abused!*3A*2F**2Fo57xxa.mp4&data=02*7C01*7C*7Ceb3326702f86411541d208d7dfda994c*7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa*7C1*7C0*7C637224002267673389&sdata=Q9MT8kaWBBUUT1DrqjfXD9ZA6qEkYhG7BB5HT*2FBDjz8*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!FRNqNQ!S2oPSOjEapqH6iKkWDoOezxHpXE14xBzlq4LwHQR58aYE6Xh1l9N7Zd0Wt8Pvw$

Generation Gap Is Huge? : "My Mother Told Me How Things Work!''

What happened between now and then? Why did so many of us learn life's lesson on the way to being a responsible adult at home?

Most of generation of 60+ were  HOME SCHOOLED.

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE .  "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION . "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL . "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

4. My father taught me LOGIC .  " Because I said so, that's why ."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC . "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT . "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My father taught me IRONY . "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS . "Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM . "Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA . "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER . "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY . "If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!"

13. My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE . "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out..."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION . "Stop acting like your father!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY . "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION . "Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING . "You are going to get it from your father when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE . "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way."

19. My mother taught me ESP . "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My father taught me HUMOR . "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT . "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS . "You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS . "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM . "When you get to be my age, you'll understand.

25. My father taught me about JUSTICE . "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!”

 Younger people would not or can not believe we truly were told these "EXACT" words by our parent!

George W Bush Warned Us In 2005 : But Fauci's NIH Failed to Follow Through! How Come?

Here's a short video on what George W Bush said about being prepared for a pandemic back in 2005. Why didn't the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) and National Institutes of Health(NIH) take this seriously. Who was in charge of these organizations that are tasked to understand what's at stake and be proactive to protect the population for serious infections?

Where was the chief ''expert'', The Good Dr. Fauci at this time seeing he was in charge since 1984? Was it that he didn't care or was he not ''expert enough'' to follow the recommendations of the President? 
Or was there something more nefarious about the decisions coming out of the National Institutes of Health(NIH)  back then and now that just might not be something totally unpolitical or incompetent.

Why hasn't The Good Dr. Fauci been vetted? What is his history at the NIH? Why is he an unquestioned, unquestionable "Expert"? Something stinks!

Michigan Governor The ''Poster Child'' For Mental Health Month!

And Michigan will be cast into the cesspool of failure like other states run by progressive socialist liberal democraaats,  Illinois, California, New York and New Jersey just to mention some of the more severe cases!

This isn't mental illness month, but here is the "poster child" when it comes up!

Walking Slower On The Way Home : It's Not Complicated!

Too Good! Now start the weekend off on the right foot!!! 

The Doctor Says Your Cured! : "What Did You Do Doc?"

Okay, yeah, it's one of those 'Oh No' things but hey, it's Saturday, smile anyway!

A groaner..

There was a midget down in Texas whose testicles hurt and ached almost all the time.

The midget went to the doctor and told him about his problem. The doctor told him to drop his pants and he would have a look. The midget dropped his pants.

The doctor stood him up onto the examining table, and started to examine him.

The doc put one finger under his left testicle and told the midget to turn his head and cough, the usual method to check for a hernia.

"Aha!" mumbled the doc and, as he put his finger under the right testicle,
he asked the midget to cough again.

"Aha!" said the doctor again, and reached for his surgical scissors.
Snip-snip-snip-snip on the right side, then snip-snip-snip-snip on the left side.

The midget was so scared he was afraid to look, but noted with amazement
that the snipping did not hurt. The doctor then told the midget to walk
around the examining room to see if his testicles still hurt.

The midget was absolutely delighted as he walked around and
discovered his testicles were no longer aching.

The doctor said, "How does that feel now?" The midget replied,
"Perfect Doc, and I didn't even feel it. What did you do?"

The doctor replied, "I cut two inches off the top of your cowboy boots."

Friday, April 24, 2020

They Cancelled Events All Summer Long?? : What The Hell Is Happening!!!

This is so sad and unnecessary. We paid no attention to the millions infected by the flu or the 60K+ that died last year, or the millions already this year that have been infected by the flu and no one cared!  

At some point we have to stop running and hiding. This is crazy and stupid behavior. We should know better then to give into the fears of others when they, the experts living in a cocoon of bureaucratic ignorance which have no connection to real life. 

Every day is a risk but we weigh the risk against commons sense and past experience to make good decisions each day we live. To do other wise is to give up. God help us!

The Wuhan flu is just another virus that infects the population from time immortal, but as past experience shows, life goes on unabated, unrestricted and is successful.

To give in to the fears and ignoracne of others is not in our nature.

democraaats React to Trump's Agenda for "Making America Great Again, Again!"

Nancy Pelosi is in bind. Trump is fixing the mess left behind by the Fauci and the bureaucrats since 1984 when he became head of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) What is she to do to stop his surge of successes?

When all else fails, the democraaats, and that's all the time, they turn to what they know best, lie, cheat and steal everything worth while, our freedom and our liberty!

I'm Mad as Hell!

I’m mad that our government didn’t act sooner.”

I’ve seen that on quite a few of my friend’s posts, a thinly veiled accusation that Trump didn’t act quickly enough.

Well I’m mad too.

I’m mad that Pelosi and the U.S. House wasted close to 3 months pursuing an obviously futile impeachment of the President.

I’m mad that Pelosi sat on those very impeachment papers for 28 days before sending them on to the Senate.

I’m mad that the Senate was shut down for 21 days in January and early February dealing with Pelosi’s impeachment, thereby leaving Trump to deal with Covid alone, with no support from either the House or Senate.

I’m mad that the day the President closed travel to and from China, Chuck Schumer declared the action “racist”.

I’m mad that 28 days after the travel restriction, Nancy Pelosi, downplaying the severity of the virus, begged people to visit Chinatown in San Francisco, again playing the race card.

I’m mad that Pelosi swooped in at the last hour of the stimulus package, adding things that were pure politics and had nothing to do with the dire circumstances at hand.

I’m mad that the Obama administration didn’t replenish the National Medical stockpile of masks after the H1N1 virus scare. (34 million infected, 350K+ hospitalized, 60K died and no one cared!)

I’m mad that there are top doctors and experts in many fields having to waste their time at daily press briefings just so the “media” can pester them with gotcha questions that they think might be their ticket to a Pulitzer.

I’m mad that Pelosi is now talking about an investigation into Trump’s handling of the Covid crisis.

Every day, every turn, every word, every breath since before he was elected, President Trump has been attacked, mocked, accused and belittled by Pelosi and her gang. (And don’t even get me started on the media.)

So there it is. I’m mad as hell that our country is going through this and the petty bickering from the left won’t even stop for people dying and our economy imploding. (Barrrack waited for 6 months before he acted on H1N1 stared and 1000 died!)

Hey Nancy, why don’t you man-up and stand side by side with the President to work through this mess? American citizens need to see Washington working together and you’re infuriatingly absent.

I’m mad too."

Oh yeah, and just remember that if Trump and Pence were to go down with the virus, she would be your President. Let that sink in...!!

Message From Wuhan Victim : The Report Is Wrong?(Video)

This is serious stuff, kinda! Nah! Just for fun!(It's okay to laugh! Really!)

(Copy and Past - Okay it's large but the shorter version wouldn't load again!)

New Senior Complex Rules : "I want A Season's Pass!"

New Senior Complex!

On the first day at the new seniors complex, the manager addressed all the new seniors pointing out some of the rules:
"The female sleeping quarters will be out-of-bounds for all males, and the male quarters to the females.
Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time."

He continued, "Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of $180.

Are there any questions?"  An older gentleman stood up in the crowd and inquired:  "How much for a season pass???"

Life Is About Caring For Your Friends! : Children Learn Early!(Video)

This little girl really cares about her friends. It's always about caring even though the result might not be what is understood as caring for others the right way!

Why Do Citizens Need Guns? : Ambitions of democraaats for Destrucion!

The hatful democraaats will do what ever they have to do to disarm the nation. They know they can not accomplish Barrrack's religious jihad for "fundamental change" to this country as long as the population is armed!

Spock's Valcan Brain Meld Findings Are Scary : "Jim, AOC Has No Brain!''

This is true, Spock can't administer the Vulcan Brain Meld on AOC as she actually has no brain at all. Spock has determined why, ''she is a progressive socialist democraaat, Jim. They are a different species, they are the walking dead! They have no past, no future only the present that focuses on just taking everything away from those that work hard to survive,  taking the fruits of their labor. It's a phenomenon that exists only in certain areas of the most countries. Look for population that are controlled by liberal democraaats Jim, and you will see the highest concentrations of dead people"

Economic ignorance : People Have No Clue - ''Why Isn't It All Free?''

Well yes and no! It's really scary just how many people are totally ignorant of how the economy works, especially a capitalist free market economy, a supply and demand economy.

It sounds so easy to understand but ask someone you know why something is priced they way it is? Ask even about the food in the market place, and then wait for the answer.(Don't hold your breath especially if they are progressive democraaats) Ask how and why did all this food come together at one place to fill the shelves?

Are you scared yet? If not remember the huge crowds that Bernie generated with his promises of free education, free medial services, free energy, the ''Green New Deal'', wind and solar?

See how easy it is to convince millions to ''take'' is much better then having to earn a living!

WOW! It's Magic : Beer From A Paper Bag!(Video)

It's Friday morning and time to start the day with a smile and a WOW!  Soon it's time to slam a few beers! Here is a magician that show how to pick full glasses of beer out of a paper bag. Enjoy

Thursday, April 23, 2020

It's Love Story About A Goose, A Guy And His Boat : Hey, It's Okay to Feel Good!(Video)

Oh no, more good things to make your day better! Here is an old story that's been around the block but still a good one from CBS. It's about a goose that fell in love with a guy and his boat! Hey, it okay to smile and feel good, no really it's okay even though all other things are going to hell!  Enjoy!

(Ya, it's big but copy and paste. It's worth the effort! The shorter version wouldn't load.)

Why Do democraaats Hate The American People? : Who Do They Like Better?

I'm just glad that the progressive socialist liberal democraaats have such a deep feeling and ''all inclusive ideology'' that they have no problem thinking about themselves and their personal friends before the American people that are hurting!!! Oh, and 22 million unemployed. But do democraaat care? Hell No!!!

What good reasons to not, not, not, not vote democraaat ever again!~!!!!!! They don't like us and they never have. We are just tools to be used and abused!

"Jesus Is Watching" : The Parrot Knows Stuff - You Should Listen!

Ya gotta love this stuff in the morning to set the day off on the right foot!

A parrot joke from Barry Cryer

Late one night, a burglar broke into a house that he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly froze in his tracks when a loud voice cried out:

"Jesus is watching you."

Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again.

"Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again.

The burglar stopped dead in his tracks. He looked around frantically. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage and in the cage was a parrot.

"Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?" he asked.

"Yes", said the parrot.

The burglar breathed a sigh of relief, then he asked the parrot: "What's your name?"

"Clarence," said the bird.

"That's a stupid name for a parrot," sneered the burglar. "What idiot named you Clarence?"

"The same idiot who named the Rottweiler Jesus," the parrot replied

democraaats Move For Control of The Population : It's Never Was About The Virus!!

And it's not just Bernie that finds our grocery's shelves empty, much like their agenda and socialist ideology. The entire democraaat collective, formerly the democrat party, is very pleased with this situation. It causes a lot of stressful pain and fear which allows the progressive socialist liberal democraaats to have more control over the population.

This isn't about the virus any longer, and not that it ever was, but a grab for the throat of the population now that they are in a kneeling position.

democraaats are socialists, not just Bernie, he's just more open about
taking your freedom and liberty then the other progressive democraaats!

Unforseen Problems : Your Last Day On The Job!(video)

And you think you have problems? This is what your last day on the job looks like! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Seniors Entitled to Compensation For Staying Home?

How does something like this work? Here's something I didn't know. The government will take care of the elderly and infirm if they stay home out of the larger society? Check this out!

Below is a link for what the US Government is doing for all seniors staying ome for the 14-day quarantine period:

All seniors are entitled to $1750 Dollars per week to stay at home to avoid the spread of COVID-19 novel Coronavirus, starting from April 6, 2020. The Government grant pay is accessible to all seniors. I applied and rec'd reply already

Read full article below on how to make your claim:

New Invention : Turns Plastic Back Into Oil!? (Video)

Interesting. If this is really a working product that reuses all plastic based containers and such and return them into useful items, what a cool invention.. Innovation will make life better! The free market of ideas will win the day. (But please no more mandates!) Also, what exactly do we do with the unrefined oil and other by-products?

Maybe, if this isn't a scam, it would be a good idea for a corporation to start a huge plant some where and get it going to use up all of the plastic that's in landfills?

Japanese Ingenuity -- Save your plastic ~~~
This is one of the most amazing emails and break-through in Technology I have ever seen!!! 

Why aren't we doing this now????

I think we should all do what we can to save what we are destroying!  Not surprised at this at all, just a case of Japanese ingenuity and perseverance. What is more important would be the marketing and very low cost to make it mandatory to have one of these in every home. 
(The sound is all in Japanese. Just read the subtitles and watch. What a great discovery!)

AG Barr Comes In Out of The Cold : I See You AND I Know Where You Live!

Here comes the light that forces the cockroaches back into hiding. But never fear, he knows where they live and he has his hand on the switch!

The Military And How They See Themselves!(Humor)

Military secrets - heh  Here is some funny statements from the military about how they operate and the consequences. Good fun in pictures depicting reality?  Maybe?

Products Producted In China : Food And Medicine Is National Security!

This below has not been vetted as fact other then we all know just about everything we buy here in America is made in China or some place overseas. But still though it's something to think about these days concerning China and the Wuhan virus and how we deal with the products that we all consume and trust as being healthy and safe. 

When the "experts" tell us things will never be the same again, in some aspects it a good thing if we heed the warnings about who we are and what is important to our national  security. 

President Trump as a business man understands this and is now moving forward to remedy the situation where mush of what we consume must be produced here or controlled by us!


Smithfield Farms, the largest pork producing farm in the USA, was sold in September to China with the unanimous support of its stockholders! The hogs will still be raised here, but slaughtered and packaged for sale there before being sent back here. This includes labels of:

· Morrell
· Eckric
· Krakus
· Cudahy
· Premium Hams
· Cook's
· Gwaltney


The same applies to many chickens. They can now be shipped there, but when they come back all that needs to be labeled is that they ‘WERE RAISED IN THE USA’. Not that they were processed in China!!!

Our great FDA at work again. The chickens will be all processed and most sold to fast food restaurants for sandwiches, along with schools and supermarkets. The China slaughter and processing are not nearly equal to the requirements here for cleanliness.


We recently learned that Star-Kist Tuna is now owned by Korea , and is in big conflict with the U.S. concerning quality, safety, and records, which Korea refuses to produce. Read several articles on Google about this, and even one that was defending the eating of tilapia said to avoid the fish that came from China.

Also, I had just returned home from buying Albertson's 4-day special of 4 bags of frozen tilapia for the price of one. Sure enough, on the top of the bags, it read "farm raised", and on the bottom in small print it said, "China".

In general, farm raised fish should not be eaten because of the high concentration of antibiotics they are fed to prevent diseases due to being tightly confined with other fish.

Buy wild caught fish from North America, Hawaii or New Zealand . Read all the way to the end.

Recently a Food Inspector on TV said he had lived overseas and he had seen the filthy conditions their foods are raised and processed in. It is enough to make you throw up. Many of their fish on Fish Farms are fed raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA & Canada for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.

Imported food we eat and the junk we buy:

Green Giant frozen vegetables are from China and so are most of Europe's Best.
Arctic Gardens are OK, so is Birdseye.  Never buy the grocery store garlic unless it is clearly marked from USA or Canada , the other stuff is grown in people poop (even worse than chicken poop). China is the largest producer of garlic in the world; U.S. is next.

Buy only local honey, much honey is shipped in huge containers from China and re-packed here.

Cold-FX is grown and packed in China and is full of fecal bacteria. Doesn't work anyway, big scam.

If the country of origin is not clearly marked, beware! If produce, ask an employee. Watch out for packages which state "prepared for", "packed by" or "imported by" . We don't understand the lack of mandatory labeling, especially on the produce. The country of origin should be clearly shown on the item in the store.

Go to the local farmers' markets in season and keep a wary eye open the rest of the year.

How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper than having it produced in the U.S. or Canada?


Beware, Costco sells canned peaches and pears in a plastic jar that come from China.


Recently The Montreal Gazette had an article by the Canadian Government on how Chinese feed the fish: They suspend chicken wire crates over the fish ponds, and the fish feed on chicken poop. If you search the internet about what the Chinese feed their fish, you'll be alarmed e.g.: growth hormones, expired antibiotic from humans?

Never buy any type of fish or shellfish that comes from these countries:
•• Vietnam
•• China
•• Philippines

Steinfeld's Pickles are made in India - just as bad!  Another example is in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia. Also check those little fruit cups . They used to be made in Canada and in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago. They are now packaged in China. Most sold in Aldi stores.

While the Chinese export inferior and even toxic products, dangerous toys, and goods to be sold in North American markets, the media wrings its hands! Yet, at least 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.

Well, duh! Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF, CANADA and the UNITED STATES.

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.


If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor... fast! The downside? Some Canadian/American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory.

Just one month of trading losses will hit the Chinese for 8% of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness are worth it.

Start reading labels more closely and buy something else even if it cost a few cents more.

And just think, if you eat in restaurants a lot, then you have no idea what you’re eating.