Monday, April 20, 2020

Voter Faud to Set New Records This Year! : Mail-In Votes, A Gift to democraaats!

The democraaats want to open the voting in the first week of June this year because without extreme early voting, especially by mail, all of the democraaats that want to vote won't be able to. More and more states now won't require an ID if you request a ballot by mail or phone. Especially now if you have voted before as they will have your ID on file. Some state won't require an ID at all.

Then to, I wonder who controls the printing of ballots? I wonder as well if any of those get lost in the mail?

The democraaats know anyone now can request a ballot in someone elapses name and get ta ballot. Look how well this will work in Wisconsin with 209,000 names on the rolls that are dead or moved, and Iowa has 18,000.

In Wisconsin, the court ordered the democraaat controlled election commission to clean up the voter rolls, but they told the court to get screwed! And at this point in time, the election commission has done nothing. And further, one has to understand, in Wisconsin the courts have to be seen as mostly siding with the democraaat progressive agenda.

democraaats invented the "vote harvesting'' scheme years ago. It's really big
in California and Minnesota.

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