Monday, February 28, 2022

It's Really About Getting Those ''Mean Tweets'' Back : It's About National Security!!!

 Just try and imagine someone deciding not to vote For Trump and that living in a cardboard box out behind the Walmart waiting the scarps to taken out to the dumpster as a better of life then having to read those ''mean'' Tweets from' Donald Trump!!

Worse? Who said anyone had to read the dam tweets in the first place???

The Last Two Years Are For The Record Books : Here IS A Good Start to Record 2021!

This may be for 2020 with all of the burning, looting and killing in our streets of our cities ''For Justice''. while many were and still are getting rich on the backs of the dead and store owners who lost everything. 

As bad as the was, and it was bad, the next year is in many ways even worse as we find so many of our good citizens voted and cheated to make our lives and our country sewer of corruption where only evil people are in power and demand it to be the new norm. 

Ol' Vlad Takes Questions From School Kids : Tragic Results For Some!

 And now you know the rest of the story! Remember the professional tennis player that criticized the communist party and all of sudden she is now a patriot working in the potato fields of Siberia

But hey, pay no attention to all this as it has to be lies coming from Republicans who hate the Chinese that want to kill us! The Marxist liberated democraaats love the Chinese and their very success from of government.

Decades of Getting Good Dividends Gone : Russia Attacked His Income Source!!

 The real wisdom of Vladimer is was told if you drag a $100 dollar bill through the streets of Washington you have a good chance of tagging Joe Biiyden and WOW, who knew it would be this easy for Joe to make a few bucks wherever and whenever he can no matter where it comes from or what he has to do to get it!!!!

Ol' Joe was taking money from any source he could from the 
day he entered government employment 50 years ago. Little 
wonder he is a multi-millionaire! (Actually Joe was getting
good returns from both Russia and Ukraine!)

And Ol' Vlad knows a sucker when he sees one!

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Afghan Road Service (Or Biiyden's Intellectual Abilities On Dispaly) : All of Biiyden's Men Understand Failure!!(Video)

I've used this before, but it is the best illustration I know to describe what and how the democraaats in power operate when they are in power. No matter what they do, it fails and fails spectacularly, leaving America heading into a dark place of ruin forcing the lights in that beautiful city on the hill to go out!!

Ther collective failures are felt by everyone and for generations to come!!! Buy the even worse part is that millions will always vote for them even when they are told by the democraaats voting itself will no longer be a part of the Ameriad dream. 

With Marxist liberated democraaats in power at all levels of government, voting will be a thing of our ugly past.


The Adult Will Show The Way : ''Stick'' Close To learn More!

Education is very important in any phase of one's life of learning to be the best that you can be. 

What will happen In Ukranian? : A Perspective On Events!

Some insight about the disaster in Ukraine that was prophesied leading up to the invasion and now has come true!

Thoughts On Ukraine and Russia!

A protracted Guerrilla war phase will be the undoing of Russia’s efforts, as in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, many innocents will suffer.

Personal note from a Ukranian in Kiev---This is from a 3-star US retired General.

In case of a full-scale Russian military invasion into the Ukraine, we can expect to see the following:

In the initial phase, Ukraine will use its military to fight delaying operations. Their biggest problem will be the weakness of their Air Force in comparison to Russian airpower.

It can be expected that it takes Russia about 72 hours to win absolute air superiority over Ukrainian airspace. After this time, the Ukrainian Army will be unable to conduct any bigger-sized ground operations.

In the first 3 days, however (when Russia's air force is still “busy” with their Ukrainian counterpart), we can expect Ukraine to send their armored units in the way of the Russian ground forces.

There will be classical delay tactics: find a suitable defensive position, engage the enemy and withdraw to the next defensive position, where the same thing continues.

Russia has extremely capable artillery and counter artillery troops and Ukraine’s ground forces have to move quickly if they want to survive.

After 3-7 days, the Russians will need to consolidate. It can be expected that the bulk of the Ukrainian military has either been destroyed or is tied down by massive Russian artillery and airstrikes. What is left will either move to the bigger cities, to Kyiv, Dnipro, and lands west of the Dnieper River.

After week one, the fighting will concentrate around Kyiv. Seizing Ukraine’s capital will be Russia’s top priority. Its 3 million inhabitants have fled, which gives the defenders the necessary space to operate.

This is the moment when Ukraine’s soldiers can play out their strengths. Equipped with modern anti-tank guided missiles (British N-LAWs and US-made Javelins) they pose a dangerous threat to Russian armored divisions.

Due to their limited range and lack of crew protection, these antitank missiles cannot be effectively used in an open battlefield, in an urban environment, on the other hand, they are devastating. In addition, the Ukrainian’s have several US-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles in their arsenal that will keep Russian Close Air Support at a distance. In this phase, Ukraine will rely on urban warfare tactics.

In a third phase, the Russians will try to squash all formal military resistance and at one point, there will be a ceasefire or formal surrender by the Ukrainian military. Ukraine’s government will move the seat of government to Lviv. If the Russians choose to crush the government, they must cross the Carpathian Mountains.

What comes next is classical guerrilla warfare. Ukraine is the second biggest country in Europe, and it will be a nightmare for the Russian troops to control. Ukraine borders on four NATO countries (Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Poland) and it has a long coastline. To control these borders to stop the influx of weapons and personnel for a Ukrainian guerrilla movement will keep 100,000 Russian troops busy.

At the same time, the Ukrainian defenders will tie down another couple of hundred thousand Russian troops in Western and central Ukraine.

This kind of guerrilla campaign would be extremely costly for Russia. In the end, the question won't be if the Russians withdraw their troops but when.

Putin, этот сукин сын, can lick his wounds.

democraaats Have To Be Proud! : Worst Failure In History. Worse Then Even Jimmy Carter!!

 WOW! No one could have believed this could happen until the most corrupt and mentally deranged man in our history has taken control of the levers of power. And yet millions voted for him, even when they knew he was mentally ill, and thousands worked hard to cheat in the election to get him elected.

So, what's the conclusion to this disaster that we can take away of the fact we have another 3 years of this mentally ill child that is leading our country into the sewer of democraaat socialist, communist ideology, in November, vote out every last democraaat that is up for election or reelection.

History in the making! Marxist liberated democraaats are actually
working to destroy our country.

Voting IS About Survival: History Teaches Us Everything We Need To know!

 It is about survival and ethics and morality! The past 14 months has taught us walking around in a fog of ignorance and wishful thinking is dangerous, not only to yourself but most importantly all of the people that depend on you to be logical and aware of your surroundings when you enter the voting booth.

We are the edge of disaster for our way of life in so many different directions. It really is imperative to understand what is at stake. Nothing is as it was just two years ago, everything has changed where when you look at what is transpiring in Ameria and around the world is nearly impossible to comprehend. 

We have never in our history of American life experienced an attack on our way of life from fellow citizens. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

John Kerry Proclaims Climate Change Is The Real Threat, Not Communist Ideology!

 Someone said things couldn't get any more stupid, but then along comes John Kerry and the idiocy of climate change, formally global warming. 

He long faced proclaims climate more important than people now being killed, murdered in Ukranian and elsewhere around the world where communists are in power.

He says it's more important than anything else we face in the horrible state of Marxist left liberated democraaat agenda and ideology that's completely out of control and destroying our country.

Th worst is, of course, the Marxist left socialists really and truly believe it's all true!

Good God! : What Have The democraaats Done to Our Country!!??

 This isn't lost on anyone with any kind of common sense but the millions of ignorant and catastrophic stupid are puzzled as to why things have gone so badly ever since Joe and the communist have taken the levers of power!!!!!!!!!!!!

 There is no other way to make Ameria Great Again then to have real leadership!! I want more mean tweets!!

Joe Said He Would ''Build Back Better''! : His 50 Years In Governemnt Service A Failure!

 This can be summed up to illustrate what the Marxist democraaats are doing to our country, ''Evil always wants to possess what they can't create!!''

The ''Red Skins'' Football Team Logo Is Racist! : The Owner Lacks Courage Under Fire!

 As each day passes, we are confronted with even greater threats to our national security from those that believe they the smartest people in the room. But as we have witnessed over the last year, the smartest in the room are actually domestic terrorists that want to cause us all harm with their communist agenda and ideology!

Sadly, many among us are not paying attention to what is happening right before their eyes and hears, and so will suffer the catastrophic consequences of that inattention and ignorance.

The Run-Up In 2016 At CNN! : Nothing has changed Since!

 It's still all about the hate for Trump! Really it is and nothing else! He threatens the veryu existance of the liberated Marxist democraaats! And yeah, it really is about fear, they are scared to death he will come back and fix everything that the liberated Marxist democraaats screwed up or destroyed. 

Then what is the general public going to believe who has the people's best interest at heart?

Trump or the new communist democraaat party (Collective)!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Alexa Can Get The Wrong Idea? : Why Not?

 It makes a lot of sense since Alexa was developed by Marxist liberated democraaats and therefore prone to making mistakes related to reality.

The Neighborhood BBQ Controlled By Special People! : No Fun and No Humor!

 It's a sign of the times. Maybe it's not this bad but one has to believe many among us fear being seen as not having the mainstream ideology and therefore fear being rejected as members of the larger group.

 It seems it's more important these days to be accepted in the group then having ethical or moral standards!

Our lives have taken a diffent path since the criminals
have taken over the government.

What Happened to The House Next Door? : democraats (Communist) Have Taken Control!

 The lunatics are in charge of the asylum and are telling the rest of us how we have to live. Little wonder the states that demand their population become slaves to the ideology of cauterized absolute authority are not taking the news very well and have decided that being brow beaten on a daily basis are opting to leave for states that believe people are not subjects but human beings that have lives. 

And the consequences of the influx into those states that have commons sense, believing freedom is still the only way to govern, have seen such a demand for living life with freedom and liberty is causing everything to become scarce.

The supply cannot meet the huge demand!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Life Is About choices: Understand and Decide On Consequences!

 The major problem that many are facing today is what is true and what is false and the consequences for each making the wrong decision. In this nation's situation today, the wrong decision has been catastrophic.

So, what is the correct decision? Do nothing and hope for the best outcome in November 2022? No! Be actively involved in our local elections no matter the post. 

But never ever vote democraaat again!!! Our very survival, not only as individuals but as a free nation depends on it!!

And of course, the decisions that were made in the 2020 election are playing out placing the entire nation at risk of being transformed into a nation of obedient and compliant slaves willing to do whatever is necessary to survive.

USPS Bogus Emails : Another PSA To Watch?

This is interesting in that this bogus USPS note has been going on for some time. I've seen many times and paid no attention as it was just another screw up on their part. Not that it was necessarily an intended scam, it was just another government failure to deliver.


While you can receive legitimate email correspondence from the USPS, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)—the Postal Service's legal arm—says it is "aware of the circulation" of fake emails claiming to be from the agency. According to a Jan. 7 update on the USPIS website, some customers have been receiving fraudulent messages in their email inbox that include these three words in the subject line: "Delivery Failure Notification."

"If you ever receive an email about a package delivery or unpaid online postage charges, be careful," the USPIS states on its website. "These emails appear to be from the U.S. Postal Service and include language regarding an unsuccessful attempt to deliver a package."

This scam tries to get recipients to click on a phishing link.

Spock Saw The Message And Knew It Was Important! : The Future Is Here!

Spock was never in a place where he wasn't in control of the situation, until now! He knew by the power of shear will of intellectual and intuitive based conscience sees the handwriting on the wall to be the end of his run in TV.

Kamala Harris Demonstrates Her Control Of Our Language: And An Imbecile Will Lead Us!?

 Really though, the bottom line here is why is she next in line to be our president if anything happens to our current imbecile? Oh yeah, millions voted for her and thousands cheated to make it happen.

But pay no attention to our current residence in the White House and our domestic and foreign situations because if you do, it will be racist and social media will report you to the FBI, Then there is a good chance you will be arrested and jailed.

Don't you feel better knowing the Marxist liberated democraaats are in charge??

Ethical and morally vacant and intellectually unafraid!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tom ''Wherefore Art thou?'' : We Once Knew You!


This so sad to see the GOAT become a cow! But then we have to take responsibility for our own actions and live the life we choose no matter the consequences!

Hwy, he's retired. Leave the guy alone!!

Can't Make This Up Department! : Dog Bites Cow! Joe Is Confused!

 The question now is where do we go from here? Easy, back to the White House to find out who's dog it was that bit the cow. Relax, things can only get worse from here!!!

That's right, the cow was loose in front of the White House. Joe says, ''I was out for a walk with my dog and ran across this cow next to the White House. The dog took off, attacked the how and then the Secret Serve came to corral the cow.

''No, I have no idea where the cow came from other then some guy I talked to along the fence said he had a cow that wanted to have a nice place to live so I said sure, why not but I thought he was joking! Life sure is strange isn't!''

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Making Good People Helpless Has Consequences! : Predictable Outcomes!

 I wonder how disarming the population, like the Marxist liberated democraaats want to, will help solve the rising rate of crime in our cites? It makes a lot of sense to take the firearms away from law abiding citizens which will end the violence that is killing off major cities' prospect for prosperity.

But then it has never been about ending the violence in the cities, but always about creating as much chaos and conflict as possible so they can take back their power saying they will fix the problems they created if only they can be reelected. 

Which of cause they never will fix any problem, they can only make them worse.

The FBI Directed January 6th protest And Witmore Kidnapping!? : The FBI Can't Answer The Question Under Oath!

 The deputy director of the FBI wouldn't answer the question from Senator Ted Cruz, ''did the FBI direct the protest at the capital'' and the deputy director couldn't or wouldn't answer his question. All she said she couldn't answer the question. That was the answer to all of the Senator's questions on this subject!

And it's not just the FBI but nearly all departments and agencies of the federal government that are involved in the total transfer of power to them permanently!! 

''Ask no questions so I won't have to tell you lies!'' But as we all know that isn't case as we have been asking questions and they have been telling us lies. The people are no longer in power!

With the coming of the midterm election in November, it a ''full court press'' to get and keep as much power to control all outcomes as the Marxist liberated democraaats know their day is coming to an end.

Their motivation? There is nothing worse for a Marxist democraaat then to be without the power to control others. Nothing, because that is all they have!! 

It's hate for those they deem lesser individuals then themselves!

But the truth is out and they were and are at the center of
the problem. The enemy of the people!

The world over, governments are under pressure to keep
Their power for control!

Demonizing a minority is okay if it
is okayed by the powers in control!

They Know The Rules! They're Watching You! : Obey The Science! (Our Science!) or Else!!!

 The question that remains is how did we get to this point in time where a tiny minority can have the power to demand and direct the entire population to do it bidding? What caused the spirit to be so easily diminished or worse completely eradicated.

Why do we allow this to continue?

Look what is happening in Canada. Here the people are being arrested by their tiny minority who control the levers of power, just for wanting the freedom and liberty to choose their own destinies. 

Again, why do they allow this to happen? Why would any population of peaceful people be rounded up, abused and jailed for wanting to have their freedom back that they had before the Marxist socialist thugs took the power for control and have destroyed the people's will to fight back?

The .003% of the population demands obedience to their 
agenda, narrative and ideology!

If the elites say this is true, you must believe it is true or
be crushed by uncivil society. And no one whats that!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Progress Liberated Marist democraaats Hate Women?: But They do Have Their Place!!

What a great life we have waiting for the .003% of the population to tell us what our lives must be like, or they will come out to your house and burn it down with you in it.

What's not to like about these people?

"It's not just that you might not be more than just a female and
therefore, mostly useless, always know you have a place
in our society in serve to others.

Big mistake, he should have come out as a she. You
know, just for the games then switch back later.

Gun Store CC Classes In Texas : Being Forewarned Should Be Enough! (Video)

What a great video from a gun store in Mason, Texas advertising their Canceled Carry classes. It seems many among us believe our government is the problem! To proceed without understand the obvious warnings is to risk your very existence!

Know that your future security now is in your own hands! To rely on others is a fool's journey!

We Are Watching You And Know Who You Are! : How Much Money Did You Have?

 They say it won't come here but watch what is happening right across the border in Canada! So, tell one more time that the Marxist liberated democraaats are preparing to do the same thing as soon as they can!

That The Fau Ci is saying we all can unmask, except for the kids, leave no doubt what he and the other liberated Marxists have in mind for the country in the very near future, like maybe September of October when the next positive cases of a new ''variant'' start to show up as the flu always does.

 The Fau Ci and the democraaats will be screaming from the hill tops ''time to go back to masking and shutdowns or everyone will die.

Watch, it's a sure thing as they have nothing else!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Living a Fantasy Defines Liberalism: Liberalism Defines A Failure To Deliver!

Winston Churchill said it best concerning the tyranny of Trudeau's Socialist Marxist liberalism; ''Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery''!! (Except for him and his friends that have power!)

Look no further then Justin Trudeau or Joe Biiyden and the Marxist liberated democraaat racing to steal our individual freedom and liberty even by force if necessary. 

In Canada the latter is coming to reality! In America, it's in the planning stages where Joe and the Marxist democraaats are running scared of losing power, pushing the Russians to attack Ukraine as a platform to take more absolute control of the United States by force of necessity under the war time law of national security much like Trudeau.

I believe the result for Justin as a Marxist tyrant, and for Joe Biiyden, whose lives are being exposed to the light of day and therefore then burn down to be just the ash of history.

The tragic results of living outside of reality is
abject failure of even the best of intentions!

And the result is just another tyrant whose life
is exposed to the light of day and then burns
down to the ash of history.

It's No Wonder Justin Looks So Cool And Well Groomed? : But There Is No Flesh On The Bones!

It's said that Ol' Joe took the idea of staying out of sight in his basement from Justin Trudeau. It seems Justin figured this out when his father was prime minister. 

And while his father was failing in his leadership role, Justin remained out of sight in the family basement, (Keeping a low political profile) and therefore untouched by failure.  

Sadly, though he's making up for lost time playing the accepted character of a young and ''with it'' new norm role in the public arena, bringing fresh and innovative action to old politics patriarchy that has failed to bring workable results.

Now the tyranny of youthful ignorance and the self-indulged hypocrisy of arrogance that brings only chaos and conflict to what has always appeared to be a peaceful nation. 

Maybe what we all thought Canada was really and never was in reality any different than the rest of the world, a nation on the move and in flux!? Change is inevitable when power is corrupted!

All those years of living in the shadows has paid dividends.
Like father like son, too many years of living the good life.

But now the rubber has touched the road of leadership but
the spirt is willing to lead but there is no flesh on the bones!

''My Emergency Powers Are Temporary!'' : Trudeau Says Trust Me!!

 I wonder how many times across history that the Brooklyn Bridge has been sold and there seems to be a waiting line to purchase!?

We are living in trying times where history will not be very forgiving!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Last Wishes : Make Sure The Family Is Covered!

In the end, whoever has the last say wins the battle for control of the narrative.

His Last Will and Testament!

His nurse, his wife, his daughter and two sons, are with him. He asks for two witnesses to be present, and a camcorder be in place to record his last wishes.

When all is ready, he begins to speak. “My son, Sam, I want you to take the Ocean Reef houses.”

“My daughter Sybil, you take the apartments between mile markers 100 and Tavernier.”

“My son, Jamie, I want you to take the offices over in the Marathon Government Center.”

“Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings on the bay side on Blackwater Sound.

The nurse and witnesses are blown away as they did not realize his extensive holdings, and as Doug slips away, the nurse says:  “Mrs. Boone, your husband must have been such a hard-working man to have accumulated all this property.

The wife replies, “The asshole has a paper route”.

A Good Memory Is Very Important : Security is In The Familiar!

 I believe everyone that grocery shops much understands when they change the layout of the store, shopping becomes stressful!

North Koreans Bodsled Questioned! : Olympic Committee Asks Who Made the Sled!?

 One thing we all know, the Chinese hate anyone that is more aggressive in their ideology then they are!

Luckily this was understood to be just a prototype and therefore
not operational!

Barrrack Understands Immigration : And He Is Right!!

 Interesting that what went before is of no consequence to the Marist liberated democraaats as long as they have transformed their thinking to reflect the modern agenda and acknowledge the working ideology of progressive Marxist socialism, that is the communist manifesto of government being all things for all people!

Once the savior of all things right and proper, how did he
 become the enemy of the people?

Friday, February 18, 2022

Time To Eat : Nature In Motion! (Video)

When someone rings the dinner bell, it all hands-on deck! Amazing how nature moves to show just how coordinated and organized to make the system work.

A Huge Storm Predicts The Future Events : Understand It or Risk Destruction!


If you're driving down the road and happen chance on to this situation, it makes good sense to leave the area or take cover!

How Hospitals Are Making Money! : Taxpayers? (Video)

Interesting video on how the hospitals were making good money all the while they claimed they were losing money from the Wuhan flu!? 


The Liberated Marxist democraaats Have A Vocie : The Price Is Right!

 When the price is right, and the result is about getting and keeping the ultimate power for control, ethics and morality are cast aside as unworkable. And if it isn't enough to know from past history of how the liberated democraaats operate to gain an advantage over their opponents, they are now out in the open demonstrating just how ugly and criminally perverted they really are!!

No way? Remember the Biiyden family taking bribes from
the Chinese and others? Then there's Hunter Biiyden with his
hand out, offering to give and make concessions from the
office of the vice president of the United States! The
Biiyden family has been bought!!

Mao said ''even the longest journey starts with a single step!''
And Xi is true to that statement!

The Justice System And Education : Who's The Winner? Who's The Loser?

With information coming out school districts like Monterey County, Virginia, as found in the publication called the ''Verdict'', a ''Judicial Watch'' magazine, which explains how complete the attack is on our children's mental capacity to learn, perverting the most basic tenants of what their lives will need to become good law-abiding citizens. 

What is being taught is beyond anything the average individual parent, who has a foundation of common sense, using moral and ethical laws of survival, cannot begin to comprehend just how perverted the material being used to brain wash the students is, in this and many other school districts, is so disturbing it can be seen as a willing criminal act of perversion.

Please make an effort to investigate this as our survival as human beings in what has always been a free nation is now at risk of being changed forever into the worst Marxist, communist nightmare anyone could have ever dreamed could happen in America.

It's here and it's going forward!

Make no mistake, the educational system is about the
''fundamental'' change of student's behavior promised by

The system is perverted and criminalized, weaponized at
all levels of government.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

We Believe The Science Is Solid! : But Even Science Changes, Right!?

 With the midterms rapidly approaching, everything is fluid, even a thousand years of set-in stone scientific understanding must change in the next several months!

Marxist democraaats know all about how science can be
a tool to make America more compliant.