Monday, February 07, 2022

Nancy Pelosi Visits A 4th Grade Class for Discussions: Words Mean Things!!

 Little Johnny explains real life!

Nancy Pelosi was visiting a 4th grade class that was discussing words and their meanings.  The teacher asked her if she would like to lead the discussion on the word ''tragedy''.  

Mrs. Pelosi agreed and asked the class for examples of the word tragedy. One little boy said if his best friend who lives on a farm was playing in the field and a tractor ran him over and killed him, it would be a tragedy.  Mrs. Pelosi, that would be an accident.  

She asked for another example.  A little girl raised her hand and said if a bus carrying 50 people crashed over a cliff and killed them all it would be a tragedy.  No, said Mrs. Pelosi, that would be a great loss. 

She then said can't anyone give her an example of a tragedy? 

A hand in the back went up in the back of the room, a boy, little Johnny, (the teacher knew this would not be good), said if the plane she was flying on was hit by friendly fire and it was blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.  

"Fantastic said Mrs. Pelosi, and can you tell me why it would be a tragedy? " Well, it would have to be, because it wouldn't be a great loss, and you can bet your fat ass it wouldn't be an accident. 

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