Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Liberated Science : It All Comes to Power And Greed!

 Climate change is a normal phenonium that we all can understand as it happens every year without fail. Still millions that live with it outside of their own doors and have all of their lives are worrisome that we are might all die if we don't give the scientists more money to investigate how it happens.

But even though the experts have been doing this very thing for decades without any good answers other than ''shit happens'' they still believe the end is near. 

Why do so many believe when there is no proof from the experts, ever?! Is it that the experts see how easy it is to steal from the ignorant year after year, so they keep coming back for more money?

And the scariest part is millions of people are happy to listen to this carp, believe what they are saying and then give them more money!

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