Sunday, February 20, 2022

Living a Fantasy Defines Liberalism: Liberalism Defines A Failure To Deliver!

Winston Churchill said it best concerning the tyranny of Trudeau's Socialist Marxist liberalism; ''Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery''!! (Except for him and his friends that have power!)

Look no further then Justin Trudeau or Joe Biiyden and the Marxist liberated democraaat racing to steal our individual freedom and liberty even by force if necessary. 

In Canada the latter is coming to reality! In America, it's in the planning stages where Joe and the Marxist democraaats are running scared of losing power, pushing the Russians to attack Ukraine as a platform to take more absolute control of the United States by force of necessity under the war time law of national security much like Trudeau.

I believe the result for Justin as a Marxist tyrant, and for Joe Biiyden, whose lives are being exposed to the light of day and therefore then burn down to be just the ash of history.

The tragic results of living outside of reality is
abject failure of even the best of intentions!

And the result is just another tyrant whose life
is exposed to the light of day and then burns
down to the ash of history.

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