Friday, April 26, 2024

How Cats win Everytime! : The Fight Results Never In Question! (Video)

This is great! And if you have ever delt with a cat in a contested situation, you know you will probably lose the battle! 

The Genius of Gary Larson : He Knows Everything There Is to Know!

 This is so good it takes my breath away! There are others of course that reach this level of genius but this is one at or near the top!!


And A Child Will Lead Them!

 Maybe it might be better than what we have now!?

The Perfect Picture of Republicans In Congress : No Guts and No Glory!

 As Marxist liberated democraaats always vote as a solid block, never any find a reason to object to how they are told to vote issues, but the Republicans can be relied on the fold the tents and go home when the hard task of making sure the country is well served by their election to congress.

They campaigned with those words ''I'll fight for you'' in the halls of congress to make your lives better. Again, what really happens is they fold their collective hands, sit back and worry about what the media will say if they actually take a stand for what is right and what they said they would do if elected. 

If the truth be known, one has to wonder just how many people running for government jobs as Republicans but in reality, are actually democraaats? Just asking?

Having the democraaats eat the Republican's lunch every
day is okay. It's just who they are!

A Man For All Seasons! - Joe Biiyden : What Could Go Wrong!?

 Goodness, the best question is what couldn't go wrong! And even more to the point, what hasn't gone wrong in our country with Joe and his Marxist liberated democraaat friends pulling on the strings to make Joe dance.

Sadly, he dances like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel! The man is death walking. He belongs in a rest home with constant care, not at the ultimate levers of power.

So, who is pulling on the strings and what is their purpose? And why isn't this more obvious to so many voters that still are lining up to vote for him and the other democraaats on the ballot? Once elected, they all vote in a block to the man and woman. There are no independent democraaat members in congress!

Joe's motto has always been to ride the train of good times
and fast living. Takes whatever he wants from anyone that
 happens to cross his path. He understands our capitalist
 system and makes the best use of it to enrich himself no
matter how unlawful.

Everything is about himself and how to benefit from
his 50-year life in government employment. Nothing!!
The country be dammed!!

Has he ever been fact checked on and in the mainstream
media, ever? Was he fact checked by a ''panel of experts''
during the state of the Union speeches like they did for
President Trump?

dah! Of course not, he's a democraaat and what ever
he says is okay as he and they have nothing else to offer
the people other than a fantasy of what they have
accomplished when they are in power. There is no
connection to real life.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Reagan's STAR WARS, ABM Program Worked ! Joe, ''ABM? What's That?''

 And speaking of dim bulbs! Once the brain has become petrified, there isn't much that can be done to save the rest of the body. All that's left is a walking cadaver like thing that's of little use to anyone.

Joe - ''ABM? Anti-Ballistic Missile? Is that a new ice cream?''

But never mind any of that, this is an election season so no matter how insane the democraaats look and act, vote anyway like you always do even if it means you risk self-destruction! 

The mentally ill do not have a mind of their own!

The country again is heading into a place where we might not
escape if the voters are lost and blinded in the forest to
actually see the trees. It's important to find
their way to safety!

One Thing We Know, democraaats Aren't Racists : Just Republicans!!

 Who are the democraaats? What are they saying on TV now when the talk about people wearing white robes and marching for Donald Trump? But it's called projection. Saying what others are doing but it's actually what they are doing instead. Deflecting their own criminal activities on to others.

What is the truth if you're interested. This is what the democraaats are all about and always have been!!!

The democraaats are running scared. Their only
alternative now for not having ethics and any
moral standing is to lie about everything
but do it louder and more profane than 
ever before!

Dressed to kill America just like their predecessors did!

And now you know the rest of the story! democraaats voting f
or what they believe is best for everyone! (Well, not everyone!!)

Are Republicans a voice crying in the wilderness?

Vote for democraaats! : The Population Deserves Less!

Just imagine how much fun it will be when you go to the grocery store and leave with your basket looking like this when the kids see you coming back to their wagon? (You don't have a car as there isn't any gas and no electricity either this week to charge the car! It's only turned on every other week!)

Do you like to eat? If you do, don't vote democraaat, ever!!

When you wake up in the gutter shortly after voting democraaat,
just remember that face your friend gave you when you
went to him asking how come I'm starving, living
on the street and you aren't?

You don't have to be stupid just because you think there
isn't an alternative!

Why Not Vote For Joe? : How Bad Can It Get!?

 As he staggers into the Oval Office of The White House, drooling, stumbling and mumbling about he didn't want to get up this morning and go to work even though it was only 10am, he says he's still tired.

''Come on man, this isn't what I signed up for. My whole life has been a cake walk up to this point in time, doing anything I wanted to do no matter what and nobody said a word about it to me, no matter much trouble I cause doing and saying stupid and dangerous stuff. 

''Come on ,ya gotta vote for me cause I want to die in office. How cool would that be, people coming from all over the world saying what a great man I was! I did so much for everyone. Everyone will say they loved me! They'll say it's really too bad he's gone!''

But the alternative for Joe if he losses the election is living the rest of his life close to the ice cream machine at the Sunny Rest Hotel in Scranton! Not bad for 81 years of doing nothing of consequence.

(And if he wins and then resigns because it's has beocme too difficult to get out of bed, then enter country will find out as Kaamla Harris takes her place at the levers of power what's it like living in a dumpster behind Walmart!)

Reports say Joe sent an open invitation to come to dinner at the
White House to the tribe of people that he believed had is
uncle for dinner. That's only fair, right?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What's The Perceptive For Marxist democraaats?? : It's All About the Agenda! WOKE!!

The ''squad'' members are not in congress to help the people of this country obtain a better life, but they are all there to steal our freedom and liberty and install a new communist manifesto for controlling all outcomes for their own personal benefit!

All, everyone ofl them, Marxist liberated democraaats in congress today, are willing to take a stand for the destruction of our Constitution as it stands in the way for their cause for their ultimate control.

They must have this behavior for their very sense of existence.

 Insane politicians are that way because they don't have
any alternative options to change their destructive
and criminal life style!

The Public Understands Who You Really Are Joe? : ''The Sign Said F - - Biiyden! What Does It Mean?''

 Again, this is the perfect identifier for who can't believe he really is and a total fairlure in life and politics.  But millions are about to reelect him anyway, to lead them into hells own sewer and they applaud!!

''Show us the way Joe, we're ready for more of the corruption, chaos, conflict and a shallow early grave! We love you Joe''!

A moment of truth rises to the surface in a life of failure.
And maybe even better, he admits it in public!!

Bidenomics Perfectly Identifies His Life Itself! : An Abject Failure to Deliver!

No matter where one looks, Joe Biiyden is a total failure, as a leader or a human being as he believes he can and has done things that hurt people without any compunction of feelings for the human condition of others.

Life for Joe Biiyden only about what Joe Biiyden wants and how to get it!

Joe's history, as we have pointed out on many occasions is one which demonstrates his total lack of self-awareness. He moves from one identifying circumstance to another from when he entered politics in Delaware leaving behind little or no representations that would make clear he is a capable and responsibly qualified person of the people in his district.

Even when he admits to what he has accomplished over the decades, he lies constantly about everything no matter the subject. whether it's his few jobs outside of politics, his schooling, law school, or actually work accomplishments as vice president, it's all just a make-believe story of rewarding himself with unearned privilege and success that never came his way.

Joe Biiyden has nothing whatsoever he can point to where he, by his own efforts, accomplished a public good from his 50 plus years of government service employment.

The man is the perfect definition of an empty suit! And yet and again millions will vote for him!!!!

But why?

Joe siting in one place his whole life, going nowhere but
believing he is a man of the world! He believes if you're 
going to dream, dream big!
 ''Come on man, no joke! I'm President of the United States,
the most powerful country in the world.
Hey, so where's my ice cream?''

What is Actually Happening With democraaats In Power : They Killed Democracy!!

 ''Come on man, no joke'', it called projection! Everything the Marxist democraaats are doing to destroy the country, they blame on the Republicans or the ''far right'' Conservative's!

Sadly, millions are believers as all of their information comes from the legacy media, virtually all media other than FOX and Newsmax! There are some social media outlets that do hold hte line for independent thought.

But how much of the insanity is really getting into the brains of the average citizen? Many are afraid to admit they have independent ideas that are not part of the mainstream WOKE agenda! The fear is real as there many among us who will do anything to make sure the entire country must think like they do!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

New York City, The ''Gray Lady'' Descends Further Into A democraaat Morass of Corruption!

Many believe there isn't any way to save that once great city from destruction. There isn't any common sense or good logic to shore up the economy and rule of law. Everything is based on what each person can take or steal from others.

Is it any wonder that it is completely controlled by democraaats, over 90% of those citizens vote democraaat. A sanctuary city for criminals from around the world. Hell's own sewer. 

How come?

WOW! The once proud ''Gray Lady'' is now just a whore for the Marxist liberated democraaats! How sad a thing as this could happen to once the grandest city in the world!

The Best And Brightest Among Us! : We Hate You -But First - - - !

 Ol' Joe is in a pickle these days over what and who he should buy to get votes! Everyone seems to have a different opinion on who he is and what does he stand for, if anything other than a good ice cream cone.

And then there are those he thought were on his side have decided they want him gone and even worse are telling him to go F- - - himself and flipping him the bird! 

This sort of thing is not in the script for democraaats winning election. Now it will come down to how many ballots we can control and when to release them into the system, much like they did in 2020.

Remember Joe was losing by huge amounts but after 48 hours of counting votes, he won! 

Who knew?

Most everybody wants something for their efforts. Still, many
more want something and deliver nothing in return that will
 help democraaats take elections.

Flash Back to George Bush's Quick Press Discussion : ''I Don't Like You!''

 Here is a flash back photo of George Bush expressing is disrespect for the democraaats in congress who constantly badger him for answers on subject he probably had already told them what he knows and or what actually did for solutions.

But the Marxists want him to do it all over again hoping he will say something that contradicts what he said previously giving them an opportunity to attack him.

So it makes good sense that he addresses the swine from congress the way he did. He was just showing how he really feels concerning a pack of losers!

Monday, April 22, 2024

What's New Under The Sun? : Hitler is Alive and Well!!!

Ask any democraaat what they believe about Republicans! The true face of Marxist liberated democraaats is and always has been nothing less than abject hate for anything or anyone that stands in the way of them getting and keeping the power for control of others.


It's clear, in the new age of hatred that's manifested in the media to destroy our country as founded on the principle of the freedom to choose one's own destiny, democraaats move without shame leaving only destruction and pestilence in their wake!

It's a necessity for the Marxist democraaats to explain that anyone who believes they are free has to be Hitler or worse, a Republican and Conservative spuing vial nonsense about living free from oppression!

The democraaats are always the same no matter
what anyone says about them, they always hate us
and what we represent, the freedom to chose!


George, as he heads to the helicopter, leaving
office for the last time, tells the media what he
really thinks about them!!

Ol' Joe Loves Being Presdent : Life Is Good!

 As history is usually a teller of stories about people in power, but most of the time they, the media of all kinds have been turned to the dark side of foregoing their duty to just report the news, manages the news to fit their agenda and ideology of Marxist, communist socialism.

They manufacture the news. They lie much easier than having to tell the truth as their souls, after decades of believing it's their duty to ''fundamentally change'' the country to fit what they now believe is true, living the life in a bubble away from the people.

And even the historians are corrupted along with the powerful writing the history to fit their manufactured narrative where living on your knees is okay as long as it isn't those in control!

Taking Over Where Others Have Departed! : The Need Is Still There?

 Hillary seems to enjoy this as she was late to the party. May she wasn't invited? Still, some say she never volunteered as a participant. She was always busy clean up the mess left behind.

But it didn't matter to her as the job was filled with a other volunteers.

Bill loves the idea but not from someone with
such big teeth!

The Fau Ci Understands Government Service! : Highest Paid!

 Here is the salary schedule for The Fau Ci across the years and how once the communists took power, he suddenly got a lot more financial support for services he told those at the levers of power he could deliver and did!!

There truly is no end to the criminal abuse of our nation from those who hate us for being who we are! A free people with the protection of a document from 250 years ago written by a bunch of old white guys!!

The question now is how in the hell have we lasted this long given the monsters that are in power today who want to enslave us to their agenda and ideolog where they control all outcomes?

Dogs ARE Smart : They Understand We Have No Clue! (Video)

 Okay! Let's start the day and week with a video of a dog doing something that most politicians couldn't! Actually figuring out what the problem is and the executing the solution!!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Freedom Means Having Nothing Else to Lose! : Vote Like You Know This!

 The choice is clear, if you believe our country is doing well and if it fails completely to deliver a better life than what you experienced 4 years ago with Donald Trump for your personal freedom and prosperity, will you admit before God and man it was your fault for being ignorant and compliant to others who believe they are in control of you and your family!!

It really is that simple! When you have lost everything of worth, the freedom, to chose, living in a cardboard box, will you admit it was because you voted for the wrong person!?

Donald Trump Believes In The American Dream! : God Bless America! (Video)

Why do the Marxist liberated democraaats hate this country that has given them everything they have? Is it the same reasons they hate Donald Trump because he believes this country is the best place in the world to live and prosper.

Do the Marxist democraaats hate Trump because he is one of the majority of citizens that believe the same thing!?

There is only one God of faith and we as citizen believe He is here to guide us threw the best and worst of times. The god of government cannot do that and Donald Trump is a believer as well. Just another reason for Marxist liberated democraaats to hate him and the country!

We as citizens know he, Donald Trump is one of us!!

Who Would Actually Vote for Pestilence and Porverty? : Millions of democraaats!

 Ask any democraaat what happens when all of the rhetoric doesn't pan out like the democraaats say has and will be and even better if Joe Biiyden is reelected for 4 more years.

The good democraaat voter knows from past history when they realize our country is in the sewer with democraaats at the levers of power for 4 years, it has to be the fault of Republicans and that dam Donald Trump. 

The good democraaats just know this is true, it has to be, no matter what anyone says differently, it just has to be as the democrat leadership told us they did everything they can to make our lives better but the Republican stood in their way.

Again, as the new excuses have come full circle, economic disaster in the country was worse than what Trump said it actually was when he left office 4 years ago.

He lied!

democraaats will never look in the mirror to see who is actually at fault for misery and poverty!!

the Passing of The Agenda And Ideology for Leadership!

 It's clear that the squad is posed to that the leadership role of driving the agenda and Marxist ideology for the ''fundamental change'' Barrrack saw was needed in America if true Marxist socialism becomes  the ruling authority, communism, could be accomplished.

And with the Jew haters and America haters getting ready to riot in the street's, burning and looting cites across the country when Donnald Trump takes office, the generations long dream of liberated democraaats taking control of Amecia has finally becoming a reality.

With rioting now at most universities and communist blocking traffic to airports and brides, as well now as we now know, destroying bridges, the new liberated democraaats see their future for total control nearly complete even if Biiyden doesn't win in November, the armies of Marist socialist democraaats are on the move everywhere even as good citizens stand by and watch, have no idea what's happening to their lives in the very near future.

Most will actually vote to make it happen sooner rather later! Ignorance will always find a way to bring misery and conflict!

It seems many among us actually want to be
enslaved to others. Making decisions for themselves
and for their families is just to difficult.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Mustang Memories! - April 17, 1964

 This from Hagarty Media on how the Mustang came to be and the impact it has had on the entire automotive industry. Good read!

April 17 marks sixty years since the Ford Mustang’s public debut at the 1964 New York World’s Fair. The original pony car immediately became a pop-culture and automotive phenom, and it remains one of the most impactful cars in history. We’re celebrating with stories of the events surrounding the Mustang’s launch, the history of the early cars, and tales from owners. Click here to follow along with our multi-week 60 Years of Mustang coverage. -Ed.

As a car-crazy fifth-grade kid, I drew pictures of hot rods in my notebook. I could identify the year, make, and model of every car on the road, and I spent more time looking into the parking lot from my classroom than at the blackboard. So, when Ford introduced the Mustang to the public on April 17, 1964, I was easily swept up in the new car’s hype.

I wasn’t alone, of course. It was easily the greatest new-car launch in the history of the auto industry. People flocked to showrooms during the days leading up to the car’s official launch, only to be turned away at dealership doors. Paper covered showroom windows, preventing prying eyes from seeing the automotive delights inside. Months of PR hype had men, women, and 10-year-old boys salivating like so many of Pavlov’s dogs. Telling potential customers to go away only made them more anxious to see Ford’s new product.Henry Ford II with the all-new Mustang at the World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows, New York, on April 17, 1964.Ford

A few days before the launch, my friend Walt Pierce, now 73 and a former Mustang restorer, and his friend, Paul Neggia, skipped their last three ninth-grade classes at Manchester Regional High School in Haledon, New Jersey, in the hope of catching a glimpse of the new Mustang. And because they were not yet old enough to drive, they paid an upper-classman to drive them to Berry Ford in Paramus.

“The transporters showed up, but all the Mustangs had covers on them,” Walt says. “There were no convertibles or fastbacks, just white coupes. I later heard that they were all sold on the first day.”

A couple of days after April 17, I had my first Mustang sighting: A pair of new Mustangs showed up in the parking lot of Nokomis Elementary School in Holbrook on Long Island, where I was a student.

A sixth-grade teacher took delivery of her black convertible on the same day that our school’s custodian received his Vineyard Green coupe, complete with a 289 V-8, dual exhaust, and four-speed transmission.

The arrival of those two cars caused such excitement that Nokomis principal Mr. Fenner authorized a “private launch” for students. Teachers were allowed to escort their classes into the parking lot to see the new Mustangs up close.22,000 customers placed Mustang orders on the first day, with 419,000 cars sold the first year.Ford

I still remember peering into the cars’ windows and seeing the bucket seats divided by a stylish console—the first I had ever seen. The green coupe had a manual shifter similar to the one in my family’s Volkswagen Beetle, but the convertible had a chrome T-handle shifter. We had never owned an automatic transmission in our family, so I wasn’t quite sure how that device operated. When I saw the long horizontal brake pedal, I surmised that pushing the left side of the pedal must engage the clutch, and pushing the right side must engage the brake….

There was something magical about the car’s grille—that chrome horse!—that made the Mustang unique. And the simple three-bar taillight was a huge and welcomed departure from Ford’s standard round taillight, which, except for 1958 and 1960, had been in use since 1952.

The Mustang was so different from my parents’ Beetle. It was low and sporty, but in a different way than my neighbor’s MGTD. As a kid, I was at a loss for words to describe my passion for the Mustang. As it turns out, folks many years older than I had the same difficulty.

With wind in its sails, Ford thought big prior to the launch and decided to introduce the Mustang at the New York World’s Fair. Division president Lee Iacocca, considered the father of the Mustang, had begun planning for it as early as 1961, when the car’s concept was first conceived.

Lee Iacocca speaks to the press. Ford

On April 13, four days prior to the Mustang’s public unveiling, Iacocca addressed 124 invited media, then invited them to drive new Mustangs from New York to Detroit, a 750-mile trip.

Sometime after the launch, probably during our summer vacation, my father loaded my 8-year-old brother, Rob, and I into the VW and drove us about 50 miles to the World’s Fair. Though we enjoyed seeing the Hell Drivers Thrill Show—“risking life and limb”—as they jumped their 1964 Dodges over ramps and drove on two wheels, the real thrill was visiting the Ford Pavilion.

There, we could choose any Ford convertible to “drive” through the pavilion—Galaxies, Falcons, Montereys, and Comets—but of course we climbed into a Mustang convertible. The car was mounted on a rail system called the Magic Skyway, which had been designed by Walt Disney, and took us on a virtual tour of world history. I wasn’t too interested in the history and instead pretended I was old enough to drive as I “steered” the Mustang through the turns.

“Driving” merrily along the Magic Skyway in a Mustang convertible. The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

As with the VW Beetle, it seems almost everyone has a Mustang story. “I had one in high school,” “I never should have sold mine,” or “My uncle had one,” are regularly heard even today, especially among baby boomers.

Soon after introduction, my Uncle Bob actually did purchase one, a red 1965 coupe. Every time he and my Aunt Beth drove it from Boston to visit my family on Long Island, I couldn’t wait to wax it! I remember one Sunday during a visit, my uncle and aunt borrowed my parents’ VW to go to church so that I could wash, compound, and wax the dulling Mustang. I got that car so clean that when he returned from church, Uncle Bob said, “Tommy, it shines like a million bucks!” He didn’t give me a million bucks, but I seem to remember three dollars coming my way.

These were heady times at Ford Motor Company. The saying “A rising tide lifts all boats” applied to the Mustang as well. Folks visiting Ford dealerships to see the Mustang often bought the Galaxies, Falcons, or pickup trucks sharing the showroom; sales of all Ford products were boosted with the increased traffic.Carroll Shelby’s GT350 was quick to prove itself on track.Ford

With memories of the ill-conceived Edsel launch a half-dozen years before fading into history, Ford chairman Henry Ford II had his foot firmly on the company’s throttle. Ford had recently engaged Carroll Shelby to build the mighty Cobra to compete with and beat Chevy’s Corvette on race tracks across the country and around the world. By 1965, Shelby had his hands on the Mustang, too, with GT350 fastbacks swiftly dominating their own race classes. And Ford’s Charlotte-based racing operation—Holman-Moody—was winning on the NASCAR circuit and grabbing headlines with legendary drivers like Fred Lorenzen and Fireball Roberts.

Wasting no time after the Mustang launch, Holman-Moody built the world’s first Mustang funny car, which quickly became a hit at drag strips across the country in the hands of drivers like Gaspar “Gas” Rhonda.

On the local front, one of my boyhood heroes was a Suffolk County police officer and ex-Marine named Mike Mooney. Mooney both drag raced and road raced his souped-up Mustang notchback, and with its 271-horsepower High-Performance 289 engine, it was tough to beat. Once in a while, he would invite me to accompany him to either New York National Speedway or Bridgehampton Race Circuit to help him crew. It was Mooney’s early influence that briefly had me consider law enforcement as a career choice, although it was more for being able to speed legally than to fight crime.

In 2008, Tom finally got his Mustang, a ’66 GT350H in white and gold. Tom Cotter

As I sit here considering the Mustang’s 60th anniversary, it occurs to me that the car has been part of my life those full 60 years. But as much as I loved the Mustang, for too long I had never owned one. I resolved that issue in 2008, when I purchased a Hertz Edition 1966 Shelby GT350. Most Hertz cars were black with gold stripes, but this Mustang was one of the few painted white with gold stripes.

I love it. Just had the engine rebuilt and of all my cars, the Hertz is the one I enjoy driving most. That fastback design still increases my heart rate. And I get so stoked when the automatic transmission shifts from low to second gear and the rear tires give a little chirp. In the years since I saw that first automatic Mustang at Nokomis Elementary School, I’ve learned a lot about cars in general and Mustangs specifically. Most importantly, I now know that the long horizontal brake pedal serves only one purpose.

God Bless America!! : Donald Trump Explains (Video)

 This is so perfect to explain who we are and who he is and what we have to lose if Joe Biiyden remains in office for another 4 years.

Truly, we will never be the same if the worst happens on November 5th where Joe and his Marxist friends take power to change the country and the western world for generations to come!

They mean to do us all irreparable harm!

Placido and Dimash Duet! : The Pearl Fishers Duet! (Great Video)

 ''Au fond du temple saint'' This is so good and appropriate for a Saturday morning! Enjoy the best!

Is This A Reasonable Supposition On Work Assignments!

This is something that goes on every day I would think given the constant labor agreements in the beginning and how they change over time.

He said - Shall we try swapping positions tonight? 

She said - That's a good idea... you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.

Breaking!!! Hillary Makes Her Move For Trump! : The Handwriting Made Her Do It!

 I can't think of another situation that amazes me more than this. What made the difference given her history of progressive socialism and out and out criminal activity across the decades to decide she will now come on board the freedom train for liberty and justice?

Truly, I don't have any clue other than if he wins the presidency again, he might come after her to explain under oath her checkered history of money laundering, bribery, racketeering and maybe even her connection to the deaths of several of her associates.

''See, I'm on the team now!''

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Green New Deal! : And Then What Happened To Truth?

What happens to the rest of us when we can't believe any longer anything that the government say concerning our way of life? Everything is a lie and yet many millions of good citizens believe and obey.

This November will be one the last chances in our lifetime to change that situation by vetoing out those who have no desire to improve our way of life but want to enslave us to an agenda and ideology of failure leaving millions in poverty.

Why is it those in power now believe the people of this nation are the problem? Most don't want the ''The Green New Deal'' but are being tied to it by unlawful government demand.

They, the people recognize it for what it is, just another name for the climate change fraud, hoax, to screw the nation out of its heritage for the freedom to choose our own destinies and make those in power richer by stealing the people blind of their scarce resources!

Electric cars are not necessary and are not acceptable to
a majority of people but those at the levers of power see
demanding the elimination of fossil energy as a way to
get more control of the population.

Press One for English : But What Good Does That Do?

 Why do I have to press one for English when you're just going to transfer me to someone I can't understand? And on top of that, they are working underwater along with dozens of others at the same time!!

How did this happen? Technology at its best? 

We deserve better!!

California Dreaming! : Gavin Says ''The New American Normal Coming?''

 If Gavin Newsom has anything to say about it as he probably will, replacing brain dead Ol' Joe before the November election, believe this will be our future, the ''New Normal'' ''The Slum Mentality'' for the entire country.

Again, Gavin understands this and how it works. Soon, all cities across the country will be mostly slums of crime and poverty. Keeping people in perpetual depressed state of ''no way out'' is good for control.

Believe, this is not by accident but by design. People that have no future are much easier to control!

Vote democraaat like you understand how living in hell's own sewer will be a good thing!

(And with the last poles out yesterday on the voters, 45% believe Ol' Joe is doing a good job. If this doesn't scare you, check out the local dumpster for how your future will actually look like!!!)

Hey, that's just California, right? Wrong!! The good life 
according to Newsom is coming to a town near you. He is
confident you will vote for his dreams and agenda of,
''Live fast, Love Hard and die young!''

The ''Masters'' Are Not This Good! : This Guy Is This Good!? (Video)

 This is fantastic even though no one could duplicate this shot if they tried a million times! This shot is one for all time. This shot is beyond just luck, this is something science can't explain!!!

Is this real or AI?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Slide Into The Weekend With Milissa Manchester - Midnight Blue! (Video)

 This is so good and relaxing as Dolly Parton joins in to make it sensational! I gotta love this one!

God Has to Love Us or He Wouldn't Allow This!

 Now this does make a lot of sense. The perspective has to be a lot better than standing on a pile pf dirt!

What Seemed like A Normal Day At Work But Then : CRASH! (Video)

 One never really knows from one day to the next what will happen to change everything, but when the totally unexpected happens, real life begins again!

Mother nature's child is lost and looking for a way home!

Changing your Life Is Easy! : Dream Big!!!(Video)

 Is the hum drum of the daily routine doing bad things to your lifestyle? Well, take charge! Make your dreams come true of living a life with substance!

Take a different route today! The difference between a bullshit life of going nowhere to heading to somewhere fast starts with you.

Take charge! Be somebody special even if neighbors think you've lost what few marbles you might have had. Screw them! Go for it!!

Two For The Price Of One! : Caught In Life's Evil Trap!

This is amazing and might be a onetime thing! Feeding on the free stuff has consequences where millions are feeding in the government trough and getting unwittingly caught up in the Marxist trap of forcing people to live at the will of others!

Some can and do escape but most are trapped!

God, Family and Country : Our Heritage to Fight For!!

 And this is what infuriates the Marxist liberated democraaats the most, that we are God fearing citizens who understand what our job is to our God, our families and our country. 

It's just who we are, and we will not be driven to believe anything else. We can do no less than what all those that came before us did to preserve our heritage for our birthright of freedom and liberty.

Pray that push doesn't come to shove! (AGAIN)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hump Day Music : What A delight!! (Video)

This is so innovative and fun to listen to and watch as the music makes its way into a bright and delightful familiar interlude. Enjoy![0]=AZVzG_CpCkVkujOAGCzDSQj5EQz9NSUk0Ns5sk1Y0z5_q838pQrBzeZzL_FHYArQGMPzqYRyOWH35gCCNjp7-iDuswu2TLkxLT7hj0eURHwhCdVwQiCjidywTXqjj6apJPM_y3YIp78hVxX_z6155C7LuEE9mkUaZ7TrzZftadIAPQ&__tn__=H-R

The Burning Question for November: Biiyden or Trump?

 Everyone must understand that this is what we can look forward to if Joe Biiyden is dragged back into the White House next November. They are getting ready for their last chance to make it to the land where everything is free!

They are coming now as the time is short. If Donald Trump actually takes office, everything will change. The free stuff will go away and the trip back home will be much worse then the one they are on now!

But thiserr people are told anytignb can happen in an American election as the last one was proof!

Joe says, ''we love all of you, so cone on in''!

Just imagine how nice life will be once we get to America!

Why The absurd Rule The Land! : Ignorance Loves Company!

 When you see a sign like this, one has to wonder if they are using for common sense and logic. What is even more scary is you have to know the people in change are without any moral standing being this ignorant in the ways of human existence.

Easy for the criminals to do whatever they want as there
are only law-abiding citizens on the premise!

Whatz Good For The Goose? : You Must Obey The Law!

 Asd it's the rule of the land today, those at the levers of power and with huge bank accounts understand, the law is actually only as good as the people who are in charge of administering it!

As we all know by experience, those in charge of our country are mostly criminals! 

Do as I say or go to jail or worse!!

The powerful have privilege. Those who don't must obey!

And Now For The Rest of The Story! : Hey, It's A Small Town!

 Living in a small community has a lot of good things to be grateful for, clean air, virtually no crime and the schools are very good! 

But there are some drawbacks to growing up in a small town where everyone knows everybody and who they actually are and have been. 

And as any good lawyer should know, you never ask a question unless you know the answer. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How To Recognize Real Leadership! : Actions To Protect The Naton!

 ''One test of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem bedsore it becomes an emergency!''

What do we have now to lead the country? How is it that some many among us don't see the danger on their doorstep?

''When confronted with sedition, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyze by it"

"Give me now wisdom and knowledge'' 2 Chronicles 1:10

Who And What Is Def Leppard? : Sugar On A Souffle?

 Ever wonder who these are people are and what it means to be a critic of these guys? Maybe it does apply to the Marxist liberated democraaats now running America into the fucking ground!

Vote for more chances to become a migrant!

Def Leppard

The Secret Life of Hillary Clinton : She's Related to Ma Barker?

It just seems like those that find themselves on the wrong side of her agenda and ideology become stiffs! What's that applause coming from a distance far, far away? It's just an echo of Ma Barker!

How this is actually a puzzle for the experts as she is able to perform at such a high level and yet escapes every time without a scratch. Amazingly talented!

Nothing has changed from those days of wine and roses except she
has a different attitude on how to deal with those that find they
have a different agenda than the one she has decided was correct
and workable! Jeffery Epstein and Seth Rick? And then there is
Vincent Foster!!

Vote like you actually understand what the future looks like with the
 Marxist democraaats are in charge again for another 4 years!