Thursday, April 25, 2024

Why Not Vote For Joe? : How Bad Can It Get!?

 As he staggers into the Oval Office of The White House, drooling, stumbling and mumbling about he didn't want to get up this morning and go to work even though it was only 10am, he says he's still tired.

''Come on man, this isn't what I signed up for. My whole life has been a cake walk up to this point in time, doing anything I wanted to do no matter what and nobody said a word about it to me, no matter much trouble I cause doing and saying stupid and dangerous stuff. 

''Come on ,ya gotta vote for me cause I want to die in office. How cool would that be, people coming from all over the world saying what a great man I was! I did so much for everyone. Everyone will say they loved me! They'll say it's really too bad he's gone!''

But the alternative for Joe if he losses the election is living the rest of his life close to the ice cream machine at the Sunny Rest Hotel in Scranton! Not bad for 81 years of doing nothing of consequence.

(And if he wins and then resigns because it's has beocme too difficult to get out of bed, then enter country will find out as Kaamla Harris takes her place at the levers of power what's it like living in a dumpster behind Walmart!)

Reports say Joe sent an open invitation to come to dinner at the
White House to the tribe of people that he believed had is
uncle for dinner. That's only fair, right?

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