Sunday, April 28, 2024

democraaats Founded the Klan! : Now They Are Called ''Antifa''!

As most of you know the democraaats are the founders of the Klan from the 1930's to stop black people from voting, attacking them physically and worse killing thousands in the process. In general, they want to keep them as minority servant people in the society that democraaats believe they own.

That belief hasn't change that much to this day. The white sheets are still used in some cases to demonstrate their heritage accomplishments to those who wish to join their group activities.

But at the same time, they have moved to disguise their intentions by moving from the white sheets to black pants and jackets and of course still covering their faces! Their agenda and ideology is still the same but not just blacks are targeted now but all people of color! 

They hate everyone that might stand in their way of achieving their goal of the power over others. Are these the new Klan? Antifa? democraaats are and will always be who they say and demonstrate they are. 

Why not believe them and act accordingly!?

The Klan is now splintered into being called ''Antifa''. Their slogan 
 states they are anti Fascists. In reality they are based on an
agenda and ideology of the Marxist far left communists!

Back in the day they were actively working to block black people 
from voting by any means necessary. Their efforts are historic!

Again, many have moved away from the sheets into the open 
form of deomocraaat representatives of congress! Even so, they
have become bolder in their appearance, their agenda and 
ideology hasn't!

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