Saturday, April 13, 2024

Panic Around The World! : Get Going!! Joe Biiyden Might Not Win In November!!

WELCOME HOME!! Just think how great it will be if Joe can be president for another 4 years! With Joe at the levers of power again, even for a short time as he will never make another 4 years, he will bring in another 15 million more migrants to add to the 12 million that came across the border his first 4 years and then the 10 million children born here are citizens automatically which means then they can bring in another 40 million relatives, America will finally be a true melting pot of new citizens!

The place will have a completely different nature then what the founders had in mind with 77 million new residents that don't speak the language, have no modern skills and are for the most part uneducated, never heard of freedom's responsibilities and the costs for liberty.

Joe Biiyden told them, ''Just get here and everything in America is free!''

After a few years of taking whatever they can, things begin to look a lot like the place they left. Now the new citizens will start to look for someplace to live without all of the crush of crime and poverty. They begin to look for someplace else with common sense, logic and a rule of law! 

Oh wait, there isn't any other place left in the world that hasn't already been trashed by people looking for the good life!

America will then be what the democraaats have always wanted, living in a place where they are king and rule with an iron hand! (Along, of course, with the communist Chinese!)

The rush is on to get to Ameria before Trump wins the election for
 president? They know if he wins, everything changes!

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