Thursday, April 11, 2024

Election Day! ; Fools On Parade!!??

 Goven the total insanity that is rampant in our civil society today where good people that once were actually aware of the difference between night and day, are now ready to vote for their own demise 

because they have always done so but survived to live another day in ignorance. It's their home and have become accustomed to being used and abused on a daily basis!

But it doesn't have to be like that, no, really, there is an alternative to being stupid. Vote for Donald Trump and relive the good days of 4 years ago! Let the good times roll again!!

Your chances of being fooled again like in 2020 is good if 
allow the barkers into your brains!

For many being stupid is a way of life. It's just easier then
having to choose between what's right and what's wrong.

Whoa! Let's party!!

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