Friday, April 26, 2024

A Man For All Seasons! - Joe Biiyden : What Could Go Wrong!?

 Goodness, the best question is what couldn't go wrong! And even more to the point, what hasn't gone wrong in our country with Joe and his Marxist liberated democraaat friends pulling on the strings to make Joe dance.

Sadly, he dances like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel! The man is death walking. He belongs in a rest home with constant care, not at the ultimate levers of power.

So, who is pulling on the strings and what is their purpose? And why isn't this more obvious to so many voters that still are lining up to vote for him and the other democraaats on the ballot? Once elected, they all vote in a block to the man and woman. There are no independent democraaat members in congress!

Joe's motto has always been to ride the train of good times
and fast living. Takes whatever he wants from anyone that
 happens to cross his path. He understands our capitalist
 system and makes the best use of it to enrich himself no
matter how unlawful.

Everything is about himself and how to benefit from
his 50-year life in government employment. Nothing!!
The country be dammed!!

Has he ever been fact checked on and in the mainstream
media, ever? Was he fact checked by a ''panel of experts''
during the state of the Union speeches like they did for
President Trump?

dah! Of course not, he's a democraaat and what ever
he says is okay as he and they have nothing else to offer
the people other than a fantasy of what they have
accomplished when they are in power. There is no
connection to real life.

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