Monday, April 22, 2024

What's New Under The Sun? : Hitler is Alive and Well!!!

Ask any democraaat what they believe about Republicans! The true face of Marxist liberated democraaats is and always has been nothing less than abject hate for anything or anyone that stands in the way of them getting and keeping the power for control of others.


It's clear, in the new age of hatred that's manifested in the media to destroy our country as founded on the principle of the freedom to choose one's own destiny, democraaats move without shame leaving only destruction and pestilence in their wake!

It's a necessity for the Marxist democraaats to explain that anyone who believes they are free has to be Hitler or worse, a Republican and Conservative spuing vial nonsense about living free from oppression!

The democraaats are always the same no matter
what anyone says about them, they always hate us
and what we represent, the freedom to chose!


George, as he heads to the helicopter, leaving
office for the last time, tells the media what he
really thinks about them!!

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