Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Problem is Simple to Understand! : They Are Lunatics!

 To live a rich and full life it is necessary to live in the real world. It important to identify problems that intersect with your lifestyle and avoid them when and where you can. It's just common sense to want to associate with people that believe the way you do, believing it's possible to have a life free of people that are lacking in even the least among of ethical and moral integrity.

Police : ''He Died From Natural Causes!'' : Just the Facts!

 When things happen, it always best to explain how they happened with the facts. People are use to having just the facts given to them on TV.

''How to Drive in Snow For Southerners'' Illustrated By TV Ad!

 Come on man, just because you live down south and venture up north during the winter doesn't mean you give up all common sense at the same time. Right? Right?  Oh boy, there's some kind of silence going here!

Friday, April 29, 2022

The ''Who Knew?'' Department Headlines!

 Many say we are losing the battle for control of our society and even more believe they are correct!

Student Loans Are Fluid: Students Drank Barrrack's Jihad Kool-Aid! More Free Stuff!

Vote democraaat!! Barrrack used the student loan industry to leverage votes from students taking over the business of making loans to student from banks and other financial institutions. Barrrack saw the worth in using other people's money to buy votes! (I always worked for democraaats!)

It became just another branch of the federal government promising and controlling everyone who wanted a loan but couldn't afford one a free ride of getting a break on paying it back, like he promised, if only they voted for him.

He lied of course, but never mind any of that, it never took place. He never intended to do anything for the students. He knew they were easy marks. They all loved him! It was just too easy to pass up such a great opportunity.

Like Barrrack's billion dollar ''shovel ready jobs'' deal that fell flat other than the money when to democraaat controlled states to support their operations that were failing as well as the unions in those failing states who mostly voted democraaat. Good voters all!!

Who Knew!?  

Now of course, that's all in the past. Now it's time again to lock in some real votes by cancelling the $1.6 trillion dollar student loan debt fostered by Barrrack and the other Marxist democraaats over the years and lay paying for this criminal act on the taxpayers!

Again, Who Knew!!??

What Does it Mean to Be Expreme? : Ask A Marxist democraaat for The Answer!!

 To be extreme, according to liberated Marxist democraaats, is to believe America is a free nation where living according to one's own initiative, imagination and common sense is the best way for everyone to live their lives for happiness and prosperity.

Just what we have now is a country that is tittering on the brink of collapse because those in power today believe living in a sewer of failure this is what is best for America. 

Sadly though, millions of good citizens actually believe the rhetoric, the Marxist ideology narrative from liberated democraaats and so vote for self-destruction.

Where Is Netflix? : What Happened To The New Norm?

 I don't understand. Isn't this what the general public told the industry this is what they want or was it the tis is what the mainstream Marxist agenda told them this is what they want? 

What? The Marxists were wrong? Have the masses decided they are no longer ready and willing to be controlled by people who firmly believe they are smarter than the general public?

Goodness, maybe all is not lost after all!

What could possibly go wrong with stuff like this? Oh No!
Maybe the majority aren't believers after all!

Being ''Woke'', Marxists, has a price to pay.
Not everyone wants to be a communist!

Some Men Just Want Sex or Something As Much Fun!? : Who Knew?

 Sometimes it appears a situation occurs in our history of American greatness a demand for action surges beyond the natural demands of nature.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Pair From ''The Walking Dead''! : How In The Hell Did This Happen in America?

democraaats are DNA mutants that wander from place-to-place unable to distinguish anything in real life that might allow them to make logical decision. It's just who they are!?

How in the hell did these two become leaders of the free world? What was the purpose behind the curtain to bring this disease to our country? Just more democraaat criminals?

 Who the hell knowingly voted for this catastrophic disaster that's forcing our country into the sewers of hell itself??

(It's said the popular TV series The Walking Dead was copied from the functions of the democraaat collective, formerly the democraaat party!!!)

Sorry, that's wrong. There are millions of people that will
always vote democraaat no matter how bad things are 
because they are told to do that!

Everyone knows a lot of people that don't have a 
clue, many are still wearing masks and wondering
when someone will turn the lights back on!

BLM Running Out of Money? : They Say Time to Burn More Cities!!??

 Trying to comprehend who and what this catastrophic organization is supposed to represents staggers the mind. They haven't done anything for those they say they represent, they just want more money to stuff their pockets with your cash and then buy more stuff for their own enjoyment and personal gratification.

But what is still better, nearly no one cares BLM is a total fraud that was built on communist ideology per their website.

Ghost Guns Are A threat? : What The Hell is This Stumble-Bum Taking About!?

 Ol' Joe Biiyden was never the brightest bulb but now that someone has thrown the off switch, he finally is seen as what he has always been, a dangerous simpleton from Delaware's most famous basement! And does it say about the criminals the turn the switch off on Ol' Joe? 

They want to do us harm. They want to destroy the American Dream by doing what they did to Joe, turn the lights off in Ronney Reagen's ''shinning city on the hill''!

Raise The Age for Gun Purchases?! : Lower The Age For Castrating Children!!?? Vote democraaat!!

 My how things have changed in just 15 months ever since the Marxist liberated democraaats stole power from the people! 

But hey, pay no attention to what crazy and insane demands for obedience are, just shut up and do what you are told and maybe, just maybe the communist will allow you to live another day to obey the new norm, the new ideology of capitulation!

History Has Changed For The Better! :Thanks Elon! Not Cancelled!

Remember when a Conservative site was banned for making a joke about this guy being Time's ''woman of the year''? Well now maybe we can hope that Musk won't stop people from having an opinion about what to most of us is just common sense!

If the communists what install a guy who believes he's woman as a leading member of their government, so be it, but don't tell the rest of us the sun comes up in the West!!

Common sense is still a leading factor for
 survival in the real world!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Beatle's Song ''No Where Man'' Explains A lot of Things Today!

 It's a shame we had to wait all these years to understand the true meaning of the lyrics until now. On the other hand, if this happened back in the '60s maybe we wouldn't even be here.

The Car is Airborne! Lucky Beyond Belief : Your Luck Has been Used Up! (Video)

This is incredible to say the least but here it is! From now on you had better take care to not tempt the edge again.  Yikes!


Supreme Court Judge or Biologist? : ''What Is conception?'' I Don't Know!

 Asked to describe a ''Woman'', then candidate for the Supreme Court, could or wouldn't answer the question. 

Seem this isn't rocket science for people that live in the real world, but for a member of the Marxist liberated democraaat party(collective) that demands men aren't actually men and women aren't actually women if the decide otherwise, it stand to reason this person couldn't answer the question without purging herself before other Marxists.

She is not just a non-biologist but she isn't sure if she is
actually a woman! Is that possible?

How can any rational person believe the insanity coming 
from Marxist democraaats?

Time to Defund Public Education!? : Hate Is Not Education!

 Defunding the police is insanity but defunding public education is a good idea. All it will take is for someone to take the first step, like the mom's fighting the school boards, to demand all funding for public education be eliminated. Believe me the fire storm that follows is necessary to begin the process of changing education for the better.

The way we teach our kids and what they are being taught is a national security issue!

Reality! : It's Worse Then We Think! We Must Have A Super Majority!!

We all know what is happening to our country and what we can do about it, never ever vote for a democraaat again!!

If we can do this in November. We can get a 'Super Majority'' in the House and at the same time take back the Senate. We can eliminate Biiyden's veto power. It won't be that hard to do.

In the past we have won 63 seats in a midterm, so to gain the 2/3rds total needed seats in the house, we will need to win back 78 seats. There are 435 total seats, and the Republicans have 213. The two thirds needed is 290. That amounts to 77 but one more to make sure the bustards on the left won't anything to say about anything!

Let's do it! In the immortal words of ''The Fau Ci'', ''We can do this''!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

What is The Easy Way Out of Reality : To Get Along You Go Along!

It's a learned experience in some cases, others it's DNA. But as one tries to understand the difference between insanity and ethical morality but fail in this endeavor because they are frightened when confronted with the reality of a society that has embraced ignorance as normal behavior.

They can't admit knowing the answer to the question as they also know so many around them are profoundly lacking even the most basic functioning intelligence abilities to answer the question without referring to the accepted narrative demanded by others that know who they are. 

It's just easier to go with the flow, to get along, you go along. ''Tis folly to be wise when ignorance is bliss''!

Now People Can Identify as Virtual : Here Today But Gone Tomorrow With Pronouns!

 How cool is this, it's okay to identify as a tree, as dirt or a carrot, but now you can even identify as nothing, here ''now'' but ''gone'' later. Even better, you can have pronouns when you are visible and when you are not!

We are so lucky to be living in such a time where an ideology that can guarantee existence or not!

Knowing The Truth Can Set You Free!? : But Not Always!?

 There are people who understood the difference between being mentally astute and being mentally controlled but bad people, but it wasn't always clear as we saw in 2020. Even relatives who voted for self-destruction and knew sit, but they can't or won't come to grips with their psychosis, admitting they didn't know he was a mentally ill 3 year old child. (The truth here then is this is why they are democraaats!)

More truth, "Birds of a feather flock together''!! Millions among us are hurting but don't know why?

What's Next ? : New Vice President Named or Something, I Don't Know?!?!

 When you are the leader of the most power country on earth, but can't figure out from one day to the next why you aren't doing something else or why things never seem to look familiar, is never a problem but when as night turns to day is found to be puzzling, becomes the issue!

Sun Tzu : Your Brilliance is measured by the people
who control you!

But Joe is very careful about who he stands next to as they
for the most part look brighter and more intelligent! Joe 
believes standing next to the Easter Bunny isn't a problem!

Who's Next To Explain Insanity! : Ask Willy - He Knows!

 And after watching what is and has transpired over the last 15 months to our country, all those that actually voted to make this happen have to have some second thoughts about what they use for intellectual power in their lives. (Even all those that help cheat to make him our leader!)

Yeah, I know they are just democraaats from birth but still the consequences of being this enabled has be extremely frightening once they contemplate their place in the universe. 

For many of course, they can't do that because it will become personally destructive!

And you thought it couldn't get any worse!

She has the talnet to succeed. Willy Brown knows all of
the in's and out's when it comes to Kamala.

People Are Tracking Your Phone : Any Time and Anywhere!

 My goodness, it seems you can run but no one can hide from those that want to take what you have. I almost never us my phone except to check the weather or have it along when I go someplace for emergencies. use along Yeah, they can track me to see where I go but it would be a fool's journey watching me at the grocery store.

I don't believe I would be a prime target though for the bad people, but then it's an attitude like that the realization having someone kick the door all that more frightening and debilitating when it happens. Transfixed I say, why me? Of course, they don't need a reason!

Someone far smarter than I am said. ''When confront with insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then they are paralyzed by it!''


Monday, April 25, 2022

Interesting Historical Event Relived : The Tragedy and Chaos of JFK! (Video SS Interview)

Sometimes it's interesting to remember historical events like the tragedy of JFK and what actually happened on that day and the chaos that ensued. This from a person that was there and first on the scene!

''I’ve never heard this account from the secret service agent.  Incredible detail he gives after all these years.  Apparently, he has written some books too that are supposed to be good.''

Fact Checking Joe Biiyden? : WaPo Gave Up Factchecking Joe, Now Lies For Joe!!

 This does raise some serious questions concerning the legitimacy of the Washington Post owned by a Marxist democraaat, Jeff Bezos. 

That Joe Biiyden as a total waste as a human being let alone being a totally corrupt politician of more then 47 years as an government employee, and with the evidence of voter fraud that was seriously prevalent in all swing states, as well as nearly all other state with the blue check mark, little is lefty to understand why the Post had to stop ''fact checking'' as it's not only Joe Biiyden that's lying on all subjects, ''The Post'' is helping him lie.

But there is a reason why they are criminals, they are all the same, all Marxist liberated democraaats and therefore above the law and enemies of the people!

The Renaissance Occurrence In Commercials : All Inclusion, All Equity and All The Time!

This isn't new for the commercial industry when it comes to relegating white men into roles of being stupid, bumbling and incompetent. Black people were left out of must commercials. This has been the ''norm'' for more than a decade. Oh, and who was the leader of the pack back then, the strong women are shown to be in control of nearly all situations!

The ''newest norm'' as explained in the text below is mostly on the mark and seemed to have become mostly the totally all-consuming narrative for ''inclusion and equity'' in society over the last two years.

It this a good thing, it is in that black people have been left out for the most part, but of course there is no balance to fix the problem of ''equality'' of representation. Who knew?

You decide what's real and what is bias!

The Silent Brainwashing! The New Norm In Commercials!

Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the fabric of your life. Think about TV Commercials and shows with these facts in mind.


US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other. About 10% of all existing marriages are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population identifies as LGBT.   You would expect the same ratios in TV commercials if they represented America but here's what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4-month period, which is quite different.

For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials, they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part.

In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. In other words, less than 10% of the population is driving 90% of the narrative.

There were zero commercials of white fathers and sons. None! So, while 75% of white children live with both their parents, including their fathers, we choose instead not to model that in favor of the 62% of black children that do not live in a two-parent household? Is this the healthy "normal" image we want to model to our population?

Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared, unless they were flagrantly new age gay, as though that represents the "majority" instead of the pitifully small minority. What distorted perception of reality does that serve?

The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a black "brother" even though this represents the smallest percentage of any reality discussed thus far! The MAJORITY of TV commercial couples consist of a white woman with a black man, when in reality these make up about 6% of the 30% of blacks that are married or about 2% of our population. Are you starting to see how pervasive this extraordinary brainwashing is? Exactly what are they trying to program into us with this relentless deluge of non-reality?

Surprisingly, in the month of December there was an uptick (but not a majority) in good looking white male models, but research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use white men in their commercials.

Here, on the other hand, they prefer to portray young white males as so mind-numbingly stupid as being incapable of delivering their lines and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual", the insurance company featured in the commercial.

Over a period of 4 months, it concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12% they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads.

Then you have to ask, where are the Asians and Latino's that make up nearly THREE TIMES the black population? Are they in THREE TIMES the number of ads or is something severely skewed here in the minds of Hollywood and Madison Avenue?

The fact is that while white males make up the largest segment of our population, they were in only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that virtually every ad campaign for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln.

In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed the cars cruising highways but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. Are they more interested in selling the product while we appear to be more interested in selling the political/racial message?

And it is not just our commercials that offer this skewed media driven unreality. It is also nearly impossible to turn on a show that doesn't have a gay couple or LGBT component, yet in reality only one in eighteen should, if they want to accurately represent the less than 5.6% of the population that fall in this group.

The results of this brainwashing are dramatic and very successful. Despite the low percentage in real life, when polled, Americans have been brainwashed to believe that 24% of all Americans are LGBT! Based on commercials, they must also believe that the "average" American family is biracial, that white men barely exist, and Latinos/Asians do not exist at all.

That is the magic and the tragedy of the fake, dishonest and unrealistic "woke" TV that we watch and are affected by 24/7, even though it is far afield from our reality.

Ditto for the "woke" minority that follow mindlessly in its wake, thinking that this bizarre narrative is in fact real or justified, when it is merely an illusion and fabrication. They truly do control our entire thought process and will distort our perception of reality, if we allow them to.

While it is one thing to erase the stigma of single parenthood, bi-racialism, or unusual sexual preferences, it is another thing completely to portray them as the "Role Model" or "Norm", as representative of our entire society, especially at the expense of true normality or realism.

In this case, it looks like White, Latino, Asian and straight lives don’t matter according to them, and Black privilege with a side of LGBT has taken us over.

The brainwashing will continue and can only be stopped by educating yourself with reality.

The new Norm Is Here! : Is This Really the New Norm!? democraaats Believe It!

 This is it and if you don't like it you're a racist misogynist homophobe! Worse, you're probably a Republican! Yikes!

Ther's a wild scramble in Hollywood to start a 
new series for television and contracts be let to
 sign up new ''heroes?'' for our kids to emulate!

Musk Brings Terror To Marxists : ''Orange'' Man Bad? Now ''Spaceman'' Bad!?

Oh my god, what will we do now if we can't stop people from having free speech? People being able to say things that the Marxist liberated democraaats don't approve of and believe it is all Russian disinformation to run loose is totally unacceptable!

Just imagine the terror that these people must be suffering
knowing that their control of a powerful corrupt, lying
corporation that they use control others will be ending!
The new norm, Marxist democraaats in lock step! This 
how we make things happen, everyone does what they 
told to do and say! Good democraaats all!


They know either way they are screwed. Lying, cheating and
destroying all opposition to their ideology is ending!

The Word Came Down and It Was Good! : The Fau Ci Is Overruled! Again!!!

 Masks don't work and they never did, and ''The Fau Ci'' knew it from the beginning!!! After he took the 3am phone call to never allow a crisis go to waste, he went whole hog demanding masks and social distancing to stop the spread. It was a political tool from the very beginning!!

Here is a picture of how nice it feels to understand how important it is to be free from the pestilence and corruption of political terror. 

And it probably isn't lost on these people they know they have been used, abused and they allowed it to happen.

One has to know they aren't pleased for being used this way and will get their revenge!

Freedom Rings!

But thousands are not happy that they will now have to face
the world in real time!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Enterprise Crew Bewildered by Message From 2022! How Did They Survive? (Video)

 I love this confusion that strikes the crew when they try to understand how this could happen to any generation no matter the century. But here they are pondering the insanity!

Kids Understand Problems And React Accordingly : Covid!! Run for Cover!!! (Video)

Sadly many ''adults'' react the same way and again for not good reason. The wear mask while biking, walking the dog and driving their cars by themselves. 

This is insane but look who told them to do it, the little mad man of the NIAID! The Fau Ci!! A real 45-year government employee criminal in his own right. Oh, and of course a lifelong Marxist democraaat!!

Star Wars Epic Series Goes ''Woke'' ; A New ''Solo'' We Can Live With!?

 You just knew this would happen as the Marxist brain dead are moving into areas where they believe they can't be stopped. They believe time is running to fundamentally change the culture completely so speed is necessary no matter the content insanity. 

Little do they know though there are certain establish norms that must be left to others to determine the outcomes for change.

Marxist democraaats Panic : The Fau Ci Kicked Under The Bus!!

 Gad Zukes, Batman! Who is running the show where The Fau Ci is being told he can't tell the country what to do. Where will the insanity end? "I don't understand how a judge can overrule a person that has established authority in the business of Epidemiology and virus research in public health not have a larger saying in what is considered in the best interest for the general public on infectious diseases then a judge?''

''Don't forget when it comes to the science, and I the science!''

The Marxist are beginning to panic as they are witnessing
first hand the erosion of their power.

The problem now for The Fau Ci is the people are beginning
to understand who is really in charge!

''The Fau Ci'' Declares Himself In Control : All Others Must Obey!!

 The Fau Ci believes he is above the law of common sense and morality and therefore cannot be required to submit to any inquiry concerning his demands the entire country follow his superior intellectual and professional expertise on combating the Wuhan disease. 

''I'm the science. Why would this be questioned?''

The law is clear, do like I say or be cancelled!

Judge Rules In Favor of The law! : Oh No! Our Crazy System!

 There is some talk about this federal judge that stated masks being demanded by the CDC is not supported by the law currently in force. She declared the CDC has no authority to decide masks must be worn on aircraft or other public transpiration units.

Some Marxist democraaats are calling for her removal as being biased and therefore unfit to serve as a federal judge. Apparently, these same critics believe the world will end in less than 9 years if we don't stop using fossil energy.

Young activists while burning down a city block and looting all of the stores demanded 
the local government cover their expenses they incurred traveling to the sight of the riot
and housing while on site. They said it was because it was their moral obligation to push back
against the racists who are responsible for minorities being targeted for oppression!