Thursday, April 21, 2022

Billionaires Buy Social media : For The Good and For The Bad Reason!

 The Washington Post and the New York Times are media outlets that have only one purpose and that is to shape and control information. The Times said after the election of Trump in 2016 they will no longer just report the news but become advocates to stop the newly elected President of the United Sates in anyway the can and will.

Ever wonder why the ''Gray Lady'' of the news, The New York Times, is now called a whore for the Marist liberated democraaats?

So, given this revelation from these print originations, they are not newspapers any longer, why should anyone still buy the Times to look for information that is useful in their daily lives?

These two ''papers of record'' are nothing more the Marxist rags of hate and disinformation, if not outright lies to further their agenda and ideology for control of all things associated with freedom and liberty?

Can Musk make it happen? Open up Twitter to free
speech? The outrage is deafening!

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