Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Reality! : It's Worse Then We Think! We Must Have A Super Majority!!

We all know what is happening to our country and what we can do about it, never ever vote for a democraaat again!!

If we can do this in November. We can get a 'Super Majority'' in the House and at the same time take back the Senate. We can eliminate Biiyden's veto power. It won't be that hard to do.

In the past we have won 63 seats in a midterm, so to gain the 2/3rds total needed seats in the house, we will need to win back 78 seats. There are 435 total seats, and the Republicans have 213. The two thirds needed is 290. That amounts to 77 but one more to make sure the bustards on the left won't anything to say about anything!

Let's do it! In the immortal words of ''The Fau Ci'', ''We can do this''!

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