Monday, April 25, 2022

The Word Came Down and It Was Good! : The Fau Ci Is Overruled! Again!!!

 Masks don't work and they never did, and ''The Fau Ci'' knew it from the beginning!!! After he took the 3am phone call to never allow a crisis go to waste, he went whole hog demanding masks and social distancing to stop the spread. It was a political tool from the very beginning!!

Here is a picture of how nice it feels to understand how important it is to be free from the pestilence and corruption of political terror. 

And it probably isn't lost on these people they know they have been used, abused and they allowed it to happen.

One has to know they aren't pleased for being used this way and will get their revenge!

Freedom Rings!

But thousands are not happy that they will now have to face
the world in real time!

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