Friday, April 29, 2022

Student Loans Are Fluid: Students Drank Barrrack's Jihad Kool-Aid! More Free Stuff!

Vote democraaat!! Barrrack used the student loan industry to leverage votes from students taking over the business of making loans to student from banks and other financial institutions. Barrrack saw the worth in using other people's money to buy votes! (I always worked for democraaats!)

It became just another branch of the federal government promising and controlling everyone who wanted a loan but couldn't afford one a free ride of getting a break on paying it back, like he promised, if only they voted for him.

He lied of course, but never mind any of that, it never took place. He never intended to do anything for the students. He knew they were easy marks. They all loved him! It was just too easy to pass up such a great opportunity.

Like Barrrack's billion dollar ''shovel ready jobs'' deal that fell flat other than the money when to democraaat controlled states to support their operations that were failing as well as the unions in those failing states who mostly voted democraaat. Good voters all!!

Who Knew!?  

Now of course, that's all in the past. Now it's time again to lock in some real votes by cancelling the $1.6 trillion dollar student loan debt fostered by Barrrack and the other Marxist democraaats over the years and lay paying for this criminal act on the taxpayers!

Again, Who Knew!!??

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