Friday, April 15, 2022

Disney Makes Their Move : We're ''Wokeing'' Up The Children!

 The sickness of obsession is amazing and totally without pity for it's victims. In some medial books it's called ''Snapping'' where once held agendas and ideologies are attacked by competing ideologies find the original agendas where never strongly held in the first place and immediately the victim is converted to a new way of acting and thinking.

It's mostly a weakness of character that's the problem. The victim never really cared about anything else except doing what they thought the general public wanted to be successful. But then in an instant, the fear of being left out in the new way of the ''new norm thinking'' was immediate and overpowering!

The result, total collapse of corporate and personal integrity!

Why all the noise about Disney being anything other than acting
out the new normal. Disney believed the entire country doing the same
thing. Not true!

Luckly the general public has been well informed concerning
the rush to drag the children of Ameria into the sewer of ''Woke''
politics leaving Disney wonder what to do now.

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