Thursday, November 30, 2023

What About Gun Control? : Ask Any democraaat for Advice!!

As 2023 continues to unfold, we all are seeing the true intentions of the ''New Wave'' ideology of Marxist newly liberated democraaats that believe their heroes of the past century are extremely important to make the transition, giving them the motivational direction they need to convince the population by electing them again in 2024.

Gun control is a tool to bring submission and therefore obedience for understanding of how good things will be. There will be no need for a gun when everyone is disarmed!

They are telling the voters everything that has come to pass over the last 3 years is good for the country and for the people. Joe tells us we are much better off now than when Trump was in office. But they need more time to complete their mission for the real transformation of the American Dream.

The Marxists, much like Barrrack's religious jihad believes we can make America a new and better place to live. Barrrack's  proposed a ''Fundamentally changed'' Amecia to establish what he thought was our chance to enjoy real freedom with an all-powerful government. Everyone is lifted uip to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

Remember as well, he said what is wrong with our Constitution is how it is written. It states what the government can't do and for you, when it should say what the government can and will do for you''. 

The democraaats say Marxist socialism isn't perfect but neither is Capitalism, but once you get used to living the lie, without the freedom to choose, it won't seem so bad!

Nothing new here, these people have always been their
heroes. Total power in the hands of the brightest and most 

A language Class With A Porblem! : What's Wrong?

Well, the next question is where is the oversight committee?

More Thankgiving Redux : Ol' Joe Gives Thanks Where It Belongs!

 For last 50 or more years, Joe Biiyden has made it a point to do as little as possible to support himself other than to find ways to have other do the job. And that is why he has been a government employee for those 50 years, skating along responsible free and accumulating a fortune.

To say he is just seamless in his endeavors for making himself and his family rich would be a travesty in explaining the depth of Joe's criminal life as a senator, vice president and now as president.

The truth is he is a consument soulless criminal with the power to do whatever he wants to satisfy his tired, diseased and beleaguered mind to gain as much advantage over others as he can. 

It's his lifelong dream of being rich and powerful. That this would require stealing and criminal activity is of no concern, he knows he is not responsible for any of that, he knows he's above the law! He is the top democraaat!

He knows who is and that is enough.

Taking from others is enough. What more is there in life?

The Nation Has Gone Nuts : Minnesota's Flag Is Racist?

 But what isn't racist today. And what is even more fun is the number of complaints is virtually nonexistent except from a few diseased people with nothing else to do other than show themselves as mentally compromised.

And yet they have the power to change the world!!!!!!!

Do you know they believe dirt is racist as more white people walk on it than indigenist or black or brown people? 

So now maybe the remaining 10 million people that live in Minnesota will have succumb to their demands as the Marxist liberated democraaats that are in charge of that great state are quickly ready to fall on their collective faces to comply!!

Who the hell votes for this??? They're all crazy diseased lunatics!  And who knew, they're democraaats.

Celebs Are Who Exactly? : Does Anyone Care, At All!!?

When some special person from Hollywood, a supposed larger-than-life celebrity, decides they have been disrespected because some low life scum objected to their demand for some asinine political stupidity, they believe brilliance is the only thing that can be seen as fact.

After all they are better, smarter and richer than you, even as you just paid $15 to watch the intellectual junk they produced calling it entertainment, it is truly preposterous to believe they think we actually care about what they think is real!

You know what, go the hell away and stay away!

Elon Musk said it best yesterday, ''Fuck You!'' to several of his advertisers who pulled their ads because of a fraudulent congenerical on X that portrayed a Nazis video next to their to business ad. Disney among them!

How about they really leave the country and find another place on the earth to infest with their garbage called talent!

The current atmosphere in our great country is starting
to take on a ''push back'' attitude with these people!!

Including this monstrous piece of garbage! Here is something
 that will help, 'And the truth will set you free!!!' Or even better,
''Know thy self''!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Things Have Changed On Business Class Seating : First Come First Served?

 This seems a a little over the top, but then as most other situations that require moving to the top of any program today, it's assumed your obligated to use any means necessary, why should emergency evacuation of the aircraft be any different? 

If you are weak and nonaggressive, then maybe you should get out as best as you can, even  last. 

Just saying! You know the saying in most businesses, it's ''Dog Eat Dog!!''

The weak will inherit the earth? Maybe not!

What's This About A Green New Deal! : Hey Joe, How Much Is Enough?

 What exactly is the definition fo insanity? And how does it bring prosperity to the majority of taxpayers who are headed to the poor house? The price tag to send money to Joe's friends was about 1.5 $trillion. It's was called the ''Inflation Reduction Act'' but was a total fraud. It was just another way to steal money from the population to aid democraaats to their reelection campaigns!

What's the big deal anyway? It isn't the first time to use taxpayer money to enhance their bank accounts of democraaat activists. WOW! Then much of the money comes back to the democraaat National Commitee, (DNC), to jam more democraaats into government for control!

WOHA! By the way, it called money laundering and racketeering, but with public funds. But hey, nothing to see here, were democraaats so it's in the national interest! (Of democraaats of course!!)

You have to understand, democraaats are above the law.  The law as laid out in our Constitution is for the small people who need the control of their behavior!!

Spokesperson for climate change agenda is a mentally
challenged child. It does make sense then!

I truly believe there are people that will do whatever
it takes to comply! Most people that are brain dead and 

What Happened to The ''Me Too'' Movement? : What Happened to Common Sense?

Tust when you thought it was safe to believe the world wasn't on the edge of destruction, the Palestinians launch a seek attack on Jewish neighborhoods and a music entertainment gathering, killing, murdering hundreds in cold blood.

But about those left in Gaza? Did thjey vote for this to happen or did they stay home wiht heads buried in the sand! Guilt by association? Who has to die and who gets a pass to other lands for safety. Who is who here?

But hey, according to the media and member states from around the world, including the Unjited States, the murdering of Jews in their beds is no big deal, what's not to like? And worse, those who rage in the streets for our society to take action against the oppressors are numbered among our youngest citizens!

They have no personal history of what went on for the last several generations in Gaza, Palestine, but no matter, mass murder is seen as justice for the oppressed. Who are the oppressed?

Why are they oppressed? What possible be wrong with a history of 2000 years of hate? Before the young student mercenaries hit the streets attacking the innocent by bystanders, campus buildings and police, on lookers were wondering what the hell is going on

The marchers were told by their betters it was all true about the oppressed and okay to rage against common sense and history. So, shut up about questions concerning what's right and what's wrong, just do what you were told!! 

Oh wait, those are killers and murders. We don't 
want them in our society!

                                           When the going get tough, the weak head to the exits! After all

                                                                     it's just a game of numbers.

Headlines That'' Make'' The News!

 Who would have thought that just a headline would or could decide outcomes? For many of our good citizen that's all they ever read!

Everyone Wants To be In The Loop! : But Why? What's The Upside?

Goodness! How come so many young people feel the need to be different even at the expense of looking dangerously ignorant or worse, mentally compromised. You can't hide from being willinly

Even when others who have a better grip on life warning them that what they are doing and saying will follow them the rest of their lives and will change who they are permanently. 

Still, they move into line with all the likeminded people demanding things others they know nothing about! 

Mass hypnosis resulting in deranged hysteria? College campus the perfect foil for willing participants!

College it seems is not a friendly place to be when Ignorance
is mistaken for reality. Living life large in a pool of fools is
not exhibiting any kind of intelligence or wisdom that's needed
to be successful.

Failing to see the connection between yourself and historic
corruption will be your demise. Being young is no excuse.
Being stupid too won't help either.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Okay, People Are Not Sure Who They Are! : Be Honest!

 Yeah, sure this is lame but go with the flow here and watch your life become more complete!!  heh

Went out for Chinese last night and got talking to the waiter. 

He told me he lived in Japan during the war and was a kamikaze pilot and his code name was 'Chow Mein'. 

I said, "Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't kamikaze pilots sacrifice their own lives?" 

He replied, "Yes, but I was Chicken Chow Mein!"

The Attack On The Fort Was Going Poorly! : Then Brilliance Surfaced!

 I don't know if this a true fact of history, but in any event knowing how the play this instrument is okay, but putting it in the hands of those who can't, begs the question of who wins the battle for supremacy!

The answer is clear enough from this hysterical 

''I'm Here From The Government AND Here To Help!!'' : The FBI???

 The FBI doesn't care about terrorist crossing our border getting ready to attack our civil society doing s much damage as they can to our infrastructure and along with the Fentanyl they are carrying across the border and then distributing it in the population.

Where is the department of Justice, the DOJ? The FBI?

But not to worry, never mind any of that. What's more important to the FBI, the DOJ are the parents of children that are being brain washed with the Marxist ideology of CRT and DEI agenda, parents coming to school board meetings and demanding accountability. The FBI (The DOJ) says they will arrest the parents if they don't stop!

 And if that isn't bad enough, the ''Trans'' community is on the move demanding elementary children are being convinced they can change their sex just by thinking it's a good idea, even children as young as 6 years old. Parents of these children are demining they be left alone. Stop this insanity!

As we watch the FBI and local police attacking parents physically at school board meetings, little is left to know that the FBI assigning dozens of special agents in this effort. We understand they are okay with enemy combatants coming across the border but has a full-on assault on parents at school board meetings!

So, who are these people and what is their mission? What exactly has changed? And what about the 1/6 commission that has arrested more than a thousand people and targeting another 1200 more to be arrested. Some who have been arrested weren't even there.

Is the FBI is the enemy of the people!? You decide!!!

Littk is left to wonder how a dozen or more
FBI agent contractors were on the fornt lines
of the January 6t protest at the US capital!

This is s the ''New Wave'' Marxist liberated
democraaat collective's ideology, formerly
 the democrat party!

Apparently showing the twisted cross is too
bold even for those that sit in the front pew
of the church of NeoMarxist fascism.

The Newsom Doctrine! : Relax, It Will Be Over Soon!!

 ''I had a nice long talk with the Chairman when I was in China. We agreed he would visit California and have a look around to see what I have has accomplished. I knew he want to see if I was telling the truth about what I have accomplished so far in California concerning decisions for a fundamental change was actually taking place. I think he found I was well on the way for bring China to America!'' like we agreed.''

Well, the jury is still out especially since after Chairman Xi left for home. good Ol' Joe called him a dictator. 

The good governor said he will do whatever he can to explain what Joe said didn't have anything to do with the crushing of the human spirt, the tyranny of total control of all life in China or the placing of a million Muslims in or the concentration camps.

Thers is some talk behind closed doors on the possibility of
renaming California, "New China"! Some of the participant
in the discussion seemed nervous about this move thinking 
 now might not a good time to put the proposal out
into the public at large for debate!

''A Stitch In Time!'' : The Needle Tells All!

Just a little fun early in the morning. At some point we have to find a safe place to regain our footing and fight back against the insanity of the ''New Wave'' morality and failing ethics that are now rampaging across the country.

So, relax a minute and smile, it will be okay! Vote Trump!!

Note the picture on the wall!! Ya gotta love this!!

What Happens When The Dictator Visits? : democraaats Take A Knee!

 Why is it, it took the head communists from China to visit San Francisco, California, a totally democraaat dominated state and the once great city of San Francisco that is as well totally controlled by democraaats, steeped in corruption and chaos, finally cleansed up her streets Just in time so the ''big guy'' communists won't see how destructive communism is in America.

The good governor who wants to be seen by communist friends as a willing partner in some respect, having the total power to control the population, but at the same time still wants the freedom of have his own destiny for political power as he struts his stuff to convince the country he is ready to lead a free nation to more glory and liberty.

What is next for the good governor? Does he really believe the communists will allow him off the leash?

The deocraaats have a goal in mind for America. Sadly it 
doesn't anything to do with the freedom to choose!

One thing for sure we all can understand with the clean
effort in San Francisco, the governor and city officials
knew what they were doing all along, allowing the buildup
 of the street encampments but didn't care what happened
to these people!!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Again, Nancy P. Explains How She Is Able to Run Government! : What A Cool Video!

Nancy Pelosi at her best!


Handwriting On The Wall! : What Happened In Argentina's Election?

We all can hope and pray that the people of America see the handwriting as well that spells common sense and moral honesty that will be required to bring back the county from a real coming catastrophic melt down of our financial system that Marxist liberated democraaats have been the driving force of spending money we don't have and therefore our way of life will change irrevocable.

It appears the democraaats believe that by forcing the population into a financial condition where they have no options for determining their own destinies, they can forge a more obedient population to accepting the new wave socialism were what is good for one will be good for all!! 

Tahe democraaats believe the government can will do everything more efficiently even though they will have no way to convince the people they are safe in the hands of those that brought the calamity of prosperities collapse in the first place.

How do the Marxist democraaat tell the people everything is okay when the people know it isn't when they see the stores are empty.

Milei said ''Don't cry for Argentina'' I will bring prosperity
back from the hands of socialist dictators!

America isn't safe prosperous anymore. Who voted for this?
I know who they are, Marxist democraaats in congress and
their supporters among the population.

Never vote democraaat ever again.

I believe we have a solluton to most of our problems right
here. He's ''been there and done that''! What's not to like?

Thanksgiving Redux : Life In America - Ate Too Much!

What a great story and condition to have! But it something that many of us never think about, we just go along with our lives as usual doing what everyone else does at Thanksgiving, eat our full and then relax in the front room watching TV with friends and family.

Where did all that food come from?

It never dawns that maybe this great American tradition of eating our full is headed for a reavaluation when the price of food and its availability becomes a critical situation in determining the budget for the coming days meals for the family.

Sadly, others have ideas that don't align with the majority of the population, and they just happen to be at the levers of power. You have too much and that is not healthy. Too much food and too much electrical power. Time to become more realistic and prudent. A realignment is necessary of necessities.

''What do you mean, the store always has food! We can always go and get more if we need it. Right?

What a fun situation! More is always better.

Hey, the second day might better than the first as we look to regain
that fun time at the dinner table!

The Search Is On!! : democraaats - ''Biiyden Too Mentally Sick To Run Even As A democraaat!''

The democraaats are running scared as they are now finally admitting Ol' Joe is too mentally compromised and criminally involved and about to be indicted for money laundering, racketeering and possible acts of treason, taking bribes from our enemies for policy decisions.!

But the democraaats admit they as well have looked everywhere for a possible candidate to replace Joe, kamala is not going to work out, She is a totally worthless vessel of incompetence and absolute studiedly. A complete moron! (And worse it looks like Doug, kamala's husband, might be banging Jill!)

This is not good for the collective! (Hell, even Stalin wouldn't be able to LOL about how this situation is turning into a major cluster fuck)!

But the search must go on, even going to their best resource for candidates has come up empty.

The head democraaat said this was their last best hope to
find a replacement candidate for Joe. (The democraaats
admit their bench is dam near empty!)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Remember When Trump Was Saving The Country!? : No? Then You Must Be Room Temperature!!

But pay no attention to any of this as you are beyond hope! Just keep voting democraaat as if your life is just another piss hole in the snow!!

Hey and being buried in a shallow grave with the other garbage is a fitting end to pervasive ignorance and or just total stupidity!!!

Nothing to see here, vote democraaat!

The New Ford GT Race Car! : Competition Makes The Product Better!

 Very nice indeed. This photo is from a couple of years ago but I'm sure the basic design remains. From some videos of races they have been in, the results were mixed. 

My goodness!

And at speed!

Now for the average guy who just wants to get closer to God!

Is Joe Having A relapse? : Nah! He Just likes little Girls! What's Your Problem?

 If you see this guy coming toward your little girl, anywhere from 6 to 13 or so, be ready to interfere with his actions to put his hands on her, smelling her hair or otherwise looking for her female scent whatever that may be at the time.

The man has a lot of failings but this is probably one of the worst. Lucky, we haven't witnessed his worst like when he sexually attacked Tara Reade, a senatorial staffer in a hallway of a hotel!

Quick, hide her in the closet, here he comes for your little girl.

but don't worry about of Joe there aren't little grils around, 
Joe will take a shot, smell and stuff, of the big ones!

Not to worry honey, he's a democraaat!!!