Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving Redux : Life In America - Ate Too Much!

What a great story and condition to have! But it something that many of us never think about, we just go along with our lives as usual doing what everyone else does at Thanksgiving, eat our full and then relax in the front room watching TV with friends and family.

Where did all that food come from?

It never dawns that maybe this great American tradition of eating our full is headed for a reavaluation when the price of food and its availability becomes a critical situation in determining the budget for the coming days meals for the family.

Sadly, others have ideas that don't align with the majority of the population, and they just happen to be at the levers of power. You have too much and that is not healthy. Too much food and too much electrical power. Time to become more realistic and prudent. A realignment is necessary of necessities.

''What do you mean, the store always has food! We can always go and get more if we need it. Right?

What a fun situation! More is always better.

Hey, the second day might better than the first as we look to regain
that fun time at the dinner table!

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