Monday, November 27, 2023

Handwriting On The Wall! : What Happened In Argentina's Election?

We all can hope and pray that the people of America see the handwriting as well that spells common sense and moral honesty that will be required to bring back the county from a real coming catastrophic melt down of our financial system that Marxist liberated democraaats have been the driving force of spending money we don't have and therefore our way of life will change irrevocable.

It appears the democraaats believe that by forcing the population into a financial condition where they have no options for determining their own destinies, they can forge a more obedient population to accepting the new wave socialism were what is good for one will be good for all!! 

Tahe democraaats believe the government can will do everything more efficiently even though they will have no way to convince the people they are safe in the hands of those that brought the calamity of prosperities collapse in the first place.

How do the Marxist democraaat tell the people everything is okay when the people know it isn't when they see the stores are empty.

Milei said ''Don't cry for Argentina'' I will bring prosperity
back from the hands of socialist dictators!

America isn't safe prosperous anymore. Who voted for this?
I know who they are, Marxist democraaats in congress and
their supporters among the population.

Never vote democraaat ever again.

I believe we have a solluton to most of our problems right
here. He's ''been there and done that''! What's not to like?

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