Monday, November 20, 2023

Open Borders! How Come? : democraaats Hate Individual Freedom and America Herself!

Just think what effect 15 million new people in our country by the end of 2024 wandering around the country that can't speak the language, most can't read or write in their own language, many are sick with some communicable and contagious disease, have no money and no place to live. 

Don't forget all babies born here are automatically made citizens!!

How do you think this effect our emergency rooms that by law have to treat everyone! What about hospitals? What about law enforcement, crime? What about schools? Taxies? Jobs? 

Why are all democraaats in favor of the destruction of our country? Who actually voted to make sure our future for the American dream of induvial freedom to choose one's own destiny is no longer obtainable?Why would anyone ever vote  democraaat again? 

In reality, voting democraaat in 2024 just means never having to vote again!

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